A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 854: The origin of Jumon

This forest is quite weird, at least Muyu thinks so, because he has never seen normal trees grow like this.

The trees around are very tall, covering the sky and the sun, each tree is at least more than 100 meters high, and more than ten meters thick, it seems to have come to a strange huge forest.

However, after seeing the trees controlled by the blood lotus just now, Mu Yu was already surprised by these trees.

Walking in the dark woods, the sun couldn't get through, and it looked a little dark. However, there are various birds singing in the forest, and squirrels jumping on the branches. There are not too many fierce monsters, and the atmosphere is very calm.

Muyu is not wary of the old tree. He believes in the old tree. If the old tree wants to harm him, Muyu cannot stand here now.

Muyu looked at the handsome man lying in his arms and fell asleep, and then he couldn't help but ask, "What happened to the old tree leader? I thought Muyumen didn't want to participate in the war. Yumon?"

This is what he always wanted to know, because Blood Lotus had a killing breath, and Mu Yu remembered that this killing power was kept in the hands of the old tree leader.

Lao Shuchang sighed and said: "Most Juyoumen don't like war, but there are some alternatives. In short, the situation is very complicated."

The old tree walked slowly in front, crossed a hill, then came to a depression, and then Muyu saw many Muyoumen.

Strictly speaking, what Muyu saw was all people, because when Yumeng did not use the Wuxing ability, they were no different from people.

The clothes on these Muyumen are different. Some Muyumen's clothes are rough, but some are very smooth and have different colors, from turquoise to brown, there are various reds, and even strange blues. .

This is not surprising for Muyu, because there are so many types of trees under the sky. Muyu is familiar with all plants. Many plants have different colors, but greenish green is the main color.

Here are the tribes of Muyumeng. Their houses are built on trees and have different heights from the ground.

Looking up and looking, the lowest is more than fifty meters. The branches of each tree are intertwined to form a tree house. It looks very natural, without any abrupt feeling.

There are also circling wooden ladders next to the tree house, which spread to the ground one by one. These wooden ladders are also integrated with the trees and have leaves on them.

Some sturdy branches also extended some large balconies similar to resting and drinking tea, next to the fence, and some children in green clothes ran around in the woods.

These little children are innocent and lively, and they are no different from ordinary human children, but they look more flexible. They often grab a vine hidden among the branches and start to wander in the air. It's like a smart little monkey.

After the old tree grows back, many Muyoumen greet the old tree involuntarily and say hello. When they saw Muyu, they were awe-inspiring, obviously because Muyu's breath at this time was closer to the former sentence.

When he saw Luo Shi behind Muyu, he was alert and even some Muyoumen showed hostile eyes. Flames are the natural enemies of trees. Not every Muyoumen has the same blood lotus Not afraid of the ability of the flames to attack, these Muyumeng did not welcome the arrival of Luo Di.

Luo Di didn't care about Mu Jumeng's strange eyes, and he didn't have any superfluous expressions, but just followed Mu Yu indifferently.

The old tree leader took Muyu and they walked under a quaint banyan tree. This banyan tree also looked a few hundred meters high. He stood on the third floor of the ladder. Muyu and Luo Shao just wanted to follow When climbing the stairs, they found that they started to move up one by one.

The stairways that these trees emerge from have their own consciousness, and they move very fast. The branches that cross over will actively avoid them, do not touch them, and will automatically return to their place after they pass.

Soon the old tree leader took them to the door of the tree house in the sky.

"This is where I live."

The old tree leader smiled slightly and led them through his house to a balcony behind the house. There were several wooden chairs on the balcony. The old tree commanded Muyu to sit down.

"Not here—"

Standing on the balcony and looking up, Muyu was surprised.

They unknowingly reached an altitude of more than two hundred meters, and this banyan tree seems to be the tallest in this forest.

In the distance is a vast ocean, endless, but Muyu quickly reacted, that is not the vast ocean, but the territory of Yumeng.

"Old tree grower, where are we? The blood lotus and the three Yumon priests will not find it here?"

Mu Yu walked to the fence made of wood and looked at the scene above the river in the distance. There were also some igloos and water houses on the river, and some water was vaguely visible.

"No, we are at the other end of Shuiyoumeng, the blood lotus will not cross the boundary." Lao Shuchang said.

"What does the other end of Shui Yumeng mean?" Luo Di asked.

The old tree leader looked at Luo Xi and said meaningfully: "The area of ​​Fulong Mountain is no longer what you think it is."

"I thought that Yumeng could not wait to escape from the Moyun Mountains. I didn't expect you to come back." Mu Yu said across the old tree.

The old tree nodded: "Moyun Mountain is a pure land."

"You Yumen also have pure land?" Luo Luo asked.

Mu Yu believed that the old tree was long, but Luo Tao did not believe it. At this juncture, no Yumeng Luo Di would believe, just like he would not believe other comprehensionists in the realm world.

"The old tree leader can be trusted."

Mu Yu knew what Luo Shi was worried about, because the old tree leader was strictly a Yumeng priest, and looking at his calm and restrained cultivation behavior, I am afraid that his strength was at least during the robbery period.

The old tree leader disagreed with Luo Dao's rudeness and laughed: "We left Moyun Mountain only because of the trapped Xian prison. After returning to the Mie Continent, because many places were already occupied by the innocents, at that time we still It’s very weak, so I can’t get it back, so my life is not good, and although Moyun Mountain is lacking in aura, at least we are used to the quiet life here.

"I'm afraid only part of Yumeng is used to this kind of life!" Luo Di said.

The old tree leader did not refute, but nodded: "Yumeng is divided into militant and pacifist, no matter which attribute is Yumeng. This mountain range is except Muyumeng led by Blood Lotus, The remaining four attributes of Yumeng are all peace-loving. Other militants left the mountain range and went to the triple continent to fight for a living space."

"Since Blood Lotus is in the Moyun Mountains, why did the other three Yumeng priests arrive so quickly?" Mu Yu asked.

The old tree leader pondered for a moment and replied: "It should be a teleportation circle. Although I am not very clear what the other three Yumon priests are doing on the Mie continent, I know that they will send a teleportation circle wherever they go. I think certain It was Xuelian who informed them three."

No wonder the three Yumon priests will find here so quickly, blood lotus should send a signal to the other three when they are fighting with the two of them, let them rush.

However, the transmission distance of the teleportation array is limited, and this is also the same for Yumeng’s five-element teleportation array, so they should have gone through many transfers during this time, but fortunately, otherwise they will face four Yumon priests at the beginning. At that time, Mu Yu and Luo Luo were completely helpless.

"So how did the new priest come from Blood Lotus? How did you take power from him?"

Mu Yu is puzzled by the sudden rise of Blood Lotus, because Mu Yumeng's priest is obviously the old tree leader. If a restless clan appears in Mu Yumeng, the old tree leader should not be left alone.

"The appearance of the blood lotus was caused by me." The old tree sighed long.

"You caused it?" Mu Yu was surprised, "You gave Blood Lotus the power to kill?"

"The killing power belongs to Lord Jumang, but since Lord Jumang disappeared, this power was also lost. When I found this killing power, this power was sealed in a blood lotus, Blood Lotus At that time, it was just a plant, and it did not turn on wit."

When the old tree leader saw Mu Yu with some doubts, he explained: "Yes, I said that Yumeng, human races and demon races are the same in many ways. It’s like mortals must have talent to cultivate, monsters must You can only become a demon clan by turning on psychic power. Anything in the five elements, whether it is plants, flames, certain stones, certain water, or certain metals, will only turn on psychic powers and become Yumeng after the reiki reaches a certain level."

Muyu was also the first to hear about the origin of Yumeng. It was quite new, and he asked, "Will all plants become Muyumeng after turning on wit?"

"Yes, the Muyumeng people you just saw below, in your human race's words, they are all made up of some pine trees, locust trees, ivy, fairy flowers, etc., and all kinds of plants are opened up with wisdom. "The old tree explained patiently."

"Isn't that more like a demon?" Mu Yu asked.

The old tree said long: "Plants open spiritual wisdom, which does not belong to the category of demon tribes, demon tribes open spiritual intellects with monster beasts, and Yumeng opens spiritual intellects with things that can't be moved at will. You can understand this way."

"What about Dragon Vine?"

"Dragon vines are a very special kind of existence. They are the darlings of heaven and earth. They can only be transformed after absorbing the spirit for thousands of years. They have long been detached from the category of plants. Like the blue dragon demon king of the demon family, his existence is too special. After transforming into shape, you will get rid of the plant form after another thousand years of cultivation. You should know that the Blue Dragon Demon King is the perfect body of the five elements? Normal plants cannot achieve the balance of the five elements."

The old tree leader was also amazed when he talked about the dragon and vine.

There are many doubts in Muyu's heart, because he has heard about how evil the Yumen demons are before, but never knows how they came, so he asked: "If this is the case, then Tuyoumeng and Jinyou I can imagine that because there are many types of soil and stone, and there are countless metals. What about water and fire? Are there many types?"

"Water is extremely reliable because it is an element, just like tea, well water, river water, and stream water. What is contained in different water is different. Some water has strong corrosiveness, and some water can not freeze at low temperatures. There are also some Yumeng who opened their minds from the ice, as for the fire..." said Lao Shuchang.

"As long as anything can be burned, there is a chance to open the spiritual wisdom to become the fire Yumeng." Luo Di said indifferently.

"Yes, including plants, metals, and even stones. After plants are lit by Mars, they no longer belong to plants. At this time, Huomeng will be bred from it, and many metals can also burn, but we Muyou Mongolian is very unwilling to see Huomeng, because most Huomeng comes from the burning of plants, probably it is not good for each other."

The old tree leader had no prejudice when he talked about this matter, he was just elaborating a fact.

Luo Di snorted lightly, without saying much. He was born alone, in a human race, and had nothing to do with the initiation of the spiritual wisdom that Lao Shuchang said.

Mu Yu nodded thoughtfully.

The old tree leader continued to return to the topic of blood lotus: "At first, blood lotus was used by Master Jumang to seal the killing power. The body of blood lotus is the purest ice crystal snow lotus in the world. It was transformed into blood lotus by the killing power. I found it After it, it was sealed by Lord Jumang, and I couldn’t open the spiritual wisdom. After I unlocked the seal, I took away the killing power and accidentally let it open the spiritual wisdom."

"So the blood lotus turned into the way it is today when it was turned on?" Muyu thought of the strength of blood lotus, and it was really tricky.

"She was just a very lively little girl when she opened her mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I didn't care at the time. After we left the Moyun Mountains, we repaired the teleportation to the double sky. I think you too Have you been to Chongtian? In order to restore strength as soon as possible, I sent some tribes to the aura of mellow Chongtian. At that time, I saw Xuelian sensible, so I let her go. This is probably the most wrong one I did. Something happened." The old tree leader shook his head.

Niu Tianmu Yu had been there naturally, when he and Qiao Xue met by chance on a territory of Tuyoumeng in the Nietto Heaven. No wonder at that time, you will see the Yumon Demon Clan in the double sky, it is because of this reason.

"Xuelian's naive character displayed in front of you is disguised?" Mu Yu asked.

"Yes, in fact, she has been affected by the killing force for a long time, but she is very smart and knows that she has just started to be mentally and mentally weak, so she has been disguising herself all the time, and has gained my trust. The spirit of the sky, so we recovered quickly, but after all, the double-sky and triple-sky are different. Many plants are very difficult to control, so it is not suitable for us to live there, so we returned to the triple-sky."

The old tree paused for a while, then sighed: "After taking her back to Mie Tian, ​​the trouble will begin." (https://)

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