A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1022 No way

Follow Su Donghai into the Wulong headquarters.

In the headquarters, in addition to the other four dragon bosses, there is an old man and a middle-aged man.

Lu Fei was shocked when he saw these two people.

The old man is Su Baozhen, the super boss who personally gave him a solid wood box not long ago.

The middle-aged man was even more familiar, it was Chen Xiang's second uncle Chen Honggang.

"Mr. Su?"

"Second uncle?"

"Why are you here too?" ??

Lu Fei regretted asking this question.

Su Donghai said that the commander-in-chief and the Dragon King wanted to see him.

Needless to say, it must be these two.

It's a bit abrupt to call him that in this situation.

Hearing Lu Fei's title, except for Su Donghai, the other four bosses were all surprised.

Chen Honggang rolled his eyes at Lu Fei, but Su Baozhen laughed.

"Boy, it's more difficult to meet you than to meet the big leader."

"I've been here for a while, where have you been?"


"Report, I went hunting in the mountains." Lu Fei replied loudly.

“Don’t hold back, sit down and talk.”


"Going into the mountains to hunt, what was the result?" Su Baozhen asked.

Lu Fei stood up again and shouted loudly.

"Report, I was lucky today. I caught two pheasants, a hare, and also shot a roe deer."

"Sit down, you kid, don't be so nervous."


"I've eaten roe deer meat before. It's tender, delicious and quite good."

"However, roe deer has been listed as a second-level protected animal, and it is illegal to kill it casually!"

"Mr. Su, I wasn't the one who hunted him."

"The silly roe deer panicked when it saw me and hit the rock wall by itself and died."

"Since he was hit and killed, wouldn't it be a waste of natural resources if he was thrown into the mountains?"

"So, I'll do it

Come back and improve the food for your brothers. " Lu Fei said.

"That's it!"

"If that's the case, it'll be no problem, Xiao Chen, we're really lucky today!" Su Baozhen said with a smile.

Chen Honggang nodded and said.

"Commander-in-Chief, let's get down to business first!"

"I'll make this kid cook by myself later."

"Yes, he must be punished to cook by himself."

"Then announce the result!" Su Baozhen said.

Chen Honggang turned his head and looked at Lu Fei with a stern face.

That sharp look made Lu Fei feel uncomfortable all over.

"Based on the reactions of the other four teams, we will review the entire process of your Xuanlong's performance of the first subject."

"After investigation, Ou Yifeng was indeed injured and hospitalized."

"It stands to reason that there is nothing wrong with you joining as a substitute for Instructor Xuanlong, but your mistake was that you did not report it in time."

"This is a serious mistake."

"Also, you took a luxury charter flight and bought two top-of-the-line Land Rover off-road vehicles. This is a serious extravagance."

"Your behavior is completely contrary to the spirit of hardship and simplicity in our military."

"This is an inexcusable mistake."

"Based on the above two points, the command headquarters will give handling opinions."

"First, confiscate the two Land Rovers and all remaining cash earned during this mission."

"Second, due to these two mistakes, your Xuanlong first subject results are invalid."

"However, since you actively rescued your comrades and punished the local bullies, five thousand points will not be deducted."

"That is to say, in the first subject, you Xuanlong scored zero."

"Captain Su, Instructor Lu, do you have any objections to this result?" Chen Honggang said.

"Report, no objection!"

Su Donghai stood at attention and shouted.

Chen Honggang looked at Lu Fei and asked.

"And you?"

"I have no objection to the report," Lu Fei said.

Chen Honggang nodded and said.

"It's fine if you don't have any objection."

"The results of this processing will be announced shortly and will take effect immediately."

"Now let's talk about the second thing."

"Instructor Lu, it is said that the medicinal diet you prepared can improve the physical fitness of soldiers and can also treat some stubborn diseases, right?"

"I report that it is possible to improve physical fitness, but treating stubborn diseases is a bit far-fetched."

"The medicinal diet I prepared is to stimulate the mechanism and reduce the formation of lactic acid."

"This can improve the physical limits of the soldiers and fully unleash their potential, that's all."

"As for stubborn illnesses, it depends on what kind of injury it is."

"Only by understanding the condition and prescribing the right medicine can it be effective." Lu Fei said.

"Does your medicine have any side effects?" Chen Honggang asked.

"Report, I use all natural Chinese herbal medicines and there are absolutely no side effects."

Chen Honggang nodded and said.

"Very good, I have enough confidence in your medical skills."

"However, I still want to criticize you."

"I heard that you only make medicinal meals for your Xuanlong team members. The other captains have begged many times, but you have not agreed."

"Is this happening?"

"Report, this is indeed the case!" Lu Fei said.

"Instructor Lu, our five dragons are a whole, and Xuanlong is just a part of this whole."

"It's not good for you to treat me differently."

"Since you have such ability, you should put a bowl of water on the table so that all warriors can benefit."

"In the future, it will not only be our Five Dragons, but if the effect is significant, it should be vigorously promoted throughout the army."


Only by improving the physical fitness of all soldiers can our overall combat level rise. "

"Do you think this is true?" Chen Honggang said.

"Report, I have made it clear to the four captains that after this competition, the formula will be made public." Lu Fei said.

"Why do you have to wait until after the big competition?"

"How about this!"

"You will write out the formula in a moment, and I will send people to purchase medicines and ingredients. From today on, all Wulong commanders and soldiers will take medicinal diet."

As soon as Chen Hong said this, Mo Jianfei and Li Xuehai were excited.

But Duan Yanhong and Yang Zhenhuai, who had already made profits, frowned.

In order for Lu Fei to prepare medicine and meals, these two big guys paid a lot of money in order to seize the opportunity.

If Lu Fei hands over the formula now, wouldn't the bag and Damascus knife he gave away be in vain?

If that were the case, these two bosses would be heartbroken to death.

Duan Yanhong and Yang Zhenhuai were extremely nervous and looked at Lu Fei in unison.


"I said, I will hand over the formula after the competition."

"But now, no!" Lu Fei said decisively.

Hearing Lu Fei's attitude, Duan Yanhong and Yang Zhenhuai took a deep breath and gave Lu Fei a big thumbs up in their hearts.

However, Chen Honggang's expression darkened.

"Instructor Lu, you have to put the overall situation first!" Su Baozhen said.


"It's not that I, Lu Fei, am stingy."

"From the time I prepared medicinal meals for Xuanlong, I decided to hand over the formula."

"It is my duty, Lu Fei, to benefit the Five Dragons and all the warriors in China."

"But it must be after the big competition." Lu Fei said.


"Because I am Xuanlong's instructor, and now during the competition, I must put Xuanlong's honor first."

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