A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1002 Snow Hazel

The official kiln was built in Bianliang during the Daguan and Zhenghe years of the Song Dynasty.

The glaze of celadon is crystal clear, cracked or in the shape of ice flakes, and the pink, blue and purple glaze is definitely its characteristic.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, a new kiln was built in the suburban altar of Wugui Mountain at the southern foot of Fenghuang Mountain in present-day Hangzhou City, which was called the "official kiln under the suburban altar".

The slag bucket from the official kiln of the Southern Song Dynasty is in front of me. The body is black, dark gray, light gray, beige, etc., with different thicknesses and fine texture.

The glaze is opaque and has many flakes, which is called "crab claw pattern". The glaze colors include pink blue, light blue, gray green, moon white, beige, etc.

Because the glaze on the mouth of the vessel is thin and slightly purple, while the feet are more hematite-colored, it is known as "Purple Mouth and Iron Feet."

The Guan kiln is the leader among the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty. Its warm and subtle glaze color, simple and simple shape, and quiet and elegant artistic conception have been highly praised by collectors of all ages, and it is even regarded as a treasure by the royal family.

Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty praised the official kilns of the Song Dynasty as "the first-class firewood from the official kilns", "watch the morning stars from the official kilns of the Zhao Song Dynasty", and "the treasures of the official kilns of the Zhao Song Dynasty are so rare".

It can be seen that in the mid-Qing Dynasty, the official kilns of the Song Dynasty were already rare treasures. They were of such high quality that even the emperors wanted them and found them hard to come by.

Among the official kiln artifacts from the Song Dynasty collected in the Guanhaishan Museum, many are engraved with Emperor Qianlong's imperial poems chanting about the official kiln, which shows how much Qianlong cherished and loved them.

"Negative Xuan Zalu" of the Southern Song Dynasty records: "When Zhongxing crossed the river, Shao Chengzhang promoted Houyuan and named it Shaoju. He followed Huizong's legacy and set up a kiln in the Xiu Nei Division to make green wares and named it Nei Kiln. Chengni was the model. , extremely fine, and the oil color is crystal clear, which is treasured in the world."

It can be seen that the Southern Song Dynasty official kilns inherited the Ru kiln and the Northern Song Dynasty official kilns. Even in the Southern Song Dynasty, official kiln celadon was extremely precious.

What's even more commendable is the size of this slag bucket.

People in the archaeological collection community believe that there are no large artifacts in the Guan kiln, just like the Ru kiln.

The height of the slag bucket in front of me reached 24 centimeters, and its diameter was more than 30 centimeters.

This size is definitely the most impressive among the known official kiln artifacts.

Seeing such a large official kiln celadon slag bucket, Lu

Fei's blood boiled with excitement.

If this slag bucket was also in pieces, Uncle Lu would be furious to death.

After admiring it with a silly grin for a while, Lu Fei planned to put this valuable treasure back into the box.

But he reached out halfway and took it back.

Putting such a valuable treasure together with these broken pieces of porcelain made Lu Fei really uneasy.

If something happens to him, Lu Fei will regret it.

After thinking for a while, he gently placed Zhidou on the ground.

I ran back and opened a fur box, and I took out a lot of precious top-grade mink skins without hesitation.

Use the remaining mink skin to pave the inside of the box, then go back and bring the slag bucket over, wrap it twice with mink skin, and then put it in.

The slag bucket is placed, and two layers of mink skin are spread on top.

Check it carefully to make sure everything is safe, then rest assured.

After closing the lid and marking it, and gently moving it aside, Lu Fei ran back to the box where the slag bucket was stored.

Pushing the box, the broken porcelain pieces fell on the floor, and he picked up the box to hold the mink skin he just took out.

But just as he turned around, Lu Fei, who was holding the empty box, suddenly froze.

After being stunned for three seconds, he threw the empty box on the ground, turned around and squatted in front of the poured out broken pieces of porcelain.

Carefully, he picked up a large fragment of an enamel plate. A fifteen-centimeter-square, intact crystal box appeared in front of Lu Fei.

Pick up the crystal box and shine the flashlight into it.

After seeing clearly what was inside, Lu Fei frowned and half-squinted his eyes.

In the narrow slit of the eyes, two rays of fear, greed, excitement, and incredible light

It burst out and hit the crystal box.

The crystal box is only about six centimeters thick, and there are only two things inside.

The top is a piece of snow-white molted skin, and the bottom is a mummy specimen of a toad.

This toad is blue-gray all over and looks quite strange.

The head is only about the size of a thumbnail. It is pitifully small and completely out of proportion to the body.

Moreover, the head of this toad is still pointed and triangular, which is very similar to the head of the spearhead viper.

Unlike other frogs and toads, this toad's eyes are not only small but also sunken inward.

This is not the result of sun-drying, but the structure itself is so strange.

The top of the head is flat and flat, with three vertical lines extending to the back in the shape of an umbrella.

The neck is half an inch long and slender.

The shriveled body is oval-shaped, resembling a turtle shell.

The three vertical lines extending from the head become much thicker on the toad's back.

These three vertical lines come out from the head and extend to the middle of the back in an umbrella shape.

Then it shrinks from the middle to the tail in an inverted umbrella shape.

It shrank to the end of the tail, forming a blue meat ball the size of a rice grain, just like a toad with a small extra tail.

Turning the crystal box over again, under the snow-white belly, four short white legs were gathered together and tightly trapped by a red silk thread.

If you look carefully, you immediately notice something strange.

This toad's feet do not have webbed feet, but have five fingers separated and long bluish-gray fingernails.

The fingernails are not very long, but they are as sharp as an eagle, making them intimidating.

Looking the toad up and down carefully, Lu Fei suddenly screamed as if he had seen a ghost.

Then he sat down on the ground, holding the crystal box and giggling.

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