"In the end, Emperor Yan and the Harmony faction joined forces."

After a moment of silence, Lukya spoke surprisingly.


Chu Feng, who had always been calm, finally showed a look of shock.

It mainly involves my girlfriend.

He couldn't keep his usual calm.

The dragons in Thor's world are divided into three factions.

The Chaos faction headed by Thor's father, Emperor Yan, has gathered many people who like freedom and do not get involved in disputes of other races.

The conciliation faction headed by Elma's grandmother Terne, in the name of God, intends to make all races coexist under the established order.

The onlookers, taking Lukoya as an example, hide most of the time and don't care about world affairs. There are also those who hide in other worlds like Lukoya. In short, they just don't get involved in any fights. "-tt"

The Conciliators are divided into two factions.

Shenhe faction: The world's first faction, the representative character Terny.

Dragon Slaying faction: The power is second only to Shenhe faction, and supports killing all dragons of Chaos faction.


All these Chu Fengs heard from Thor, after all, he has no plans to go there for the time being.

Thor has also been hiding from Emperor Yan and the dragon of the Harmony faction, and has no idea of ​​going back.

It's just that I never expected that Emperor Yan Yan would join forces with the Harmony faction. Aren't these two groups at odds?

"Which faction is it with?"

Chu Feng directly asked the important point.

"Dragon Slayer!"

Rukya looked sad.

Both worried and depressed.

She has never understood why Emperor Yan finally chose the Dragon Slayer School.

The Dragon Slaying Sect headed by Gita with three personalities is not seen in the entire Dragon Clan.

If it wasn't for Elma's grandma to mediate, and the dragon slaying faction itself is strong, it would have been wiped out by the Chaos faction long ago.

In fact, the main conflict between the two factions is most of the time provoked by the Dragon Slayer faction.

However, the two factions, which can be called mortal enemies, are now united.

"Something has happened."

Chu Feng looked dignified.

No matter what the reason, the two major factions of the Dragon Clan join forces, and even the Shenhe faction has to avoid its edge.

Looking at Sister Jiabaili, Chu Feng said in a deep voice, "You two, you probably didn't just come here for dinner, did you?"

It's not hard to guess.

Although Gabriel has a history of eating and drinking.

But you can come to eat at any time, there is no need to choose this time.

Gabriel, who was tasting delicious food, trembled with her petite body, her face slightly embarrassed.

It just has food in its mouth, and it looks a bit weird, like a kitten caught by its owner to steal food.

Jiaairu gracefully pulled out a tissue on the table, wiped her mouth, and an ethereal voice suddenly sounded.

"In the spiritual world, corrupted blood appeared."

"Corrupted Blood!?"

As Miyano Akemi's main god, and has successively obtained Divine Walking Step and Holy Light Brilliance, Chu Feng can already be said to understand creatures like angels very well.

Angels represent holiness and beauty.

Once depraved, it is the other extreme, filthy and terrifying.

Lucifer in Hell is the best example.

And the blood of the fallen angels is the blood of the fallen.


"Have any fallen angels gone to the spirit world?"

The spirit world is Thor's hometown, a world full of legends.

In essence, it is at the same level as the heaven where the angels are, so it is not easy to go there.

But it was just an ordinary fallen angel, Chu Feng probably didn't need Jia Ailu to ask her personally.

After all, she is the chief of the younger generation of angels. Even if ordinary angels fall, they are definitely not her opponents.

"Fallen……is the Archangel?"

Chu Feng stared at Jia Ailu and asked in a deep voice.


Gail nodded slowly with a serious face.

Things got more and more complicated, and she couldn't handle it alone.

Seeing this, Chu Feng shifted his gaze to Wei Nai again.

"This matter has nothing to do with adults."

Wei Nai quickly shook her head.

She has already contacted the hell side before, and confirmed that the fallen blood in the spirit world has nothing to do with the demon world...

But this explanation seems a bit pale, after all, as the fallen twelve-winged archangel, only Lucifer has the ability to transform the seraph.

Chu Feng turned his head to look at Sister Gabriel.

The two sisters remained silent.

They believed in Wei Nai.

But he didn't believe the answer from the Demon Realm.

"No wonder you came together."

Chu Feng sighed, and put down his chopsticks, "How about this, you guys eat first, I'll go and bring Thor back."

After saying that, Chu Feng went to the slime world.

The light gate lit up continuously, and Thor with blond twin ponytails appeared in front of everyone almost in the blink of an eye.

"Uh uh uh~~"

Thor, who had just been forcibly pulled back by Chu Feng, saw the table full of dishes before he understood the situation, and his eyes lit up immediately.


Thor was startled and angry, and his resentful eyes fell on Chu Feng.

"It's just a few random dishes, and it's not a big deal, so I didn't inform you. Next time, next time, I will make a special dish for you...

Chu Feng gave an embarrassed yet polite haha, and before Thor could react, he said, "Tor, I want to tell you something very important, don't get excited after hearing it...

Thor looked confused and forced 2.1, and immediately stood up straight.

She had never seen Chu Feng so solemn before, what happened?


No way!!!

Is he going to propose to himself?

Thor, who is a bit in love, couldn't help but fantasize.

It's been quiet lately, and nothing major has happened.

After much deliberation, only this explanation is the most reasonable.


A blush quickly spread across Thor's face.

Excited and a little shy.


Just when she subconsciously wanted to answer "I do".

"Your father is here" four words popped out from Chu Feng's mouth.

Thor: (O_O)??.

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