A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 389: Grab business

  Master Lu is a routine matter. After checking whether there is a problem with the formation of the Star Gate, every place will be checked once. If there is a problem, proceed to solve it. If there is no problem, you can leave. Every year, Stargate pays Zongzong a huge amount of maintenance costs. As long as it is checked and accepted by Stargate, then this cost can be guaranteed.

   The Star Gate is a gate faction. There are more than 10,000 formations of various sizes, which are naturally impossible to check one by one. When the lineups helped them build, they linked more than 10,000 lineups together through the Hushan Formation, and it would be clear which lineup would not work properly, which would avoid the trouble of detecting them one by one.

  The seven **** peaks are arranged and named according to the Beidou Seven Star Array, namely Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang. Among them, the fourth Shenfeng Tianquan Peak is the control hub of the entire Star Gate Formation. This is the core of the formation. Once any mistakes occur, the seven God Peaks of the entire Star Gate will be destroyed. Therefore, there are heavy guards throughout the year , Even a fly can't fly in.

  Master Lu Xian, led by disciples of Tianxingmen, came to Tianquan Peak. As soon as a few people fell, there were dozens of divine consciousness sweeps, and some of them came from the exploration phase. These probes are completely undisguised, as if deliberately deterring them, warning outsiders not to have crooked brains.

   Muyu felt like she was exposed to hundreds of integrators who were more powerful than him, completely unable to rebel. Tian Quanfeng's security is really famous, and he has no chance to play tricks.

"Luxian Master, don't come unharmed!" A voice sounded. It was a middle-aged man named Tianzhengxin who was responsible for receiving Lu Xianshi, and his cultivation base was also divided. He was specially responsible for guarding the Tianquan Peak. The chief of guards is usually his dealings with Lu Xianshi, and he is most familiar with the business dealings between Zongzong and Tianxingmen.

   "Zhengxin Daoyou." Master Lu Xian responded politely.

Tian Zhengxin’s eyes swept a few Zhongtian disciples, and when he saw Mu Yu, he was a little surprised, saying: "Lu Xianshi, I always thought that the apprentices received by Zongzong were all very good qualities. How is the age of the Zhongtian disciples so incompatible with Xiuwei?"

   In the past, even if the Zhongtian disciple brought by Master Lu Xian was cultivated during the foundation period, it was extremely young, and Mu Yu looked nearly twenty years old. It is very rare for such a young age to be so low.

   Master Lu Xian laughed: "This person is my guardian boy, not a disciple of Zhongtian. Let Zhengxin Daoyou laugh."

   "That's it! I thought when Zongzong even the poorly qualified people would earn income." Tian Zhengxin smiled slightly.

  I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional. The words of Tian Zhengxin made Master Lu Xian look embarrassed. He smiled and turned the subject around.

   "Over the past few months, where have your formation problems occurred? I would like to make statistics to see if I need to improve some of those formations that have problems." Lu Xianshi asked.

"According to the disciples under the door, Yuhengfeng’s two agglomeration arrays seem to have weakened a lot, and Kaiyangfeng’s imperial array used to support the spirit beasts also has problems. In addition, the disciples’ residences under the gate guarded the formation... …" Tian Zhengxin listed eleven problematic formations.

There are only eleven   , not many, which is also reasonable. The formation needs regular maintenance. Sometimes human disturbance will destroy the normal operation of the formation, but the general large formations will not be disturbed by the spiritual power of the instructors. Only the small formations are easy to cause problems.

  People of the Patriarch entered the control hub of the patriarchal system, and their entire movements were followed by people. Once the patriarchs had any unfavorable measures, they would come forward to stop them. The people of Patriarch naturally have no other ideas. They and Tianxingmen have a business relationship, except Muyu.

   But Muyu also knew that he had little chance to engage in small movements. With his current cultivation period, it was too difficult to turn over the waves of the huge Star Gate! And once you make a check, it is very likely to affect the lineage. The Patriarchs and Muyu had no hatred, Muyu did not want to drag them into the water, so he could only hold back.

  Lu Xian took disciples of Zhongtian into a magnificent palace, surrounded by many people, the inside of which was the total array of eyes that controlled the size of more than 10,000 formations of Tianxingmen!

   Xuan Ao's patterns are all over the whole hall. The ground is a complex spiritual engraving, intertwined with each other, and occasionally a little starlight flows through the engraving, which makes the whole array light up and then returns to calm.

  Lu Xianshi stepped into the formation, drove a spiritual force into one position of the formation, and then the spirit turned into a red light, flowing along the entire huge formation. The red light swiftly flowed everywhere in the formation, and then suddenly flashed, the red light in one place stopped, no longer flowing, and then the remaining red light continued to swim.

   After about half an hour, the spiritual power that Lu Xianshi entered gradually disappeared, and more than fifty red dots appeared in the entire formation, which made Lu Xianshi's face slightly change. This is the detection method of the formation method. The red spiritual power entered by Master Lu Xianshi can detect where there are more than 10,000 large and small formation methods in the entire mountain gate.

There is a red dot, which means there is a problem with the formation method. Now there are fifty-two red dots, which means that there are problems with the fifty-two formation method. This is more than the eleven problematic formations mentioned by Tian Zhengxin. There are more ways!

   he asked in a condensed voice: "Zhengxin Daoyou, has the formation of the Star Gate been touched, why is there so much damage?"

   Tianzhengxin didn’t panic, he seemed to know that Master Lu Xian would ask this, and said: "Master Lu Xian laughed, the people of Fu Zong are currently visiting guests under my door, I

We followed their advice and prepared to replace some formations with spells. They showed us the power of spells, which is indeed stronger than the old formation. "

   "What? Fu Zong's people!" Master Lu Xian was furious, and Fu Zong's people came to the Star Gate, and persuaded Tian Xingmen to use their spells?

"Yes, it's Fu Zong's rune master. When it comes to this, I almost forgot one thing. After testing and comparison, we found that the rune spell under Fu Zongbu is indeed much smarter than yours. As far as the Lingling Formation is concerned, the Fuling Rune spells laid by the people of Fu Zong are twice as strong as yours, but the spirit stone needed is one third less. From the perspective of expenditure, we accepted the Fu Zong at the Star Gate 'S suggestion, decided to use Fu Zong's spells to replace your formation." Tian Zheng said nonchalantly.

   Master Lu Xian was so angry that Fu Zong not only robbed them of their cooperation with millions of businesses, but even reached out to another big customer of Zongzong. How could this be tolerated?

"However, have you ever considered that the power hub of Quanfeng's formation was implemented in accordance with our sect, and if there is a sudden change, and there will be problems in the future, how can the people of Fuzong solve it?" Depressed. It is their business to choose who is the business partner of Tianxingmen, and Lu Xianshi cannot interfere. He can only try to save it to see if he can make Tianxingmen change his mind.

"This Master Lu doesn't need to worry. If you don't believe it, you can look at the flashing red light just now. I think that red dot should refer to the formation of Yu Hengfeng? At this moment, the people of Fuzong use the spells on Yuhengfeng. To transform your formation, Fu Zong and your formation guru came out together, and they have a way to solve this problem." Tian Zhengxin pointed to a red dot in the formation, and the red dot flashed and gradually disappeared.

   The red dot disappears, which means that the formation problem has been fixed!

"This is too much. You can't just stop the cooperation with us for no reason at all. The formation of the Star Gate is always maintained by our formation. We know the function of the entire formation better than them. You are so sloppy. Are you afraid that the formation of the entire Star Gate will be destroyed once the ground is replaced?" Lu Xianshi said angrily.

Tian Zhengxin shook his head and said, "The people of Fu Zong gave us a guarantee, so we don't need you to worry. We need to pay you ten million spirit stones every year, except for the two million that cannot be replaced by the floating formation method. The sum of other large and small formations requires 8 million to maintain, which is already a big expense. Fu Zong only needs 6 million spirit stones to replace your 8 million work, choose who I want you to Do you know what you think?"

In order to seize the business of Faction, Fuzong had a lower offer price than Faction. He actually persuaded the people of the Star Gate to change the formation of the formation to the formation of the spell. Such an arrogant behavior has touched Lu Xianshi. Bottom line.

  Lu Xian is extremely eager: "The price is not necessarily lower than ours. Since the people of Fu Zong are here, can you let me see them so that they can stand against them?"

"I don't want to tell the son, if you have any opinions, you can go to Yu Hengfeng to find him. However, because the suspension formation method transformation project is too vast, we will still choose to cooperate with your formation, you first ensure that the suspension formation method is no problem. Then you can go to the person of Fu Zong and ask clearly. We only choose the best and most affordable. Your array can prove better than Fu Zong, and we will naturally continue to cooperate." Tianzheng Xindao said.

  As a person from the Star Gate~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They will not be afraid to offend a lineup, after all, after the separation of the lineage gate, the strength has long been worse than before. Besides, how to say this is also a business competition between them. As a customer, Stargate only seeks cooperation from the affordable party.

  Lu Xianshi calmed down, he snorted coldly, and then moved towards the floating formation. The floating formation is the core that lifts the seven giant peaks of the Star Gate, and it is also the most important formation among all formations.

  In fact, a large part of the annual maintenance cost comes from the most complicated suspension array method, accounting for nearly two million spirit stone expenditures. The remaining 8 million costs came from more than 10,000 formations of various sizes, and now the 8 million business was taken away by Fu Zong at a price of 6 million, which is naturally very happy for the Star Gate.

  The floating array method was deployed under the sky, and Fu Zong could not copy it, so at least this business transaction with the Tianxingmen had saved two million yuan in income. No matter how arrogant Fu Zong is, they do not have the presence of the master level of Zhentian Dao, so this is also the sole strength of Zhenzong.

   But Master Lu Xian was still very uncomfortable. He could get 10 million spirit stones from the Star Gate every year, and suddenly it became 2 million, which he could not swallow!

  Lu Xian inspected the suspension array method again, and found no big problems, but Mu Yu passed the appearance of the entire suspension array method in his mind, and strongly remembered it. Although he can't understand such a deep formation, but the more he knows about the Star Gate, the more chance he will have to get revenge in the future!

  The sky is about to kill the dead wood, this is definitely the price that Muyu must wait for!

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