A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 218: Wolves and Hawks

Mu Yu groaned secretly in his heart. He was strangled by his waist, but he couldn't lose his demeanor in front of the girl. On the way, he could only quietly grin his teeth in the complaint of Xiaoshuai's dissatisfaction.

This cliff is also deep. I don’t know how Tuyoumeng made the stones so high. They fell for almost an hour before they could barely see the true look below. There were lush bushes everywhere, vaguely returning You can see potholes.

After another half an hour, they finally fell on a rock tremblingly. All around are plants that can't be named, and some plants are still blooming, but something is missing around. It took a long time for Muyu to notice what was missing here. There were no insects such as bees and butterflies, and even the humming of the insects could not be heard. There was a tranquility that permeated people, and there was no wind blowing, and the plants and trees did not move, some It's just their own breath.

"It's a little weird here." Muyu touched the plants next to them. These plants seemed to be rejecting Muyu. Muyu didn't feel any familiar feeling from these plants. He wanted to integrate with the plants and was a little repulsive.

Qiao Xue looked around, her brows closed, but she did not show any vision, just thinking about something. Mu Yu had wanted to find a topic to chat with Qiao Xue, but looking at her irrelevance, he thought it was better not to ask for it.

Two people and one animal rested on the stone for a long time, and they both needed time to recover their strength. The sky gradually darkened, and a bright moon appeared in the sky. The bright moonlight sprinkled on this wild land. There was no cold moon in the silent swamp. Instead, the misty barrier came from somewhere. They have the same thing in their hearts.

"This mist is poisonous."

Muyu just inhaled a little mist, and suddenly became alert, exercised aura, and expelled the mist barrier. For Muyu, the poison gas could not hurt him at all, he just wanted to remind Qiao Xue.

Qiao Xue was not affected by the fog barrier. Presumably, she also had a magic weapon to protect her body. Her body exudes a faint blue light, and the blue silk belt on her waist protects her.

"Be alert from now on, the monsters in the double sky are usually coming out at night." Qiao Xue glanced at Mu Yu and reminded.

Mu Yu didn't know how Qiao Xue knew this. In fact, he didn't have to remind Qiao Xue that the deadly swamp began to show the sound of "sand". It seemed that something was crawling on the wetland quickly, but he heard nothing. Its shape.


A lonely croak sounded not far away, and the two turned their heads to look at the sound. A tall pine tree stood out not far away, and looked very abrupt in the cold moonlight. There is a sense of vicissitudes in the winding branches, and it seems that after many years of wind and rain, it still does not fall. A gray snake-like monster beneath the pine tree branches screamed into the sky, and they were shocked that the monster had a snakelike body, but the entire head was a genuine wolf head, and a pair of scarlet wolf eyes against the moonlight It looks very strange.

"How could the wolf appear in this place?" Qiao Xue whispered, but his eyes did not leave the strange monster. The monster was screaming towards the moonlight at the top of a pine branch, as if to convey a signal.

"Wolf Wolf? Do you know this monster?"

Muyu had never seen this kind of monster in Mietian, nor had he heard of this kind of monster. Many books also did not record the monster like the wolf, and I don’t know how Qiao Xue knew. Qiao Xue didn't respond to Muyu's words. She looked around the sky and seemed to be looking for something. After a while Muyu finally knew what she was looking for. Under the moonlight, a huge yellow bird fluttered from afar The wings swooped toward the wolf.

"The wolf's natural enemy Liuliu, the wolf hissing is provoking towards the Liuying. During the oestrus period, the wolf is going to kill a Liuying to court him. The meat of the Liuying looks delicious to the wolf." Qiao Xue explained Muyu's puzzled look.

"The big wolf killed the big bird flying in the sky?"

Needless to say, Liu Ying Muyu has never heard of it. Liu Ying reflects the claws of the cold and bright light in the moonlight. The claws are extremely sharp. With the advantage of flying, can the wolf beat the big bird?

"This pair of natural enemies has the same chance of killing their opponents, because the wolf can also fly."

When Mu Yu also wanted to ask how the wolf snake's body could fly, he saw that the wolf's dexterous body had shot at Liuying like an off-string arrow, and Liuying issued an angry bell, and a red lightning galloped from its mouth. Out, the wolf abdomen suddenly stretched out a pair of thin belly wings, reflecting the cold cold light under the moonlight, the belly wings shook gently, and the red lightning passed through the empty space of the snake body curled up by the wolf wolf, while the wolf head violently towards the Liu Ying bite away, Liu Ying's powerful wings slapped the wolf head away.

The two monsters violently touched each other in the air. Even if Muyu were so far away, they could feel the terrifying spiritual fluctuations exuded by the two monsters. Muyu had no doubt, if they were facing this with their current situation Two beasts, they do not have any power to parry, only to turn around and escape. These two monsters turned out to be fifth-order monsters!

However, the rustling sound around him became louder and louder, Mu Yu withdrew his eyes from the two monsters, and a bad hunch surged in his heart. He already understood that night is the time period for the wild monsters, These rustling sounds gradually seemed to surround them from far and near.

"We seem to have invaded the ant's territory, we have to leave here quickly." Qiao Xue took the lead to stand up, Mu Yu was too lazy to ask her why she knew so much, he also vaguely felt that the comers were not good.

When Mu Yu just wanted to call Xiaoshuai to be the coolie of flying, she saw that Qiao Xue was already flying on the blue ribbon.

Mu Yu froze for a moment. "Can I fly now?" He moved a little and found that the tear that had been suppressing his spiritual power had disappeared.

Qiao Xue loved to look at Mu Yu with a strange look: "Here Tuyumeng's territory has been unearthed, of course, you can fly, but those two fifth-order monsters are not what we can match, be careful not to alarm them. "

Mu Yu knows nothing about these, he feels lucky to meet Qiao Xue, after all, Qiao Xue is much more familiar with this place than ordinary people, in places where he is unfamiliar, especially in such a dangerous place. It’s customary not to know how to die.

They left the resting stone when the ants attacked, and Muyu glanced at what the so-called ants look like when they left. The ants are as big as a sparrow, and the big fangs are wet. Their saliva must be unpleasant to be bitten.

"Your blue ribbon seems unusual!"

The wooden feathers passed over a bush. The fluctuation of the spiritual power above this blue ribbon is different from ordinary magic weapons. It is extremely flexible and seems to be a living magic weapon.

Qiao Xue said lightly: "It has an extraordinary origin and is naturally different."

Seeing the other party didn't seem to want to say anything, Muyu simply didn't ask too much. The two of them walked away from the two fifth-order monsters, and left to the thick fog on the left. Because it was night, and the fog was extremely heavy, they did not dare to carelessly, fearing that they would be stared at. But at this moment, Mu Yu's heart burst into a sense of crisis, and his afterglow caught a cold red light that was quickly shooting towards Qiao Xue.

"Be careful."

Mu Yu jumped forward and threw Qiao Xue down. At the same time, Liu Ying's claws brushed past Qiao Xue's hair. Muyu and Qiao Xue lost their balance. The two quickly fell to the ground. Mu Yu turned around, and his back fell to the ground, and then Qiao Xue pressed him.

"You let go!" Qiao Xue blushed. For the first time, she was so hugged by an opposite sex. She broke free from Muyu's arms and climbed up.

Muyu was so painful that he grinned, and he felt his ribs were about to break, but he couldn't allow him to think about it, because he saw the red lightning of Liuying had continued to charge them.

Qiao Xue reacted quickly. This Liuying was estimated to have won the battle just now, and it was staring at both of them with great fighting spirit. The strength of this Liuying cannot be underestimated. Qiao Xue didn't underestimate it. The blue ribbon floated out of her waist, and the wind was long, turning into a sky-blue water curtain, and swept towards Liuying.

Liuying screamed, apparently it didn’t expect that these two creatures that had never been seen would evade its attack, its dive speed was slowed down by the sky blue training, and this strange training was unknown What kind of material is used, because its claws are not cheap at all, which makes its self-esteem greatly challenged.

A strange firelight rose from it, and Liuying's body suddenly became a little illusory. Mu Yu was shocked to find that Liu Ying's body disappeared into a blaze of fire, but the blaze of fire became extremely overbearing, and the mad breath came to his face, and the sky-long training couldn't be near this blaze.

"Why are you still stunned? Liu Ying's natal skill is this fire, and the speed of its outburst is not something we can resist. Hurry up and help!" Qiao Xue saw Mu Yu slowly crawling up from the ground, stunned, and himself More and more difficult, suddenly angry.

Mu Yu also wanted to go up and take his hand, but his chest was really boring, and he would be breathless if he was hit by another one. He hasn't eased up yet. Seeing that Qiao Xue can't eat it, his shadow sword In response, the five swords were made into one, striking the fire with different directions.

The vast sword energy swept back around the firelight, Muyu's vigorous vitality was forced to anneal by the thin and long rigid strength, and five swords formed a round prison cage, and the tip of each sword was properly suppressed With the sharp light of the fire, the fire could not move for a while.

Qiao Xue looked at Mu Yu with a little surprise. Obviously, Mu Yu would be so easily able to restrain the gas-bursting Liuying. Muyu's five-sword technique, with the power of soft suppleness, took the upper hand for a while. It is the most wonderful place of falling dust nine swordsmanship.

Although Mu Yu temporarily suppressed Liu Ying, he did not feel complacent. This was just due to the marvelous skill of falling dust sword. Liu Hao's dominance was far beyond his cultivation behavior. I am afraid that Liu Ying would not return to break away for a moment. Out.

However, they have forgotten that this is a wild place. There are a lot of powerful monsters. Their breath of fighting has alarmed many monsters. Some weak monsters are scared, but more than their powerful monsters. , The monsters roared, and had gathered here.

"Qiao Xue, behind him!"

Muyu's perception of the crisis and his keenness, even when he is struggling with Liuying~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his attention is still around. The most important thing that the falling dust sword can control the nine swords is the strong distraction ability. Mu Yu has seen the wolf that has just battled with Liuying actually appear again, and its goal is Qiao Xue, Mu Yu thought This monster has been torn by Liu Ying.

Qiao Xue's teeth were bitten, and he forcibly withdrew the blue ribbon. The blue horse hit the head of the wolf on a occasion of a single shot, but the wolf's tail was thrown **** Qiao Xue's chest, hitting Qiao Xue. Flying out, the bright red blood stains instantly wet Qiao Xue's gauze.

Originally, the blue ribbon and Muyu's shadow sword trapped Liu Ying together, Qiao Xue was injured, and the blue ribbon was turned into a silk ribbon scattered aside, Mu Yu could no longer trap Liu Ying, Liu Ying instantly A powerful spiritual force erupted and Muyu flew out, and Muyu couldn't help but cough up a blood.

The two monsters, Wild Wolf and Liuying, were natural enemies, but somehow they were enemies at this time and placed their targets on Muyu and Qiao Xue. The Wolves rushed towards Qiao Xue again, and Liu Ying was angry and killed Muyu. Mu Yu saw that Qiao Xue was seriously injured on the side. The two monster beasts such as the Wolf and the Liuying were comparable to the period of awakening. With their current conditions, no one can win.

"Yu Pei, crush and send Yu Pei!"

Muyu shouted to Qiao Xue, when he was in danger, crushing the jade pendant could send them out directly. Qiao Xue, as a person of Red Dust Gate, would definitely have this thing. As for Muyu, he was not willing to leave. He Just two days after I came in, the mission of this trip has not been completed yet! Besides, the seeds of many plants are stored in his Qiankun bag. At the critical time, he can urge the seeds to germinate and grow into a big tree, so as to use the trees to get rid of these two animals. These seeds are his guarantee.

"Send Yu Pei, what send Yu Pei?" Qiao Xueqiang propped up, her face blank, she didn't even know about Yu Pei!

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