A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 855: Master and apprentice

There was more helplessness in the old tree's words. Blood Lotus deceived him with the image of a naive little girl. This kind of scheming is really deep.

"Later, the priests of gold, fire, and Tuyoumeng found me and the water priest, and I realized that they did not treat the hostile body of the sealing killing power like me, but directly refined them into their own power, because only in this way, they You can control this killing force." Lao Shuchang said.

"You are blinded by the appearance of Blood Lotus, don't you have the heart to refine her to control this power?" Mu Yu asked.

"Yes, I can’t control this power without refining her, so every moment I spend a lot of energy to deal with this power. After Xuelian gained my trust, I took advantage of it one day When I was fighting this force, I suddenly got into trouble and killed me to seize this force."

The old tree leader thought of these things is also very helpless, who can think of his momentary good intentions made a big mistake, so that Blood Lotus successfully took the leadership from him.

"The heart of Bodhi made me escape from the disaster, that is the Bodhi tree that saved you just now, that is the **** tree of our Muyoumeng, its origin is very old. Blood Lotus is very skilled in controlling the killing power, she The use of killing power has influenced the minds of the tribes and controlled them. I hid here with the uncontrolled Mu Youmeng. This is the realm of Shui Youmeng, and the blood lotus will not come over at will.” Lao Shuchang said.

"Isn't the water priest going to fight?" Mu Yu asked.

"She didn’t like to participate in the war, but she didn’t find the killing power of the Xuanming Spirit Lord, or she found it but didn’t move it. In short, her help saved me from trouble, and she was willing to give We provided this place, and Blood Lotus didn't know that I was alive." Lao Shuchang said.

No wonder the old tree grows. Their present position is like an isolated island in the vast sea, and Shui Yumeng priest is also a good Yumeng.

The old tree leader continued to look solemnly and said: "The killing power of the trees controlled by blood lotus is much stronger than you, so the trees she controls are very indestructible for you. I think you are still repelling that killing force if you don’t accept it. That strength, your Mu Ling can't fully realize its true potential. Its ability is very powerful, as long as you agree with it, the trees it turns out will not be afraid of anything, including..."

The old tree leader glanced at Luo Di and continued: "Flame."

Luo Di snorted in disbelief.

"We have the strength to destroy Blood Lotus. If not three other Yumeng priests had just arrived, Blood Lotus would be killed by both of us." Mu Yu said.

"You two can kill Blood Lotus?" The old tree leader was very surprised. He knew the strength of Blood Lotus best. Even if he was asked to fight Blood Lotus now, he could not resist it.

"We don't need Yumeng's ability to kill her," Luo said indifferently.

The old tree leader remembered something and nodded: "Forget that you are the apprentices of Jianying Chenfeng, Jianying Chenfeng is indeed a great person."

"The next time I meet her, she will not be so lucky." Mu Yu already knows **** this blood lotus.

The old tree leader shook his head: "You are still too young to see the killing power. Blood Lotus will definitely leave Moyun Mountain this time to get more powerful killing power. They will continue to make killings. Every time they kill a person, their strength will be One point stronger. The next time they meet them, their strength will definitely increase by one grade."

Mu Yu frowned, and the Yumen Demon Clan has always been killing in the realm of truth. If the old tree leader said it is true, then he and Luo Shi also need to quickly improve their strength.

"I can only pin Mu Yumeng's hope on you now. You have already got your own killing power, and then you should..."

"We will not merge with Lord Yumeng Ling." Luo Luo said straightforwardly.

The old tree leader looked at Mu Yu: "Do you mean that too? I remember you are going to resurrect someone. If you don't integrate, you can't use the domain ability of Master Mang."

Mu Yu didn't answer immediately, resurrecting the dead father is the thing he must do, but to successfully play the complete "birth of life and death", he needs to become the same as south, before finding the soul of the cross, he will not Consider these.

"Old tree grower, we are here to look for the five elements array, can you find a way to help us get it?" Mu Yu put this topic down temporarily.

"It's no problem, how much do you want for the five elements array?"

"The more the better."

The old tree leader pondered for a while: "Yes, but it will take a little time. The five elements array is also very precious to us."

"Old tree grower, there is one more thing to ask you."


"How to suppress the killing power?"


The wooden feather disk sits under the bodhi tree, and the bodhi tree emits a light blue light, which envelopes the wooden feather.

He asked the old tree leader about the problem of suppressing the killing power, and the old tree leader let him come here.

The bodhi tree exudes a strange rhythm, echoing the breath of Muyu.

He closed his eyes and wanted to calm down and seriously began to guide the killing power in the body, but as soon as he closed his eyes, various memories came one after another.

The sky of flames, sharp blades, sand and stones, terrifying killing power, groups of generous and fierce faces are cruising him, and he will be handed over to the three Yumon priests for execution. Writing, despair, frustration, Master’s statues are broken, Dongsha city is full of flames, flying sand and stones, swords and swords, various screams, begging...

"I want to protect this world, I like it here."

The master in Xiaoshuai’s memory said that when Master said this sentence, he was calm and casual, but Mu Yu knew what this sentence meant, and that was Master’s determination. Master has always been an easy-going person, but he will definitely do what he says.

This sentence is what Master said to Xiaoshuai, echoing in Mu Yu's mind is like a Hong Zhong, so that his whole mind is shocked.

Muyu opened his eyes violently. He gasped, his cold heart was in a panic, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

The power of killing is still all over the body, and he cannot suppress this power.

"Why! What does this dirty cultivation world mean to Master?"

Mu Yu clenched his fists tightly, and the whole body was restlessly agitated, swept out, and the force of terror hit the linden tree.

But when the power of killing touched the bodhi tree, it seemed to melt away like ice and snow. The scent of the bodhi tree was still filled with joy. The sparse sunlight fell from the leaves and fell on the wood feathers, so warm Comfortable, but unable to melt the chill from Muyu's body.

"This tree is amazing."

Luo's voice came from the side. He sat on the branch of a locust tree beside him, leaning on the trunk.

The linden tree is really magical. The trees around it are tall and vigorous, hundreds of meters high. The sunlight can't penetrate in other places, but the sunlight can penetrate the surrounding shelter and shine on the linden tree, fall under the linden tree, and sprinkle On Muyu, it was as if the sun in the sky was dedicated to this tree.

Muyu bowed his head and did not answer. Luo Mo didn't see the expression of Master's words, he wouldn't understand, but Mu Yu couldn't forget it. That sentence made Mu Yu unable to calm down.

"The point is not what this world means to Master, but what this world means to you." Luo Di said indifferently.

"What does this world mean to you?" Mu Yu asked.

"Neither the Umong demons nor the human races in this world can accommodate me, but why should I ask for their consent to survive in this world? What kind of green onions do these people look at? I want to kill me. Kill them."

Luo Di snorted softly, and then said, "I used to understand this when you said you wanted to do your own things in the desert."

Mu Yu was silent, he also has his own rules. In the past, he was a person with no heart and no heart. He likes to cause trouble everywhere. He never cares about the eyes of others. Whoever pits him, he will definitely scold it back. The old man who guarded the court with a high degree of virtue and high prestige never missed it.

He believes that in life, doing what he is happy with, so he has been doing what he wants to do. He will do double protection to the people who are good to him, and he will not be weak when he wants to kill him.

But Master has always been a belief in him, unbreakable in his heart. After seeing what Master said to Xiaoshuai, he recalled the slaughter of the entire Dongsha City, and he once again doubted his decision.

Luo Si said: "Master said that anything is correct as long as it is worthy of his heart." Mu Yu shook his head and said: "It is right for us to kill 100,000 people, but it is right for us to protect the world. Master, it’s wrong."

The killing of 100,000 people in Dongsha City was only because he wanted to get a fair deal for the Xuanzhengtang family and the old city master. Mu Yu had no regrets, but he couldn’t get past this hurdle in his heart, nor could he go to Master’s. Hom.

When one thing is worthy of self-questioning, but against Master's wishes, how should one decide right or wrong?

"What do you think Master will think of this?" Luo Luo asked.

"I don't know. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com"

"Master will not blame us. He never blamed us. He said that many things require us to experience ourselves, so even if we slaughter the whole city, no matter how sad the master is, he will not say anything." Luo Di said.

"You are not a master."

Mu Yu replied coldly, he didn't like Luo Luo to see this matter from the perspective of Master.

For a long time of silence, only the fallen leaves in the woods swayed slightly, rustling, accompanied by a harmonious bird song, echoed on this peaceful land.

Luo Di said: "You're right, I'm not a master. But I at least know what it means for me to live, make myself stronger, kill the triple palace, rescue the master, protect Lan Linger, protect Luochen Mountain Everyone in the world has nothing to do with me even if the world is destroyed."

"But it's about Master."

Muyu stood up and stepped on his feet, the whole person had disappeared in place, and appeared again at the top of the bodhi tree. He sat on the top of the tree, looking at the endless river in the distance, stroking the handsome man who was still sleeping in his hand, and there was a trace of confusion in the cold eyes.

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