Seeing the miserable conditions of the Snow Wolf team he invited, Chen Honggang was so angry that his teeth itched with hatred.

"Lu Fei, how could it be like this?"

"Report, please rest assured Dragon King, I have given them Qi Bu Qi Pills, and they will be able to fully recover in two days at most." Lu Fei said.

"Lu Fei, why did you use such a method?"

"Report, in this case, it is impossible to complete the mission without using some means."

"Now, we have successfully rescued the hostages and completed the mission with zero casualties. I think I did everything right."

"Also, I have asked for permission before the subject begins." .??.

"You instructed that the end justifies the means."

"I just gave them diarrhea and temporary coma, which fully meets the requirements." Lu Fei said.

Chen Honggang gritted his teeth and thought for half a minute before speaking!


"You're doing great!"

"Now I announce that the third subject is over and Xuanlong won first place."


Drills are actual combat.

In actual combat, Lu Fei did nothing wrong in doing this.

Not only is it not wrong, but it is also a wonderful achievement and must be commended.

Chen Honggang was angry not because he blamed Lu Fei, but because he was worried about how to explain to Xue Lang.

Damn it!

It’s hard to wipe this dirty ass!

As soon as Chen Hong left, the scorer announced the results.

In this subject, Xuanlong scored another 15,000 points, firmly occupying the first place.

The second-place Qiu Long wins 10,000 points.

From last place in the previous round, he suddenly jumped to second place.

Panlong is quite satisfactory, temporarily ranked third with a total score of 10,000 points.

Yinglong dropped to fourth place.

Zhulong, who was second in the previous round, was disgraced in this round and only advanced seven meters without any results.

After three rounds, we have fallen to last place.

What's even more tragic is that their boss, Mo Jianfei, went to the hospital to recuperate.

Now without a leader, the remaining two rounds are even more difficult.

The Xuanlong players cheered when the results were announced.

The Zhulong team members were so angry that they were gnashing their teeth and their eyes were splitting.



"Instructor Lu, you are so awesome. My old man's admiration for you is like the endless water of the Yangtze River!"

"You are so clever at killing people invisible."

"Old Mo is usually so arrogant and domineering that he can't even suffer a single loss. Today he finally met his opponent!" Duan Yanhong said with a laugh.

"Boss Duan, please don't stir up trouble!"

"I, Lu Fei, don't care about the situation and the person. I do this just to complete the task. There are no personal factors involved." Lu Fei said.


"Hehe, I understand completely."

"To tell you the truth, I have long been unhappy with Lao Mo."

"But because of face, I feel embarrassed to be acquainted with him."

"What you did today is so satisfying!"


"Boss Duan, don't you understand me?"

"I said it's not the right person, but you can't frame me!" Lu Fei said, rolling his eyes.


"I won't say it anymore. Isn't it enough if I don't say it anymore?"

"Let's go. I'm going to treat you tonight, brother. We won't go home until we get drunk."


"Old Mo, Old Mo, I never thought you would be here today!"

"Must celebrate!"


After dinner, Chen Honggang called Lu Fei over.

He handed Lu Fei a cigarette and said.

"Boy, I have something to tell you."

"Tomorrow's fourth subject is free fighting."

"You Xuanlong currently have a huge lead, so don't play."

"You go out with me tomorrow morning."

"where to?"

"Go to the hospital!"


"Report, can I not go?


"This is an order!"

"What about that, second uncle, listen to me."

"They are all angry. At this juncture, I feel it is best not to meet."

"How about this!"

"Wait until the end of the year, can you find an opportunity for me to invite them to dinner to make amends?" Lu Fei said with a grimace.

Chen Honggang chuckled.


"Does your kid get scared sometimes?"

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's just inappropriate!"

"They will definitely be angry when they see me. This is not good for their recovery, right?"

"I think, let's just forget it!"

"If it really doesn't work, can you let Yang Yi go?" Lu Fei said.

"In your dreams!"

"Stop talking nonsense and come find me at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

Lu Fei nodded helplessly and said.

"You can go, but you have to carry me around."

"I'm not afraid of them. If it really makes them unhappy, it wouldn't be good for you, right?"

"Besides, if something happens to me, it won't be easy for you to explain to Xiang'er, right?"



The next day, Su Baozhen presided over the subjects to continue.

Lu Fei bit the bullet and followed Chen Honggang to the military hospital.

I thought it was a tough battle, so Lu Fei spent the whole night thinking about countermeasures.

As a result, when I saw everyone in the Snow Wolf Team, it was not as serious as I thought.

They were just hit yesterday, and these people were really angry.

But after regaining consciousness and calming down, everyone was immediately relieved.

From Lu Fei's perspective, there is nothing wrong with doing this.

We are all professional soldiers and can completely understand Lu Fei.

So instead of blaming him, he actually admired Lu Fei.

But when he came to Mo Jianfei's ward, the boss was not so reasonable.

Seeing Chen Hong come in, Mo Jianfei, who was in the process of infusion, quickly sat up and greeted politely.

You can see Chen Honggang

Behind Lu Fei and Mo Jianfei's eyes were red.

Pull out the needle, jump up from the hospital bed and rush over to fight Lu Fei.

Although Chen Honggang's hug failed, Lao Mo was not used to it anymore.

"Lu Fei, I'm going to fuck you!"

"You're so fucking damaged."

"You wait, you wait for me!"

"Sooner or later, I have to skin you."

He was afraid of Lu Fei from Snow Wolf, but when facing Mo Jianfei, Lu Fei was not afraid at all.

"Boss Mo, I finally rescued you from Snow Wolf. Not only are you not grateful to me, you also scolded me. Can you be reasonable?"


"scold you?"

"I can't wait to kill you!"

"You are young and full of bad things. You will be punished sooner or later."

"I go!"

"Boss Mo, you are a big boss!"

"Such a venomous tongue is completely incompatible with your identity!"

"What's wrong with me doing this?"

"Annihilate the Snow Wolf Brigade with zero casualties and bring glory to our Five Dragons Brigade."

"You are also the leader of the Five Dragons Brigade. You said it yourself, what's wrong with me bringing honor to the collective?"

"Lu Fei, you are so clever!"

"Damn it, you thought of something bad, you even took laxatives, you are simply not human!"

"Boss Mo, you have wronged me again."

"Everyone has been eating medicinal food every day for the past two days, and they are very angry."

"Take this opportunity to help you defeat the fire so as not to cause other problems."

"Logically speaking, you have to thank me!"

"I thank you Rishi"

"Calm down!"

"I'm warning you, Boss Mo, I'll help you hide the fact that you pooped your pants."

"If you don't let me go, I will compile a hundred or dozens of your heroic deeds and tell everyone about storytelling in my spare time!"


"Your uncle."

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