The holy light is the unique skill of angels, which just restrains the evil attributes of the abyss.

Utalus has lost his most basic sanity, and the whispers of the ancient gods naturally cannot exert their due effect.

Chu Feng doesn't need illogical information.

Bringing Thor and Kang Na along, Chu Feng directly entered the Labyrinth of Greed.

Utalus has been fascinated by the illusion, and the eight tentacles are constantly waving, as if enjoying the fun of killing.

Perhaps for it, which only has instinct left, there is no fun at all.

Holy light descended silently.

A holy and pure aura permeated the scene.

Although he knew that Chu Feng would do this.

Thor and Connor still find it incredible.

Even the look in Xiang Chu Feng's eyes was a bit weird.

After all~

Holy light is the ultimate skill of angels.

But they know in their hearts...

Chu Feng is not an angel, but a human being with pure blood.

Although they can't explain why humans have so many racial skills? 140

In the beginning, the two dragon ladies were still confused, but after following Chu Feng for a long time, they got used to it, and at most were occasionally surprised by each other's miraculousness.

The bright holy light illuminated the entire space, and the moment it came into contact with this white light, Uttaroth let out a heart-piercing roar.

It seems to have broken free from the illusion, and then faced a more terrifying existence.

To the creatures of the abyss, holy light is the most powerful poison.

The black and red body began to melt, as if encountering extremely corrosive aqua regia, Utaros' body began to gradually melt.

The first is the eight tentacles, followed by the pus-filled skin like a lazy toad.

At the same time, the negative emotions flooding his mind melted like ice and snow, allowing him to regain some sanity.

"Stop~stop~~Who are you? Why is there an angel's holy light???"

Utaros, who was a little more awake, began to panic.

The tingling pain caused by the melting of the body, it experienced the fear of death firsthand.

Abyssal creatures are all races that are extremely afraid of death, and the Tana Demon is no exception.

In order to survive, they are not afraid of death, but when they must die and there is no hope of survival, they are more reluctant to die than any other creature.

If it wasn't for the restraint of the soul, Utaros would have surrendered the moment Chu Feng and others took action.

Not to mention the terrifying man in front of him, the two dragons beside him are not something an abyss lord can deal with.

But Utalus was able to maintain his composure.

It has guessed the purpose of the other party looking for it.

Nothing more than investigating Corrupted Blood.

It is very clear that that person has a lot of corrupted blood in his hands, and has poured a lot like other worlds.

As long as I clenched my teeth and didn't let go, no matter how terrifying the man in front of me was, he couldn't do anything about it.

No matter how much pain you endure, as long as you don't die, you can turn over.

Pain is nothing to the creatures of the abyss, after all they have struggled in it all their lives.

Utalos was sure that Chu Feng would not kill it, and after roaring a few times, he closed his mouth, as if swearing to die.

But soon, it is not calm.

Because the other party's eyes suddenly seemed to carry some kind of business history.

It feels the absolute oppression on the rank (cjea).

This feeling is even more terrifying than facing that existence directly.

Whispers of the ancient gods, send!

Just like being in the vast universe, in the entire empty space, the sense of oppression comes from all directions, almost tearing away the remaining soul power of Utaros.

Without any resistance, it quickly entered a state of ignorance.

The whispers of the ancient gods are just so unreasonable.

Seeing that the divine skill took effect, Chu Feng asked, "What is Corrupted Blood?"

Utaros replied honestly: "The blood produced by the high-level life after the fall, the higher the life, the stronger the effect of the fallen blood after the energy is reversed.

Chu Feng was puzzled: "Isn't it the blood of fallen angels?"

Utalus: "Not all of them. Creatures with the opposite energy attributes are all fallen bodies. It's just that the angel's sacred power is more suitable for use after being reversed."

"Where did you get the corrupted blood?"

"A great being!"

"who is it?"

"I don't know either, I have never seen His true face.

"The blood of the fallen angels that appeared in the spirit world is also your fault?"

"Yes, that's the mission that lord gave me."

"Since you haven't met him, how can he contact you?"

"That lord can appear at any time...

Utaros was very cooperative and answered every question.

Chu Feng had figured out the source of the fallen blood, but he didn't expect that it could be produced not only by fallen angels, but by any creature.

Now, he cared more about what the other party called "that lord".

However, just when he was about to ask how 'that lord' contacted Utaros, the originally honest Utaros began to lose control.

A powerful divine thought suddenly descended, directly appearing in Utaros' mind.

The other party seemed a little unwilling to contact Chu Feng, or was afraid of the whispers of the ancient gods.

Directly obliterate the soul of Utaros, and then leave.

"Want to run!?"

Chu Feng shouted in a low voice.

Complicated symbols flickered in his eyes, and the clear lines that converged into a network suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

The magic eye of straight death, the magical skill of seeing through all dead lines.

Immediately afterwards, the knife light suddenly appeared!.

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