A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 219: Day and night

"It's Yu Pei! We're leaving Yu Pei!"

Mu Yu thought Qiao Xue didn't hear clearly, and repeated it again. When they met the fifth-order monster, they couldn't get the benefit. Muyu originally wanted to throw the little handsome out as a bait, but now there are two monsters coming together. There is only one little handsome, God knows that the fifth-order monster is It's not as easy as the fourth-order monster to be killed by the Xiaoshuai. If you have to rescue the Xiaoshuai if you don't kill it, you will lose the reward.

"I can't leave Chongtian now." Qiao Xue frowned and replied briefly, she seemed to have something to accomplish. Besides, coming to Chongtian is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. There is plenty of aura here. It’s really regrettable if you just come in and will run away for a while.

"Little handsome, the fifth-order monster will not kill you? Should you help us solve one?"

Muyu was once again flew out by the lightning of Liuying. The fifth-order monsters are much more powerful than the purple diamond python that Muyu encountered at the time. They are far from what they can deal with. They only flee in embarrassment. Copies.

"Fly to the right!" Xiaoshuai did not intend to take a bite for others. His nose twitched, his eyes shouting a little confused.

"Why?" Although Mu Yu asked in this way, he still did the same. Although Xiaoshuai was always confused, there was generally nothing wrong with what he said at the critical time.

"Because there is something I feel familiar with."

Xiaoshuai's words made Muyu almost plant a heel. Isn't the familiar taste the taste of fried soybeans? However, Mu Yu didn't hesitate. With a roll of spiritual power in his hand, he also brought Qiao Xue over and flew towards the right without stopping. Qiao Xue hesitated for a moment and followed closely.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Liuying and the Wolves attacked each other while chasing and killing the two. Fortunately, otherwise they would have been caught up by the two fifth-order monsters at the speed of Muyu.

Although the strength of the fifth-order monsters is similar to those of the cultivators in the quiz period, they do not have the ability of a step of ten miles in the cultivator of the quiz period, so Muyu and Qiao Xue can barely keep a distance from these two monsters.

"Who killed us first in the game." Qiao Xue said in a deep voice.

"Are they brain-damaged? It's not so funny to fight oneself?"

Muyu scolded, and no one could beat these two beasts, so he focused on them and chased his prey while fighting against himself, but it was very leisurely and elegant, making Muyu depressed.

"Almost here, hurry up!" shouted Xiaoshuai.

"Get up fast too!"

Muyu dangerously and dangerously avoided a yellow lightning, bypassed a large mountain, and in front of him was a huge forest. Just as they were preparing to march towards this forest, Qiao Xue let out a hum.

"What's wrong?" Mu Yu asked puzzled.

"The two monsters did not come." Qiao Xue stopped and turned to stare behind.

Liuying and the Wolves hovered on the top of the mountain, screaming at each other, but did not rush towards them again. They did not even attack each other. They stared at Muyu staring at them, as if they were quite afraid of this forest, looking at Muyu and Qiao Xue's eyes also had a hint of teasing.

"They don't dare to come here, is there any weirdness in this forest?"

Muyu stared at the forest shrouded in the night, and didn't feel anything strange. This forest is the same as the forest he met in the Second Heaven, it is plain, and there is not even an unknown breath, but it scares the two fifth-order monsters that are comparable to the out of the world. This is strange. .

When Mu Yu didn't have time to decide whether to enter this forest, Qiao Xue had already fallen down.

Muyu thought about it, and it was impossible to retreat. The two fifth-order monsters were still watching from behind. If they did not retreat into this forest, it was estimated that they would not be much better in the end, and they simply followed.

The two stepped on the ground covered with leaves, and a slight creak sounded, which seemed so harsh on a silent night. Muyu tried to control the surrounding trees, and the effect was still not good. Erzhong seemed to shield his ability to control the wood, which made him very nerve-wracking.

With the help of the magic weapon, the two marched in the woods. On the way, they only saw some non-aggressive monsters with relatively mild personality. These monsters were awakened by Muyu, but they called out with dissatisfaction, and then Avoiding the light from their magic weapon, they ran away.

"The monsters here are very strange, they are all monsters with weak combat strength." Qiao Xue said.

Muyu also noticed this problem. He couldn't call out the names of many monsters in Nietzwan, but he still knew most monsters. These monsters are relatively easy to domesticate in the double sky, and have a friendly relationship with humans. They will not actively attack humans, and their combat power is also low. They are not opponents of other fierce monsters at all.

The wolf and the eagle are very fierce monsters. If they come here, these weak little monsters may not survive, but they dare not dabble in here. What are they afraid of?

The two continued to walk, and the animals in front of them began to increase. Many small birds jumped on the branches. The amazing thing is that the front is getting brighter and brighter. I don’t know where there is light coming from. After walking for a while, a large river blocked their way. They did not hesitate to take off and crossed the river. At this moment, a very strange thing happened, Mu Yu was surprised to find that it was daytime when they landed on the other side of the river!

It's hard to say whether this is an illusion. When you look up, you can see that Wen Xu's sunlight is shining on your body, and the eyes may be misunderstood, but the temperature of the sunlight is real, not like fraud. White clouds fluttered, the breeze blew his cheeks, and there was a trace of unspeakable comfort.

Muyu looked across the river, and the other side was still dark. Occasionally, a glimmer of light flashed through it, which was the glow of fireflies. Even the stars on the other side of the sky can be seen, and a full moon can be seen in the distance. This river looks like a dividing line, separating the day and night on both sides, which is really strange.

"What's going on?" Qiao Xue asked puzzled.

"I finally have something you don't know, I thought you knew everything!" Mu Yu said with a smile, Qiao Xue walked along the way to know more things than him, but she clearly did not understand why this happened The river will become two worlds separated by day and night.

Qiao Xue ignored Muyu and went on. Some monsters around were not afraid of seeing them. Instead, they blinked their big eyes and watched them, a pure look.

"Xiaoshuai, what do you mean by familiarity here?" Mu Yu asked the Xiaoshuai who probed his brain in his arms.

Xiaoshuai's cute little paws scratched his head, shook his head, and said, "I don't know, I just think there is a strange smell here."

"Don't eat it again," Muyu murmured, but he didn't encounter any danger when he came here following the instructions of Xiaoshuai, and he successfully threw off the two fifth-order monsters. This is also the same thing. Good thing.

They continued to move forward and felt more and more wrong. The grass and the flowers here are very different from the world of monsters and beasts fighting outside. It seems to be a tranquil paradise, and there is no desire to fight here.

After a distance, I came to a canyon. What greeted me was a small white waterfall, the sun shining on the waterfall, constructing a rainbow, egrets flying, butterflies dancing, a harmonious scene. Below the waterfall is a pond with stones rising from the water, and the overflowing water flows down the river to the depths of the woods.

Qiao Xue walked over, squatted by the pond, stirred her hand into the water, she frowned slightly, as if thinking about something, and then suddenly showed a trace of surprise.

"What's wrong?" Mu Yu looked around, attracted by the harmonious scene of this school. It's really a bit uncomfortable to see this serene scene outside of the monster world of deception.

Qiao Xue stood up and turned to look at Mu Yu: "Since we are all out of trouble, let's separate here!"

"Then where are you going? Wouldn't it be good to go together?" Mu Yu was a little stunned, how to say that she had suffered with her just now, and I don't know where it is, it's hard to say anything on the second day, just in case. Under the peaceful scene, a murderer was hidden, and the two were safer together.

"I have my own business to do." Qiao Xue said.

Muyu also has his own things to do, but now he has long been out of the original route~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know where he went in this black light, he needs to re-orientate.

"Something is always out of this forest!" Muyu said.

"Don't you come in and have nothing to do?" Qiao Xue didn't plan to go with Mu Yu.

Muyu raised his head to mark the direction of the sun, determined the direction, then turned around and looked in the direction, said helplessly: "Of course I have something, but there are two fifth-order monsters on the road where I am going. ."

"That's none of my business."

Qiao Xue finished speaking calmly and walked towards the waterfall. She stood in front of the waterfall and looked at the waterfall carefully, as if she wanted to see something mysterious from the waterfall. Muyu also came to the waterfall and watched the splashing water. He remembered the waterfall at the foot of Luochen Mountain, which was much more spectacular than this waterfall.

"Behind the waterfall." Xiaoshuai pointed at the waterfall.

Qiao Xue glanced at Xiaoshuai and said, "How do you know this little beast so much?"

Xiaoshuai stood proudly on top of Muyu's head, and raised a small chest, proudly said: "I know more things! Sister Qiao Xue, you look really beautiful, as beautiful as Tianran."

Mu Yu grabbed the flat-footed guy, whispered him a few words, looked up like Qiao Xue, but found that Qiao Xue's mouth showed a smile, no girl would like to be prettier, especially A cute little handsome. To be honest, aside from the shameless character of Xiaoshuai, it does look very flattering.

Qiao Xue ignored Muyu and flew directly towards the waterfall. The blue ribbon around her waist floated out again, and in front of it, the waterfall was rolled into a gap by the ribbon, and then Qiao Xue disappeared into the waterfall.

"Huh? Is there any cave behind this waterfall?" Mu Yu was slightly surprised, and immediately pulled up, splitting the sword to split the waterfall, and turned into it.

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