A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1003 Big baby

Changbai Mountain snow clam is a magical and mysterious species.

The first people to discover this magical animal were people from the Taoist sect.

In the sixth year of Yongle, Zhang Chuyu, the forty-third generation of heavenly masters, went to Jurchen to buy materials for refining medicine.

I happened to encounter a strange thing at the foot of Changbai Mountain.

In a Jurchen tribe that had always lived at the foot of the mountain, thirteen people, old and young, died tragically overnight.

Everyone was bleeding from all their orifices, and the state of death was quite horrific.

The Jurchen tribe is quite united and it is impossible to exterminate them artificially.

However, the cause of death of these people could not be found, so people believed that it was mandrills that killed them.

For a moment, everyone was in panic.

Zhang Tianshi thought this was a bit strange, so he went to do an autopsy in person and found that these people had died of poisoning.

After investigation, it was found that the deceased had dinner together that night. Needless to say, the problem must have been in the food.

Zhang Tianshi checked the leftovers one by one and found no source of poison.

Then he fed all the food to the livestock one by one, and finally found the root cause.

The problem lies in a basin of fish soup.

Later, Zhang Tianshi analyzed the ingredients of the fish soup.

Inside is salt, clear water, and rainbow trout, the only fish species in Changbai Mountain Tianchi.

Rainbow trout is a cold-water fish. It is delicious and does not contain any toxins. The problem cannot be caused by the fish.

But except for rainbow trout, salt and clear water are even more impossible.

With Zhang Tianshi's talent and knowledge, he could not find the source of the poison, which is simply unbelievable.

At the same time, this also aroused Zhang Chuyu's competitive spirit.

Zhang Tianshi made up his mind to fight to the end, and he had to unravel the mystery.

No fault could be found in the fish soup, but Zhang Tianshi made a major breakthrough in an earthen pot.

The Jurchen tribe cooks on a cold stove outside the tent.

Usually, a clay pot is placed next to the cold stove.

The purpose of the clay pot is similar to the current trash can. It is more appropriate to say it is a swill bucket.


br\u003e  The parts that people cannot eat are accumulated in clay pots, and then these things are fed to livestock.

The pottery in this restaurant is filled with the internal organs of rainbow trout. Before it could be processed, the owner got into trouble.

Among these internal organs, Zhang Tianshi found a strange piece of skin and a small triangular head.

After taking out the triangular head and skin, Zhang Tianshi discovered that they came from the same animal.

After splicing the head and skin together, Zhang Tianshi, who had seen a lot and was knowledgeable and talented, was immediately confused.

This thing is shaped like a toad, but it is different from all toads.

The evil little head, the three strange vertical lines, and the little meat ball about the size of a grain of rice on the butt all combined.

The majestic Heavenly Master didn’t even recognize what it was.

This is simply unreasonable!

Asked the people in the tribe, everyone shook their heads collectively.

This gave Zhenren Zhang some comfort.

If you locals don’t recognize him, and I, a Central Plains native, can’t recognize him, then it won’t be a shame.

It doesn't matter if you can't name it. Let's see if this thing is poisonous first.

Master Zhang rubbed the wooden stick on the bad skin twice, and then stuffed it into the sheep's mouth.

In just a few seconds, the sheep fell to the ground, bleeding from its orifices and dying.


What a terrifying toxicity!

The sheep failed, so Zhang Tianshi bought another cow at his own expense.

The cow took a lick, but it also didn't last three seconds.

Now Zhang Zhenren was completely stunned by the terrifying toxicity.

While shocked, Master Zhang was even more excited.

Zhang Zhenren is proficient in medical science and is a master of alchemy.

According to pharmacology, all things are mutually reinforcing and inhibiting each other, and all poisons can be used as medicine.

This is true for poisonous insects, poisonous weeds, snake venom, crane crown red, etc.

And facts have proven that the more toxic it is, the more significant the effect will be if it is used as medicine after understanding its properties.

Thinking of this, Master Zhang loved this piece of immoral leather and the little triangular head like a treasure.

Since he didn't understand the toxicity, Master Zhang didn't dare to try it rashly, so he carefully put away the skin and triangular head in a small porcelain bottle.

In the next few days, Master Zhang lived in this tribe.

I bought a hundred cows and sheep, and based on medical theory, I tried using the bade skin with various medicines.

For two consecutive days, Zhang Zhenren made a major discovery.

Quedepi combined with Bianzhulan, Guchangshan and other medicinal materials can perfectly stop bleeding and reduce inflammation.

Combined with Dujingshan, Jiujie tea, etc., it has a miraculous effect on reducing swelling and clearing silt.

Combined with medicinal materials such as Aliteng and Amole, it can actually detoxify Datura.

And no matter which medicine is used, it is more than ten times more effective than other known medicines.

Master Zhang was very excited to learn about these heaven-defying effects.

But after the excitement, I felt extremely disappointed.

In these two days of experiments, most of the one hundred cattle and sheep were sacrificed.

It doesn't matter, Daomen is never short of money.

But the key point is that the Bad Skin and Triangle Head are completely used up.

Zhang Zhenren concluded that the effects of this thing are far more than these, and even have more awesome functions, which need to be slowly discovered through experiments.

Zhang Zhenren was confident enough in the efficacy of developing bad skin, but the materials could not be found.

Master Zhang drew a picture and visited the surrounding tribes, but no one recognized this immoral thing.

Now Zhang Zhenren was a little discouraged.

Calm down, Master Zhang immediately thought.

Since this thing appears in the same pot as rainbow trout, they should both come from Tianchi in Changbai Mountain.

It doesn't matter if no one recognizes it

, as long as we catch a few more, we can also experiment.

The next day, Zhang Zhenren hired fifty fishing experts to come to Tianchi.

After a week of fishing, I finally caught one.

Seeing this big living baby that he had never seen before, Mr. Zhang was so excited that he almost cried.

In the next period of time, Master Zhang handed over the task of purchasing medicinal materials to his disciples.

On the other side, he organized people to continue fishing for the big treasure, while he concentrated on developing new functions of this thing.

Half a month later, Zhang Zhenren developed several special functions of Dabaobao.

No matter what it is, it cannot be compared with other genius treasures.

This made Zhang Zhenren so excited that he was almost demonic.

Just when he was about to flex his muscles and continue his research, this big treasure was all used up.

However, there was no harvest from Tianchi, which made Da Zhenren very depressed.

Zhang Zhenren was unwilling to give in and stayed at the edge of Tianchi every day to supervise people's fishing.

Unfortunately, after two months and countless rainbow trout catches, there was not even a shadow of the big baby.

In late autumn, heavy snow suddenly fell in Changbai Mountain.

The hired workers gave up their jobs, but Zhang Zhenren was not discouraged and still stayed at Tianchi.

Hard work pays off, perhaps it was Zhang Zhenren’s perseverance that moved God.

On this day, a big baby actually climbed onto the shore from about ten meters in front of Master Zhang.

Zhang Zhenren did not catch it immediately, but carefully observed the habits and patterns of this thing.

What surprised Master Zhang was that when this thing first came ashore, it was completely blue-grey.

But when you come to the snow, it immediately turns into pure white, blending perfectly with the white snow.

If Zhang Zhenren hadn't followed him without blinking, he would have been in trouble.

Seeing the big baby's daily operation and its resemblance to a toad, Zhang Zhenren smiled and named it Snow Toad!

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