A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1024 Good News

Outside the headquarters, the Five Dragons bosses were arguing, and Lu Fei came out.

Seeing Lu Fei, Mo Jianfei and Li Xuehai were filled with resentment.

He glared at Lu Fei and walked away.

Duan Yanhong and Yang Zhenhuai also took the first step to avoid suspicion, leaving Lu Fei and Su Donghai chatting while walking.

"Boss Su, why didn't you tell me that Chen Honggang is the Dragon King?" Lu Fei complained. .??.

"Isn't it the same whether you tell or not?"

"You all know each other anyway."

"Can that be the same?"

"You told me earlier so I could be mentally prepared."

"It wasn't so awkward when I first entered." Lu Fei said.

"By the way, your boy performed quite well just now."

"No matter who it is, they must not agree, otherwise we will have nothing to do." Su Donghai said.

"Boss Su, what are you talking about?"

"Why can't you agree?"

"Aren't you pretending to be confused with me?"

"Of course it's the recipe for medicinal food."

"I tell you Lu Fei, just put your heart in your stomach."

"Don't hand it over until the contest is over."

"That belongs to your personal wealth. As long as you don't take the initiative to hand it over, there is nothing anyone can do about it."

"With medicinal dietary conditioning, we have the possibility to turn defeat into victory."

"On the contrary, we will definitely lose."

"In the recent competition between the three realms, our Xuanlong was the number one winner."

"This time, you kid, please don't let me down. I can't afford to lose that person." Su Donghai said.

"You're talking about the formula!"

"Of course it's the formula."

"Boy, you did a great job on this. Come to my place tonight."

"I still have two bottles of 80-year-old Moutai there. We won't go home until we get drunk tonight."

After Su Donghai finished speaking, he found that Lu Fei was not as excited as he thought. Su Donghai was stunned.

"What's wrong, Lu Fei, is the commander-in-chief giving you a hard time again?"

"Why do you have such an expression?"

Lu Fei was embarrassed

He said with a smile.

"Boss Su, Lu Fei deserves your praise."

"I'm not as good as you say."

"How not?"

"Since you became an instructor, you have often led your brothers to make meritorious deeds."

"Your reputation in Xuanlong is much higher than that of my captain."

"Also, you can always put Xuanlong's honor and interests first, which is even more commendable."

"My superiors asked you to take on the title of instructor, and I was in a mood for a while."

"Now it seems that not only are you not useless, you are also our Xuanlong's great treasure."

"If you don't want to talk about anything else, let's just talk about this medicinal diet."

"The training results of the brothers have improved significantly, and everyone is very excited."

"The morale within the team is as high as ever, and this is all due to you!" Su Donghai said.

"Okay, don't talk about the medicinal formula."

"What's wrong?"

"I handed over the formula."


"What did you say?"

"Hand it over?" Su Donghai asked in disbelief with his eyes widened.

"Yes, handed it over."

"I'll go, what's going on?"

"Didn't you just say that it won't work even if the King of Heaven comes?"

"Why did you hand it over as soon as you turned around?"

"Is the commander-in-chief threatening you?" Su Donghai asked.

"There is definitely no threat. I donated it voluntarily."

“Although it was donated, you don’t have to worry.”

"What I gave them is just an ordinary formula. Compared with the effect of our Xuanlong, it is more than ten times different."

"In this big competition, our Xuanlong will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory!"

Lu Fei did hand over the formula


And it was donated voluntarily.

Not only did the two bosses pose no threat, they also told Lu Fei some great and good news.

With this news, Lu Fei had no reason to refuse. .??.

Su Donghai felt relieved after hearing Lu Fei say there was a better formula.

"Lu Fei, I'm not gossiping."

"You were in there just now. If the commander-in-chief deliberately made things difficult for you, just tell me."

"I'm going to seek justice for you." Su Donghai said.


"Boss Su, is there something going on between you and the commander-in-chief?"

"From the connotation of your words, it seems that you are determined to eat this old man."

"Isn't it because the Commander-in-Chief has something to hold on to?" Lu Fei asked jokingly.

"Don't talk nonsense. The commander-in-chief is a big leader. What leverage can I have against him?"

"That's not necessarily the case. What if the commander-in-chief does something unspeakable?"


"You're keeping your mouth shut, please stop talking!"

"Don't make random guesses, I'll tell you!"

"The commander-in-chief is my father."




"Oh my god!"

Back in the tent, Lu Fei's mind was in a mess, thinking about the shocking news today.

Su Donghai's father-in-law is Kong Fanlong.

The godfather is Wang Zhenbang.

The biological father is even more awesome, he is actually Su Baozhen.

Su Baozhen is a guest commander in chief, with the purpose of supervising the results of the Five Dragons Competition.

In fact, Boss Su's true identity is much more awesome than the commander-in-chief.

That is second only to Pan Xingzhou!

No wonder Su He is so arrogant.

Based on his background, Su He definitely has the ability to be arrogant.

Except for Su Donghai, Lu Fei never expected that the Dragon King would be Chen Honggang.

Only now did Lu Fei realize that Chen Xiang's second uncle turned out to be a two-star boss. He was really a mastermind!

Not only Chen Honggang's identity as Dragon King shocked Lu Fei.

Lu Fei also learned that the Five Dragons Brigade was founded by Chen Yunfei.

Twenty-two years after its establishment, the Wulong Brigade has repeatedly performed extraordinary feats at home and abroad, and has an unshakable position in the Chinese military.

What's even more shocking is that the first Dragon King of the Five Dragons Brigade was none other than Li Yunhe's grandfather, Li Ping'an.

In the past, Lu Fei had always thought that Li Shengnan was arrogant because of his noisy character, which made everyone a little afraid.

That's why no one wants to touch the bad luck of Dou Zhan Buddha.

Now it seems that that factor is just one of them.

What's more important is the background of the Li family!

In addition to these shocking news, there is another piece of good news that is definitely good for Lu Fei.

Lu Fei made great contributions to the Hongshan Culture case and the Luojing shipwreck case two years ago.

Coupled with the establishment of the foundation, it is even more of a miracle.

Based on his performance, Dragon King Chen Honggang asked for credit from above.

After unanimous approval by the higher-ups, it was decided to appoint Lu Fei as the chief instructor of the Five Dragons Brigade.

The official rank was raised to 23 cents, and the appointment was announced immediately after the competition.

When he was a Xuanlong instructor before, he really provided Lu Fei with a lot of conveniences.

This promotion to Chief Instructor of Five Dragons is so exciting!

In Su Baozhen's words, at this juncture, all he has to do is convince the public.

Only when all members of the Five Dragons recognize this chief instructor can Lu Fei's power be maximized.

At this critical moment, if the other four dragons hate me because of a small medicinal diet formula, then the gain outweighs the loss.

So Lu Fei handed over the formula without hesitation.

As for Duan Yanhong and Yang Zhenhuai, the same rhetoric used to deal with Su Donghai just now is equally effective against them.

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