A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1025 Second Subject

In the next two days, the team members stepped up training, and Lu Fei specially prepared meals.

After two days of conditioning, all team members looked completely new.

The Xuanlong team members were as excited as if they had been injected with blood. They were full of energy and needed to find a place to vent.

The third day is the competition date for the second subject.

During breakfast, Lu Fei and several Xuanlong captains gathered together.

Lu Fei looked at Yang Yi and asked.

"How are you preparing?"

"No problem, the first one must be our Xuanlong." Yang Yi said extremely excitedly.

"What is the content of the second subject competition?"

"I see that in the past few days, the training of the five major teams is all regular subjects and physical training, and there is no targeted content."

"What's going on?" Lu Fei asked.

"Instructor, you don't know something. Our competition has no fixed subjects."

"The specific content of the competition will not be announced until the start of the competition."

"The purpose of this is to examine the comprehensive skills of the soldiers."

"The most realistic level is without targeted training," Tang Xin said.


"I see."

"Is it usually a group project or an individual project?" Lu Fei asked.

"That's not necessarily the case."

"In previous competitions, the first four rounds were all individual events, and the final round was a group event."

"But this time is different. The first subject tests teamwork."

"As for whether the second subject is collective or individual, that's not necessarily the case." Li Shengnan said.

After breakfast, the fifth team practiced as usual.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the assembly horn sounded and everyone gathered in the small playground.

The team was lined up, and Dragon King Chen Honggang and Commander-in-Chief Su Baozhen came to the front of the team.

The army is not like those in official circles, where they always have to talk about the ozone layer as a prelude to something innocuous.

When we got here, we went straight to the topic.

Chen Honggang stood at the front of the team with his hands behind his back, his expression solemn and solemn, making people shudder.

"Listen to the command!"

"Take a break!"

"Tell me about the competition content of the second subject."

"The second subject this time is the 500-meter obstacle shooting individual competition."

"Each team will send three representatives to record the best results."

"Ten thousand points for first place."

"Five thousand points for second place."

"Two thousand points for third place."

"One thousand points for fourth place."

"Two thousand points will be deducted for the last place."

"Do you understand everything?"

"I understand!" everyone shouted in unison.

Chen Honggang nodded and said.

"The captain will lead the team. We will gather at the shooting range in fifteen minutes. The game will start immediately."


Five captains stood up and gave orders.

"All of them, turn left."

"Target range, running forward."

They started off one after another according to the results of the first subject, and Xuanlong was ranked last as expected.

While running forward, Lu Fei asked Tang Xin beside him in a low voice.

"Boss Tang, what is 500-meter obstacle shooting?"

"You don't understand this?" Tang Xin said with disgust.

"Don't make trouble!"

"If I want to know, do I need to ask you?"

"Five-hundred-meter obstacle shooting, as the name suggests, is a mission shooting from a distance of five hundred meters."

"That's it!"

"It's too general. Be more specific."

"so troublesome!"

"Please pay more attention to us, okay?"

"You are also an instructor after all!" Tang Xin complained.

"Okay, okay, I'll pay attention when we get back. Please stop nagging and tell me quickly."

"Okay, I'll say it once, you have to remember it!"

"Okay, hurry up!"

"The local obstacle course is four hundred meters, but our five dragons require five hundred meters."

"The meaning of obstacle shooting is relatively general, but it actually means running a 500-meter obstacle course first."

"There is no intermission after the 500-meter run, and immediately enters the 200-meter charge and shooting session."

"During the 200-meter charge, thirty movable targets will pop up from time to time."

"Twenty-nine of the thirty movable targets are painted with men's heads, representing gangsters."

"There is only one girl avatar representing the hostage."

"During the charge, the gangsters must be killed, but the hostages must not be hurt."

"If the hostage is shot, all results will be cancelled."

"We use the Type 95 assault rifle, which holds thirty rounds, which is enough to kill twenty-nine gangsters," Tang Xin said.

"Then how to determine the results?" Lu Fei asked.

"There are two parts to judging the score."

“The first is the result of the 500-meter obstacle course.”

"The second is the accuracy and speed of 200-meter sprint shooting."

"The winner will be determined based on the final score added together."

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"I see."

"Let's play this among the five dragons. Which team is the best?"

"Panlong Huzhuang, the record of our Five Dragons belongs to him. His time was two minutes, forty-eight seconds and thirty-nine seconds, and all twenty-nine shots were successful. This is simply abnormal!" Tang Xin said slightly depressed.

"Then who among us Xuanlong is the most powerful?"

"Our Xuanlong's best time is two minutes, fifty-nine seconds and one-five seconds. The holder is Ou Yifeng, who was sent to the hospital by you."

"No one can enter within three minutes except Ou Yifeng."

"Originally, with Ou Yifeng playing, even if he couldn't beat Hu Zhuang, he could at least be among the top three."

"Because of your troubles, we have no chance of the second subject."



"Except for Ou Yifeng, no one else can get in within three minutes?"

"Do you want to be such a waste?" Lu Fei said.

Tang Xin rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"This is a 500-meter obstacle plus a 200-meter charge and shooting!"

"You really don't have back pain when you stand and talk."

"If you want to do it, come and do it?"



"What's this?"

"I'll do it, I'll do it."


"My instructor from Mainland China, can we stop bragging?"

"You haven't practiced even once and you dare to talk so shamelessly. Where do you get the confidence?" Tang Xin said with a worried look on her face.

"Please Captain Tang, please don't look down on others, okay?"

"That's it. I'll be fine after watching it twice. There's no need to practice at all."

"Aren't we going to select three people to fight in a while?"

"Count me in!"

"Think of you as a hammer!"

Li Shengnan from the front became anxious when he heard this.

"Fei brother, don't make trouble."

"This is a competition!"

"The opportunity only lasts once, and we don't dare to let you try it."

"Zhao Suozhu from Qinglong has good results. If we add Duan Feng and Yang Yi from Xuanwu to participate, it will be enough."

"You'd better go somewhere cool and rest!" Li Shengnan said.

"Can't you have some faith in me despite my violent temper?"

"When have I, Lu Fei, ever let you down?"

"You come less, that's different!"

"You are excellent in other aspects, we admit it."

"But shooting is different. If you want to achieve good results, you must practice hard. There is no shortcut."

"You haven't even touched a real gun twice. No matter how talented you are, you won't be able to achieve good results."

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