A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1020: Encircled

Lu Fei went into the forest to hunt and met a silly roe deer weighing more than 40 kilograms.

This is good stuff,

The nutritional value of roe deer meat is very high, and there is almost no fat in the whole body.

Eating roe deer meat can enhance resistance and immunity. It can also warm the spleen and stomach, strengthen the heart and lungs, diuretic, aphrodisiac and prolong life.

Some liver and kidney patients take it, which is very helpful to their condition.

Using roe deer meat to make medicinal diet is much more effective than pheasant and hare.

Of course Lu Fei couldn't let go of such a good thing.

The silly roe deer was frightened and ran away. Lu Fei pulled out his new Damascus knife and chased after him.

Usually, if someone is chasing them, the roe deer will find a place to "hide" while running, otherwise it would not have the title of silly roe deer. .??.

But what Lu Fei met today turned out to be a different kind. Not only was he not stupid, but he was very smart.

Facing Lu Fei's pursuit, this roe deer not only did not hide, but also specifically chose the most difficult section to escape.

Lu Fei chased him several times, but just two or three steps behind him, the roe deer suddenly changed direction and threw Lu Fei away.

If others had encountered such a difficult-to-catch roe deer, they would have given up long ago.

But this person happened to be Lu Fei.

Lu Fei was going crazy after failing to catch him several times.

Damn it!

Lu Fei couldn't even forgive himself for not being able to catch a stupid roe deer.

Lu Fei swore that he would fight with this guy today.

God rushed to the Lingxiao Palace, and went to the ground to chase him to the gate of hell.

No matter what, we will eat wild roe deer tonight.




"What the hell, if I don't catch you today, I will be a vegetarian for the rest of my life!"

The silly roe deer jumped up and down, Lu Fei held a knife behind his back and chased after him.

The silly roe deer was frightened and kept screaming. Lu Fei's voice was louder than it.

Just chasing him all the way, he ran into Lu Fei unknowingly.

That chasm of treasure.

When we got here, the silly roe deer was obviously exhausted, his body kept shaking, and his screams became more frequent.

All the way down after entering the chasm, Lu Fei's speed was much faster than before.

After turning a corner, we were only less than five meters away from the silly roe deer.

Lu Fei was secretly happy and stepped closer, quickly approaching.

But something unexpected happened when he was less than three meters away from the silly roe deer.

He stumbled under his feet and instantly lost his center of gravity and flew forward.

Lu Fei secretly thought that was bad. He stretched out his body with all his strength, and his palms could barely touch the white down on the silly roe deer's butt, but he still couldn't grasp it.

After being caught by Lu Fei, the silly roe deer screamed and ran forward with all his strength.

Lu Fei, who lost his center of gravity, hit the ground heavily.

This fall was really hard, my arms and thighs were bruised in several places, and the pain was terrible.

However, at this time, Lu Fei was thinking about Silly Roe Deer.

It would be a bit useless to let it escape like this.

He endured the pain and got up, not caring to check his injuries and chased out again.

When Lu Fei turned around the mountain bend in front of him, the silly roe deer had disappeared.

Lu Fei spat hard, and after running through two small turns, there was still nothing. This made Lu Fei extremely disappointed.

There was another small curve more than ten meters ahead. Lu Fei decided that if he could not see the shadow of the silly roe deer after passing this mountain curve, he would give up and go back to eat vegetarian food.

Maybe Lu Fei is not destined to be a vegetarian.

After rounding the mountain bend, Lu Fei was surprised to find that a fluffy and shivering thing at the base of the stone wall in front of him was the silly roe deer's butt.


What about this hide and seek?

Let's see where you go this time.

Lu Fei was overjoyed, one

Jianbu rushed forward, grabbed the fur on the silly roe deer's back with his left hand and pulled hard.

The silly roe deer screamed loudly and struggled desperately.

But under Lu Fei's strength, Silly Roe Deer was unable to compete.

Pulling out more than half of the silly roe deer to expose its front legs, Lu Fei aimed the Damascus knife in his right hand at the armpit of the front leg and stabbed it right in.


The extremely sharp Damascus knives were all pierced into the chest, and the stupid roe deer let out a miserable howl that destroyed the world.

Using all his strength, he lost a large piece of hair, successfully got rid of Lu Fei and crashed forward.

In fact, it was not the stupid roe deer that got rid of Lu Fei, but Lu Fei who let go on purpose.

Now the silly roe deer is stuck in the crevice of the rocks. There is no way forward and he is blocking it from behind. There is no way to escape.

The knife just now had pierced the stupid roe deer's heart, and it was just the last breath of his dying struggle.

Lu Fei was worried that the roe deer's blood would splash on him, so he let go.

I thought that the silly roe deer would stretch its legs and stare at the pill after struggling twice.

But this time Lu Fei was overconfident.

The dying silly roe deer unleashed all its potential and rushed desperately into the crevices of the rocks.

The huge force was incredible, shattering the weathered rock walls around the stone crevice, and he rushed in directly.


"Is this okay?"

This sudden change left Lu Fei stunned for three seconds.

Lu Fei once wondered if this guy had become a spirit.

Upon closer inspection, Lu Fei was shocked.

It turns out that there is another cave inside the stone crevice.

The surrounding rock walls shattered, and the silly roe deer rushed directly into the cave.

Unfortunately, after rushing in more than three meters, the stupid roe deer suddenly fell to the ground and died.

At this time, Lu Fei had selectively ignored the silly roe deer, but was concentrating on looking at the entrance of the cave.

Different from the rock crevices I drilled before, this one is a real hole.

It is one meter and a half tall, irregular oval in shape, and over one meter at its widest point.

The entrance to the cave was deep and dark, and warm gas mixed with the smell of corruption and various kinds of feces came out. Lu Fei frowned and quickly covered his nose.

Lu Fei frowned not because he couldn't stand the smell, but because he was confused.

This smell also contains a hint of metal.

And it was much stronger than the smell of the cave before.


It can't be such a coincidence!

Could it be that there is more than just one treasure hidden in this Weihu Mountain?

Lu Fei was extremely confused and excited at the same time.

He dragged the dead roe deer aside, turned on his flashlight and got in without hesitation.

Lu Fei shouted when he got inside. Judging from the echo, this cave was quite deep and had many twists and turns.

Fortunately, the cave is quite wide. Walking in for more than ten meters, the height reaches more than three meters, and the widest part exceeds two and a half meters.

Not to mention Lu Fei alone, even if a three-wheeled motorcycle came in, he would be rich and wealthy.

The further inside, the stronger the metallic smell becomes.

Lu Fei was excited and quickened his pace to walk deeper.

After walking around for twenty minutes, a three-way intersection appeared in front of me.

Lu Fei blinked and looked at the situation in front of him, his nose was twisted with anger.

This turned out to be a branch road where I retrieved the treasure last time.

The fork in the middle of the road in front of me is the evil road I crawled in last time.

Follow the left for a short distance and you should be where the treasure is.

In order to confirm his judgment, Lu Fei accelerated and ran.

A few minutes later, those dilapidated weapon boxes and a dozen cannons appeared in front of them.

The only difference is that those valuable boxes have been emptied by Gao Yuan and others, and the rest is trash that is dismissed.

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