A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1021 Dragon King

He was full of joy and thought it was another treasure, but he didn't expect it to be a branch of the treasure he had obtained before. Lu Fei was extremely disappointed.

What’s even more depressing is that if I could have discovered this broad road last time, why would I have been so exhausted climbing into the rock crevice!

Now that I think about leaving the big bag outside and crawling in and out like a dead dog, my head hurts with anger.

After looking at the current situation of the treasure, I saw that all the boxes where I had left my mark had been emptied.

There are also three boxes of Liao 13 missing. Some financial fan must have slipped them out together.

In addition to moving the boxes, Gao Yuan also handled the aftermath meticulously.

All the previous footprints disappeared, and the dust on the box was reset with fine silk. Lu Fei was quite satisfied.

While dealing with the traces of his entry this time, he stepped back.

After retreating to the intersection and looking at the boxes and cannons again, Lu Fei gritted his teeth.

Damn it! .??.

After tossing the young master twice, the young master was happy for nothing.

After the big competition, I have to find an opportunity to clear this place out.

Even the cannons were taken away, leaving nothing behind.

Lu Fei was so depressed that he came here in vain and had to clean up the traces bit by bit.

After finally retreating to the entrance of the cave, Lu Fei vented all his resentment on the stupid roe deer who had died a long time ago.

If this guy hadn't knocked open the hole, why would he have bothered?

He kicked the stupid roe deer hard, and then he calmed down a bit.

Just as he was about to deal with the silly roe deer, Lu Fei's cell phone rang rapidly.

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was Su Donghai's number.

"Captain Su, are you looking for me?"

"Lu Fei, where are you? You don't have the satellite phone with you. There is no signal on the mobile phone. I'm so worried." Su Donghai yelled.

satellite telephone?

That thing has a positioning device, and Lu Fei usually doesn't carry it with him. When he came out in the morning, he was directly rolled up in the quilt.

As for the mobile phone, I was in the cave just now, so of course there was no signal.

"Captain Su, I'm in the mountains."

"I got a silly roe deer today, and I'll give it to my brother tonight

Brothers, try something new! "

"Don't talk about that yet, you kid, hurry back to the base. Did you hear Shi Wanhuo urgently?" Su Donghai said.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

Su Donghai's tone was urgent, and Lu Fei felt a little nervous.

What Lu Fei is most worried about is helping Ying Long Qiu Long prepare the powder.

If it really leaks out, Mo Jianfei and Panlong boss Li Xuehai will be very anxious.

"Nonsense, of course something happened."

"The commander-in-chief and the Dragon King are here. They want to see you. Come back to me right away. The sooner the better." Su Donghai said.

"Dragon King?"

"Who is the Dragon King?"

Lu Fei only knew that there was a commander in chief, and had never heard of the title Dragon King, so he couldn't help but be a little curious.

"You don't know the Dragon King?"

"I really don't know, what does the Dragon King do?"



"You, Lu Fei, are so awesome!"

"As an instructor of Xuanlong, a leader with only 20 cents, he doesn't even know that we are the top commander of the Five Dragons Brigade."

"I'm fucking convinced by you!"

Su Donghai is not like ordinary big guys, this person is of extremely high quality.

I have been in contact with him several times, but I almost never heard Su Donghai use any foul language.

Now Boss Su actually said dirty words. You didn't need to look to see that he was very angry.

"What about that, Boss Su, don't be angry, I really don't know."

"How about you tell me now?"

"Talk nonsense!"

"I don't care where you are now, I want to see your people within twenty minutes."



Su Donghai

To save Lu Fei's face, he hung up the phone without saying anything about the consequences.

Lu Fei put on his cell phone and smiled.

He was six or seven kilometers away from the base and had twenty minutes to go. Unless he had wings and could fly back, it would be impossible.

Since you can't make it back within the stipulated time, there's no need to worry.

Lu Fei squatted down and used a Damascus knife to cut the silly roe deer's body into two parts from the middle.

He found a thick branch and sharpened it, strung one end and half of it on his shoulders, and then hurried back.

On the way, Su Donghai called several times to remind him, but Lu Fei simply didn't answer.

Forty minutes later, when I returned to the base entrance, I could see Su Donghai's tiger eyes bulging out from a distance.

"Lu Fei, you"

"Boss Su, please calm down. I went far today and I really won't be able to make it back in twenty minutes."

"You can't care about your sister-in-law having a child, right?"

"You kid, stop talking to me, throw this thing away, and follow me to see the leader."

"I'll settle the rest with you later."

"Okay, you go back to the headquarters first, and I'll take the roe deer to the kitchen."

"What the hell, leave your things behind and come with me now." Su Donghai yelled.

"That won't work. Roe deer meat is a great supplement. Preparing medicinal meals for the brothers will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

"Stop talking nonsense, this is an order!"

"Who is that? Help Instructor Lu take the roe deer to the kitchen. Lu Fei, follow me."

Su Donghai was so anxious that he grabbed a strong man to help him and pulled Lu Fei towards the headquarters.

Passing by Yinglong and Qiulong's camps, three cold stoves were set up in front of the two camps.

Three large pots are steaming hot, and the aroma of stewed chicken fills the air.

"Boss Su, what are Ying Long and Qiu Long doing?"

"Why do you care about others?"

"Come with me quickly!"

"If the Commander-in-Chief and the Dragon King are angry,

You kid can't eat and walk around. "Su Donghai shouted.

"Don't worry, the leader has to be reasonable, right?"

"If I can't come back after I go into the mountains, can they still charge me with forced security?"

"It won't delay the walk anyway. Just tell me how these two families cook chicken by themselves?"

Su Donghai rolled his eyes at Lu Fei and said angrily.

"Duan Yanhong and Yang Zhenhuai bought old hens at their own expense to improve the food for their team members."

"Then why don't they go to the kitchen to stew?"

"If you ask me, who should I ask?"

"Don't ask about other people's affairs. I'm warning you. When you see the boss soon, you have to be careful what you say."

"Stop your talk. If you really anger the leader, the consequences will be very serious." Su Donghai said.

Su Donghai mentioned the matter of Yinglong and Qiulong stewed chicken in one sentence, which meant that there was no trouble.

Lu Fei was relieved now.

"Boss Su, who is the commander-in-chief?"

"Are you as old as you?"

"How is that man's temper? Is he easy to talk to?" Lu Fei asked.

"I don't have time to explain to you now. Just pay attention when you speak."

"In addition, you have to be mentally prepared. Lao Mo and the others are here and are studying whether we have committed a foul."

"If we are sentenced for a foul, we will admit it. At worst, we will work harder to catch up in the next four subjects."

"You kid, please don't be in a noisy mood, do you hear me?" Su Donghai instructed.

"Boss Su, don't worry!"

"I won't mess around."

"A foul is a foul. Even if 5,000 points are deducted, we are sure to catch up." Lu Fei said.

"That's all you can think of. Let's go!"

When they arrived at the headquarters, Su Donghai made a report and took Lu Fei inside.

Lu Fei was shocked when he saw clearly the person sitting on the main seat.

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