At this time, Yu Jiao Long showed no signs of poisoning. This surprised Mu Yu, but Mu Yu soon understood something. &1t;/

"Damn you!" &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong heard this, and his face showed endless killing intentions. When he recalled the things of the past few days, he was extremely angry. &1t;/

"Let me guess, it is impossible for you to figure out the detoxification prescription, but the poison in your body is completely relieved now, so there seems to be only one possibility." &1t;/

Mu Yu nodded her head somewhat: "Forcing the poison to a certain part of the body and then cutting it off. This is the only detoxification method you have mastered. But your hands and feet are intact, so where will the part you cut off be? ?"&1t;/

The handsome suddenly stared at the middle of Yu Jiaolong's legs. He said without hesitation: "Won't he cut off his sign of being a man?" &1t;/

Hearing the words of Xiaoshuai, the demon people present suddenly showed a weird look, wanting to laugh but dare not laugh. &1t;/

Yu Jiao Long has been poisoned for so many years, just don't want to break one arm or one leg. With the proud character of their dragon family, if they have no hands and feet, how can they be a majestic real dragon? &1t;/

But now that the poison of the ruins of the jade dragon has been lifted, then it must have adopted a very extreme method. In order to maintain its own image, it is indeed possible to do so. &1t;/

"You say it again!" &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong's whole body has ignited endless anger, and Xiaoshuai's words even made him fall into a frenzy, and suddenly suddenly grabbed Muyu. &1t;/

Mu Yu's eyes were stricken, and the shadow sword was already in his hand. Facing the jade dragon during the robbery, he had to rely on the killing power of Mu Ling! &1t;/

But at this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from far and near. &1t;/

"It's so lively here!" &1t;/

A middle-aged man in a luxurious black robe came to him with a loud laughter. The man's face was dark, but the appearance was majestic, and he was quite kingly, but there was a faint hint of anger in his eyebrows. &1t;/

What makes people feel weird most is that this man has a smile full of spring breeze on his face, but there is no smile in his eyes. &1t;/

"Black Tiger Dragon, what are you doing here!" &1t;/

Yu Jiao Long took his hand and looked at the Black Tiger Dragon angrily, his face suddenly twisted. &1t;/

Qianlin Black Tiger Dragon, one of the four dragon races, is the opposite of Jade Dragon. At first, it was the framing of the Black Tiger Dragon that caused the Yujiao Dragon to be poisoned by the ruins. Therefore, when the Black Tiger Dragon was seen, the resentment of the Yujiao Dragon could be imagined! &1t;/

"Brother Yu Jiao, you have led so many people to come to Chenxi Valley to make troubles. If Luanfeng's ancestor knows, he can't spare you! I think you Beibei Abyss can no longer afford to be downsized?"&1t;/

Black Tiger Dragon still has a smile on his face, and the look of Yu Jiao Long is also full of jokes. &1t;/

"What do you mean!" &1t;/

Yu Jiao Long gritted his teeth and hated his teeth, revealing the murderous opportunity, but he could not hold back. If he really started, he was not sure to win the Black Tiger Dragon, and he came here today to capture Muyu for the purpose of the Dragon Vine, not to benefit the Black Tiger Dragon fisherman. &1t;/

"Two days ago, I heard that both Jiao Guanwen and Jiao Big Wolf had lost an arm, and the whereabouts of Jiao Dahu were unknown, and the murder of Xingyuexie’s nephew, I was an uncle, more It's heartbreaking! You Beibin Abyss is really disaster-ridden!" Black Tiger Dragon said pretendingly. &1t;/

Dragon Star Meteorology has nine layers of true dragon blood, which is the person most likely to become a true dragon among the four dragons, and is also the nail of other dragons. &1t;/

Originally Jade Dragon did not want to let Dragon Star fall away from his line of sight, but the White Ape Demon King insisted on letting Dragon Star fall out to hone. Because the white ape demon king thinks that the current demon people are too precious, and their knowledge is not enough, they need to experience more wind and waves in the future to compete with the human race. &1t;/

Yu Jiao Long did not dare to violate the White Ape Demon King, so he sent Long Yeli to follow, but who could think of Long Xingyu going out to hone himself and torture himself. &1t;/

When Dragon Star died, Yujiao Dragon was so angry that he did not dare to reprimand the white ape demon king, so he spread his anger on Muyu. The Purple Power Flying Pterosaur and Qianlin Black Tiger Dragon are secretly happy, after all, it means that there is one less serious trouble. &1t;/

Yujiao Dragon said coldly: "Black Tiger Dragon, you don't need to worry about this. I have countless talents in the Beibin Abyss. I came here today to catch the people who sneak into our demon clan. My way!"&1t;/

Hei Hulong laughed: "Brother Yujiao, don't be angry. You said that you came to Chenxi Valley today to catch the spy who sneaked into the demon clan, but how did I hear that this little friend Muyu saved Yujiang ancestors and What about the benefactor of Patriarch Ape? If you treat Muyu this way, I am afraid that you will not only offend Luanfeng Patriarch!"&1t;/

The Black Tiger Dragon made Yu Jiaolong even more annoyed. He naturally knew the relationship between Muyu, the White Ape Demon King and the Siren King, but today he pretended not to know and came to question Muyu Xingshi. &1t;/

If the Black Tiger Dragon didn’t intervene, Yujiao Long stool would kill Muyu mercilessly. When the demon king pursued him, he could pretend that he didn’t know Muyu’s identity, and treat Muyu as a criminal. Longteng had already arrived. But now that Black Tiger is present, then things are tricky. &1t;/

Because the black tiger dragon will definitely block the jade dragon, it is impossible for the jade dragon to want to monopolize the dragon vine. &1t;/

"White Patriarch Patriarch and Yujiang Patriarch were indeed rescued by a young human race, but none of us have ever seen him, are you so sure that he is that Muyu? I think he is a spy, and he must be arrested and strict Interrogation is enough!" Yu Jiaolong sneered coldly. &1t;/

"I didn't expect you to believe Qiao Xue's words. Do you believe this person's words?" Hei Hulong smiled slightly and looked away, then a person flew to Hei Hulong with a flinch. &1t;/

Awesome is Long Yeli! &1t;/

"Isn't Longyeli the person who has fallen from Dragon Star? How can he be with Black Tiger Dragon?" Mu Yu asked in surprise. &1t;/

Qiao Xue shook his head puzzled and looked at Long Yeli with a trace of intolerance in his eyes. &1t;/

At this time, Long Yeli's condition was very miserable. He was shocked with scars on his body, and even one arm and leg had been cut off. The whole person's breath was desperate and suffered great trauma. &1t;/

"Long Yeli, are you still alive? Didn't I ask you to bury my son?" &1t;/

The Jade Dragon Dragon was full of anger, and a breath of terror has turned into a sharp blade, rushing towards the Dragon Leaf. Long Yeli took a step back in horror, but the Black Tiger Dragon guarded Long Yeli behind him, dissolving the Jade Dragon's offensive. &1t;/

"Jade Jiaolong, I didn't expect you to be so murderous for so many years. How did Xingyuxian's nephew die, Long Yeli has already told me, but you have to kill him to kill your mouth, you are really confused. Ah!" Black Tiger Dragon shook his head and said. &1t;/

"Long Yeli didn't protect my son, he should be **** it!" Yu Jiao Long said angrily. &1t;/

Knowing the news of his son's death, Yujiao was so angry that he asked Long Yeli what happened. Long Yeli told Yu Jiaolong the story of the incident, but Yu Jiaolong didn't believe what Long Yeli said. He always wanted someone to be responsible for the death of his son. &1t;/

For the sake of self-preservation, Long Yeli can only lie about the death of Dragon Star Meteor and Muyu can't get rid of the relationship, but even so, Yujiao Dragon hasn't let Long Yeli away, to kill Long Yeli for the crime of unprotected, I never imagined that Long Yeli was not dead, but was rescued by Black Tiger Dragon! &1t;/

"Yu Jiaolong, Qinglong ancestor said, our demon clan people should be united now, Longye Lixiu also has a fit period, but it is one of the few masters in the demon clan, you just kill it at will, it is too much. Children's play. Long Yeli, you told me how the nephew of Xingyu Xianxie died. I originally told everyone the truth. I was here today, and no one killed you."&1t;/

Black Tiger Dragon patted Long Yeli's shoulder, and the expression of hypocrisy appeared on his face. &1t;/

Long Yeli was about to speak, and suddenly a figure came, leaving a few laughs in the air. &1t;/

"Haha! Today's Morning Dawn Valley is really an unprecedented excitement! Brother Black Tiger, you are a bit out of this. You want to let Long Yeli tell the truth, don't wait for me to listen together." &1t;/

A man in a purple robe with a burst of purple gas fell to the Black Tiger Dragon not far away. This popular Yu Xuan'ang, with a calm expression, scattered a dignity between his hands and feet, and looked younger than the Yujiao Dragon and the Black Tiger Dragon. , But the momentum of his body is not at all belong to these two people. &1t;/

One of the four dragons, Zidian flying pterosaurs! &1t;/

"Haha! Brother Feiyi, what are you saying, aren't you here?" &1t;/

Black Tiger Dragon was not surprised at the arrival of Zidian Flying Pterosaurs. Today Yu Jiaolong Xingshi moved the crowd to Chenxi Valley. It would be strange if Zidian Flying Pterosaurs did not come. &1t;/

Black Tiger Dragon looked around, and a figure appeared in the distance. &1t;/

"You are all here, don't notify me, isn't this good?"&1t;/

A woman with a long yellow yarn came from a distance, and every step she stepped in the air would have a seemingly rippling ripple. Obviously only two steps were taken, but she has come to the jade dragon. &1t;/

The woman was born cold and bright. She looked more than 30 years old, dignified and elegant, but her eyes glanced at Long Yeli very badly, then turned to the demon clan in Chenxi Valley, and finally fell on Muyu. &1t;/

The killer flashed from the eyes of the woman in yellow. &1t;/

The patriarch of the demon dragon python, Long Keshuang. Not to mention that she is only young in appearance, but in fact she is the oldest of the four, and she is decisive and fierce, not inferior to the other three dragon clan chiefs. &1t;/

Long Keshuang's sister married Yu Jiao Long, so Yu Jiao Long is Long Keshuang's brother-in-law, and the two forces of Beibin Abyss and Demon Dragon Python are in an alliance. &1t;/

Among the four, Long Keshuang is the oldest, followed by Black Tiger Dragon, then Jade Dragon, and finally Pterodactyl. &1t;/

"It really gave me face today, the four dragons are here!" Mu Yu smiled slightly. &1t;/

"You still laugh at this time?" &1t;/

Qiao Xue was worried because if the four dragons really started with Muyu, I am afraid it would be difficult today. &1t;/

"Relax! Since they didn't come together, we have nothing to worry about. On the contrary, we can watch a good show." Mu Yu said. &1t;/

None of these four demon tribes are fuel-efficient lamps. They seem to be fighting each other. It seems that there is no life and death. But don't think about it. Everyone speaks politely on the surface, but in fact, they secretly start to be more ruthless than anyone! &1t;/

Today, the patriarchs of the four dragons have all come here, and they are all pregnant with ghosts. In fact, they all came for him. Since Long Yeli turned to the Black Tiger Dragon, he still said everything. Now I am afraid that the Dragon Vine matter has been leaked to the Black Tiger Dragon. &1t;/

As for Zidian flying pterosaurs, he should have also got some wind noises, and he is now here even without knowing it. &1t;/

There is only one dragon and vine, which the four dragons all want. Who is going to be this is a problem. &1t;/

The four dragons who first attacked Dragon Vine will become the scapegoat. When the dragon demon king comes back to blame, the other three will blame all the people who took the lead and shoot the first bird. This is the reason for the four patriarchs. I definitely know. &1t;/

"Long Yeli, you just wanted to tell the truth, now you can tell." &1t;/

Long Keshuang looked at Long Yeli and Long Yeli shuddered. Where could this woman be the patriarch of the demon dragon python? &1t;/

"I, I..." Long Yeli was terrified. &1t;/

"It's okay, Long Yeli, boldly tell the story of how Dragon Star Meteor happened. We all watched Dragon Star Meteor grow up, and we can't bear to let him die so young, do you say it?" Black Tiger Dragon said aloud. &1t;/

"Yes, there is Brother Black Tiger, Dragon Leaf is away from you, and you are afraid that someone will kill you and kill you?" Zidian Flying Pterosaur said lightly. &1t;/

"Things and things are like this. Master Xingyu was originally because of, because he was disrespectful to Lord Siren..."&1t;/

Long Ye left hesitating for a while, and finally decided to make a decision to say all the things that were born on the demon island in one hundred and fifty, including how Long Xingmei was captured by the ghost gate people, and how to surrender to the ghost gate people. Finally In order to live to choose to occupy the body of the Kraken King. &1t;/

"So the nephew of Xingyuxian even dare to start with the Kraken King?" Black Tiger Dragon deliberately pretended to be surprised. &1t;/

"Long Yeli, you dare to talk nonsense! How could Xingyu do this kind of thing to the ancestors of Yujiang? Today I have to get rid of you who are full of nonsense and shirk their responsibilities!" Yu Jiaolong said angrily. &1t;/

If Long Yeli is then everyone will know that the death of Dragon Star is deserved! That is that after his son's death, he will be spurned by all the demon clan people, and may even be implicated in him. Where can Yu Jiao Long make such a thing happen? &1t;/

Black Tiger Dragon shook his head with regret, but his eyes showed the cunning like the old fox. He has always wanted to knock down the Yujiao Dragon, and now is a good time for the Yujiao Dragon to fall into the rock, which is why he brought Long Yeli today. &1t;/

"The words stated by the subordinates are true. If you don't believe me, you can ask Qiao Xue, she was there at the time. She knew what was the best thing!" Long Yeli said anxiously. &1t;/

Long Keshuang turned his attention to Qiao Xue and asked with a smile: "Qiao Xue, Xing Mei grew up with you, you should know that he is not such a person, right?" &1t;/...


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