A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 763: Guarding the Valley of Dawn

"Ah! Sure enough, it's Real Dragon Master!"&1t;/

Although the old doctor is very unwilling to see the dragons, the four dragons are all mixed breeds, and none of them are complete dragons. The demon people believe in true dragons, not impure blood dragons. When Dragon Vine appeared, the old doctor quickly stood up and bowed down. &1t;/

"Forget it, I don't need such a ritual." Long Fuji shook his head and stood on Muyu's shoulder. &1t;/

The old doctor looked at Dragon Vine with awe in his face, only to fully believe Muyu's words. &1t;/

"In short, the matter of Long Teng is still confidential. I am not a demon who does not believe in Chenxi Valley, but a person with a lot of mouths, and it is easy to talk about leaks, so please ask the old doctor not to say it." Mu Yu seriously Said. &1t;/

"Don't worry, Muyu! I'll keep the identity of Master Zhenlong secret. Zhenlong is the belief of all the demon tribes. Although those dragon tribes usually show off their powers, they are not actually recognized by Qinglong's ancestors. To our confession, we only recognize the true dragon." The old doctor said solemnly. &1t;/

Longteng raised his head proudly and said, "I also look down on Zalong." &1t;/

"You'll have it. You, there are a lot of demon people in the Zalong who are many times stronger than you! Your purebred is also a vase." Xiaoshuai laughed. &1t;/

"Bah, what a vase! Lao Tzu didn't grow up!" Long Teng said unconvincedly. &1t;/

"When you grow up, the flowers will be thanked and then opened and thanked again!" Xiaoshuai said disdainfully. &1t;/

Muyu is helpless. It seems that Longteng has been born for a long time, but its strength has been improved too slowly, just like God has given it a unique racial advantage, but it also limits its growth path. &1t;/

To make the Dragon Vine stronger, Muyu probably only waits for the Green Dragon Demon King to return. &1t;/

"Jade Jiaolong will definitely not give up. In order not to reproduce the matter of the Dragon Clan sneaking into the Chenxi Valley, old doctor, I hope you can help me in the next few days and command the demon clan of the Chenxi Valley to help alert the Chenxi Valley." Mu Yu Said. &1t;/

After all, here is Chenxi Valley. The old doctor’s appeal in Chenxi Valley is much stronger than Muyu, so he needs the cooperation of the old doctor to direct all the demon tribes how to hold Chenxi Valley. &1t;/

"What does Muyu want to do? Despite the instructions, I will arrange for you to complete it." The old doctor also knew that this matter should not be taken lightly. &1t;/

"Then I need you to tell me the terrain of the Morning Dawn Valley in detail. You can tell where you can go in and out at will, and you can’t leave any blind spots. I need to use the formation to guard them all, so that people like the giant tiger and the giant wolf will not take the opportunity. Slip in to make a mess." Mu Yu said. &1t;/

Mu Yu estimated that Yu Jiao Long would pay a price for the antidote to the desert ruins, at least he would have a few days to prepare. &1t;/

"No problem!" The old doctor agreed. &1t;/

In the next few days, everyone in Muyu and Chenxi Valley began to get busy. Under Muyu's command, they set up guards in various strongholds in Chenxi Valley, and no longer let the dragons enter and leave Chenxi Valley at will. &1t;/

Mu Yu and Qiao Xue also used the trees and streams near the dawn valley to form an invisible protective barrier, which set up many powerful and effective arrays. &1t;/

It has to be said that Luan Feng Yaowang still left many precious treasures, many of which were used by Mu Yu as the base, enclosing the entire morning valley. &1t;/

All the demon tribes want to enter and leave the dawn valley only one road is left, and this road is taken turns by each resident of the dawn valley. &1t;/

The old physician played a decisive role in this, because the Luanfeng demon king was not present, and the people in Chenxi Valley only obeyed his orders. With the help of the old doctor, the entire Morning Dawn Valley was quickly transformed into a place easy to defend and difficult to attack. &1t;/

"If Yujiao Long wants to break in, will these protective measures work?" &1t;/

Qiao Xue checked the whole Morning Dawn Valley to make sure that there were no loopholes, but he still had no idea. &1t;/

"We can't stop if he forcibly breaks in, but he can't mix in quietly, I dare to guarantee this." Muyu said with a chest. &1t;/

"If he wants to break in and kill someone, why do he have to be quiet and just scream and rush over?" Longteng asked puzzled. &1t;/

"No, the four dragon tribes are fighting in secret and want to defeat the other three forces. If the jade dragon dragon attacks Chenxi Valley by tough means and kills the people of Chenxi Valley blatantly, then other dragons will definitely seize the opportunity to kill Yujiao Dragon. Pull it into the water." Mu Yu explained. &1t;/

Chenxi Valley is the site of Luanfeng Demon King. Yujiao Dragon dare to attack Chenxi Valley. This matter cannot be concealed. When the other three dragon tribes stab the matter to Luanfeng Demon King, Yujiao Dragon cannot bear it. The Luan Feng Yao Wang's anger. &1t;/

"Yes, we are mainly those who protect the jade dragon dragon sneak in and then engage in small movements, you are stupid big earthworm." Xiaoshuai said. &1t;/

"You are right to say that, but have you ever thought that Yu Jiaolong will not do anything against the people of Chenxi Valley, but he will come to Chenxi Valley to arrest you in the name of revenge for his son, what should you do then?" Qiao Xue worried. &1t;/

"Catch me? He dare to catch me blatantly, whoever kills who is not necessarily." &1t;/

There was a murderous chance in Muyu's eyes, but it didn't flash. There is a killing power in him, and it is not so bad to really fight together. It's just that this force affects Muyu, so until the critical moment, Muyu will not use it at will. &1t;/

"I really hope he was poisoned to death, it would be over a hundred." Long Teng hummed. &1t;/

Muyu didn't expect Yujiao Dragon to be killed by the poison of the ruins. The guy said how to fix it during the robbery period. It was not so easy to hang up, but after the last World War, Muyu knew at least that this guy was most afraid of what. &1t;/

"Unfortunately, the plants on the edge of the ruins can not be used casually outside, otherwise they must be beautiful!"&1t;/

Mu Yu still regrets this point. Soon after the plants on the edge of the desert ruins leave the desert ruins, the poisonous mist will disperse from the plants and cannot be maintained for too long. &1t;/

If these poisonous mists spill out, they may also hurt the demon clan in Chenxi Valley. At that time, the silkworm old man will bleed blood, so thinking again and again, Muyu still feels that he does not use the poison of the ruins. &1t;/

After making all preparations for Chenxi Valley, Muyu also began to practice. His cultivation progress is fast, but in terms of current strength, it is still far from enough. &1t;/

In a few months, the real world will usher in the final ranking of the Jixian List. In order to disrupt the plan of the Mie Palace, Muyu must become the top nine Jixian. &1t;/

However, the information of those who are in the top of the Jixian list is very secret. The outside world does not know who they are at all, only a name. Mu Yu estimates that most of these people are from the Shadow Man clan or from the Sannomiya himself. &1t;/

For seven consecutive days, the valley of the morning dawn was calm, and the life of the demon here was still the same. There was no movement from the Yujiao Dragon. Mu Yu estimated that the Yujiao Dragon should not be able to get rid of the entanglement of the poison of the ruins. &1t;/

But on the eighth day, the demon who guarded the valley hurriedly reported that Yujiao Dragon had brought a lot of people to grab Muyu. &1t;/

"Are you finally here?" &1t;/

Mu Yu is not very panic. Yu Jiao Long must have sent a lot of minions to dive into Dawn Valley in the past few days, but it should be unsuccessful, so he is ready to do it himself. &1t;/

But here is the site of Luanfeng demon king after all, he didn't dare to do too obvious, so he let people come in to report. &1t;/

Mu Yu and Qiao Xue glanced at each other, and left Chenxi Valley and came outside the valley. &1t;/

There are more than a hundred people outside the valley at this time, all of them are dragons. The jade dragon stood in front of the dragons. The power scattered by him made the people in the valley of Chenxi shocked. The old doctor has long been informed that he is confronting Yu Jiaolong outside. &1t;/

"Jade Jiaolong, what do you call today?"&1t;/

The old doctor was not frightened by the jade dragon dragon's momentum. At first, the jade dragon dragon sent someone to secretly capture him, but now it is different. In the site of the morning dawn valley, the jade dragon dragon dare not attack the old doctor. &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong sneered: "I am today to capture the mixed clan, the old doctor, for the demon clan, your Chenxi valley nesting clan, what should I do!"&1t;/

"Huh! Mu Yu is a guest invited by Yu Jiang's ancestors. He is also a human race that assists White Ape and Yu Jiang's ancestors from breaking the seal. Are you afraid of a few ancestors blaming them if you openly catch him?" &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong's complexion was obvious. He didn't dare to provoke the majesty of the demon king, but he had already prepared a set of remarks: "The old doctor, the ancestor of the white ape and the ancestor of Yujiang did say that a human help I have seen them, but we have never seen this human race. You said that the human race is a guest invited by the demon king, and he is? Who knows if he is fake?"&1t;/

"When saving the demon king ancestor, Qiao Xue was present on both occasions. Will Qiao Xue still admit the wrong person?" said the old doctor coldly. &1t;/

Yu Jiao had a vicious look in his eyes and shouted: "I heard that this man named Mu Yu has many means and is still an array teacher. Qiao Xue is young and easily deceived. So for the safety of all demon people, I have to take Muyu back to the guard and wait for several ancestors to come back. If the ancestors are correct, then I will let them go!"&1t;/

His excuses were all right, but he took care of the person himself, and did not show any idea of ​​murder, so that people could not find any point of rebuttal. &1t;/

"Uncle Jiaolong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't think it's necessary to catch people, I can still tell who is the good and the bad." Qiao Xue and Mu Yu have already flew out of the valley and fell Beside the old doctor. &1t;/

When Yu Jiaolong saw Mu Yu beside Qiao Xue, his eyes shone with hatred. &1t;/

"Is he the one who helped the ancestor? You said it alone! But I know this person killed my son, so today I have to take him back. If you want to stop it, don't blame me. "Yu Jiao Long said coldly. &1t;/

Muyu walked out and looked up and down at the Yujiao Dragon, suddenly surprised: "Jade Jiaolong, the poison of the ruins on your body has been removed?" &1t;/

Both the old doctor and Qiao Xue's face changed slightly. How did the poison in Yujiaolong be relieved? &1t;/...


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