The blood cloud was overwhelming, full of ominousness.

In Chu Feng's spiritual induction, the demonic aura in the distance began to dissipate one by one, at an extremely fast speed, almost instantly death without any pain.

There are many demons living in the territory of Utaros, most of them are demons above the upper ranks, and there are even many extreme demons.

But at the moment when the blood rain fell, within a thousand miles, no matter what level of demons they were, they would die when touched, turning into puddles of blood.

The thick to black blood gathered towards Utaros, almost melting into its body in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the size of this abyss lord began to undergo a huge change.

The first is the skyrocketing volume, and then the eight legs gradually soften, forming eight huge tentacles.

And its hideous and terrifying giant human face gradually began to turn into a beast, completely turning into a monster that resembled a human and a beast.

"Boss Ke?"

Chu Feng was slightly shocked.

Because the appearance of Utaros is already somewhat similar to Ke Zong in the well-known Cthulhu Mythology in the previous life.

"Chu Feng, this thing is a bit evil, do you want to stop it?"

Thor asked.

Obviously, that ominous atmosphere also made her feel troublesome.

"How to stop it?" Chu Feng shook his head.

Killing Utaros is only a matter of one knife.

But the real problem is how to interrupt the opponent's upgrade while keeping alive.

Most of Chu Feng's divine skills at this stage are the ones that put people to death.

The means to restrict the enemy are now only the law of time and the labyrinth of greed.

Wait, Labyrinth of Greed?

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Chu Feng's face.

Isn't this a magical skill specially used to trap people?


I saw Chu Feng raised his hand.

Didn't do any unnecessary actions.

A gloomy black light ignited at his fingertips.

One flick!

A black sphere of energy gallops towards Uttaros.

The speed is so fast that people are caught off guard.

Even while flying fast, the volume of the black ball is still skyrocketing.

When it came to Utalus, its size had become more annoying than the opponent.

Although the mind has been affected by negative energy.

But Utalos is also a lord-level demon at any rate.

The most basic instinct is still there, and I soon realized something was wrong.

It wanted to avoid the black sphere that suddenly appeared.

But I found that the suction of that thing is extremely strong.

With its body size approaching a kilometer, it was unexpectedly unable to move under this suction, and could only watch helplessly as a piece of darkness enveloped itself.

"Chu Feng, Chu Feng, what kind of move is this"||?"

Kang Na looked curiously at the black hole-like sphere.

The gloomy black light, even though it was far away, made her feel terrified.

More importantly, she had never seen Chu Feng use this move, although the opponent rarely did it.

"The Labyrinth of Greed! A trapping little trick."

Looking at Utaros who was completely trapped, Chu Feng said lightly.

In fact, it was the first time he used the Labyrinth of Greed, and he was a little shocked by the effect of this magical skill.

Although after 'swallowing' Utaros, the black sphere quickly returned to its original size, leaving only a nail-sized black sphere in midair.

But in Chu Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, he clearly saw a vast world and Uttaros trapped in it.

Even without someone explaining to him, Chu Feng realized that everything in the Labyrinth of Greed was in his mind.

He can change the terrain and environment in the maze at will through imagination, and even fabricate a real world.

The magical skill combined with powers is quite easy to use!

Chu Feng secretly praised, and began to observe the state of Utaros.

Without the nourishment of blood, the path of evolution was interrupted, and the opponent's state began to become extremely unstable.

To advance from an abyss lord to a demon king requires an extremely large amount of energy, which is why there is a transitional stage of "companion god".

But for a lord who has not accumulated enough, if he steps into the demigod stage rashly, there is a high probability that he will lose his mind.

If you rush over, you will be promoted to the Demon King and become one of the overlords of the abyss.

If you can't bear it, you will be shrouded in negative energy and become a monster who only knows how to kill.

So even in the chaotic abyss, few lords would take the risk and break through in this way.

Utaros obviously had no choice but to fight with his back in this way.

Now Chu Feng is even more sure that the other party knows the inside story of Corrupted Blood (of the king).

Uttaros has an obvious allegiance to someone.

And the kind that cannot be betrayed.

There is a high probability that the bow has been controlled by someone.

And the consequences of betrayal are more terrible than losing sanity.

But the problem is still not resolved.

Utaros, who lost his mind, would definitely not be able to answer Chu Feng's question.

Now he must dissolve the excess negative energy absorbed by the opponent.

The Labyrinth of Greed can trap Utalus for a lifetime, but it cannot solve the most fundamental problem.

If it were someone else, it would be a headache to fix it.

But for Chu Feng who possessed the 'Sacred Light', it was just raising his hand.

At most, it consumes a part of mental power. .

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