A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1040 Camel Beam

Lu Fei has the best experience in dealing with people like Mo Jianfei.

Bring out Boss Mo’s glorious deeds and shut up immediately.

On the way back, thinking of Mo Jianfei's helpless expression, Chen Honggang laughed loudly.

"You kid are so angry that you won't even pay for your life!"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"I'm just joking with Boss Mo."

"Although people like Boss Mo have a bad temper, they are warm-hearted."

"Once the estrangement is over, it will be fine. I will never hold a grudge." .??.

"When he's discharged from the hospital, I'll get him a bag of tea and that'll be it."

Chen Honggang nodded and said.

"You are right. Lao Mo is not only responsible but also very emotional. He treats his subordinates like brothers."

"When friends ask him for help, he is never hesitant."

"How about this!"

"I will come forward and say something in a few days. You can arrange as many retired players under Lao Mo as possible. Lao Mo will definitely be grateful."

"I'm telling you, Lao Mo's brothers are all talented people."

"They, Zhulong, are mainly responsible for overseas affairs."

"Despite their wild looks, anyone you pick can speak at least three foreign languages."

"If your business expands overseas in the future, such talents will definitely be of great help." Chen Honggang said.

Lu Fei's eyes lit up and he said in surprise.

"That's no problem!"

"Second uncle, please worry. I am a monk and not greedy for money. The more the better."

"Don't worry, the treatment is definitely much better than other places."

"Okay, I'll talk to Lao Mo personally later."

The two returned to the base, and the fourth subject had just ended.

There is no suspense about the first place in the individual fighting competition, which was won by Panlong's Hu Zhuang, the number one master of the Five Dragons Team.

The second place is Bai Xiao from Qiu Long.

After these few days of medicated diet blessings, and Lu Fei's guidance.

Yang Yi actually narrowly defeated Zhulong Cui Zhenshan, who had never been defeated before, and won third place.

Cui Zhenshan ranked fourth, and the last place was Wu Qiang of Yinglong


After the four rounds of competition, the overall ranking has changed again.

The lead of Xuanlong, the first place, is still obvious.

Due to Hu Zhuang's victory in this round, Panlong defeated Qiulong and ranked second with 1,000 points.

The horned dragon is third.

Yinglong overtook Zhulong and ranked fourth.

Zhulong ranked last by a thousand points.

There was no talking all night, and at six o'clock the next morning, everyone gathered in the playground.

Chen Honggang shouted loudly with his hands behind his back.

"Everyone has it!"

"Today we have the last subject."

"In the previous four subjects, all participants were individuals or a group of people."

"The last subject requires all twenty-four members selected by each team to participate."

Hearing this, the team members who had never had a chance to perform suddenly became excited.

"Our last subject is called Capture the Flag!"

"The coordinates of the team flag will be sent to your satellite phone later."

"The rules are very simple. We plant the Five Dragons flag at a fixed location."

"What you have to do is find a way to grab the team flag within forty-eight hours."

"Simple is the rule, but the process is not necessarily easy."

"There will be heavy defense within a two-kilometer radius of the team flag."

"If you want to win the team flag, it depends on your true ability."

"As long as one team successfully captures the team flag within the specified time, the game will be terminated immediately."

"The team that wins the team flag is the champion."

"The rest of the rankings are determined based on the number of casualties until the end of the game and the distance from the team flag."

"If no team wins the team flag within the specified time."

"Then counting from the moment the mission ends, the ranking will be determined based on the casualties and positions of each team."

"In this last subject, the first place can get 30,000 points."

"Twenty thousand points for second place."

"Third place is ten thousand."

"Five thousand for fourth place."

“No points for last place.”

"Because there are so many points in this round, each of your teams has the possibility of turning defeat into victory."

"Be it a hero or a bear, it all depends on which of your teams can have the last laugh."

"Is there anything you don't understand?"

"Promise to complete the task!" everyone shouted in unison. ??

"very good!"

"Then I wish everyone a good start and immediate success!"

"In a while, each team will prepare their equipment and replenish their supplies. At nine o'clock in the morning, the game will officially begin."

"One more thing must be made clear. This mission may pass through villages. Remember not to disturb the people, not to have quarrels with the people, and not to take anything from the people."

"Violators will be punished by military law!"

"Don't take chances. At the beginning of the game, six drones will cooperate with satellite signals to monitor everyone's every move."

"Any violation will not be tolerated."

"Do you understand everything?"

"I understand!"


All disbanded, but not completely dispersed.

The members of each team immediately gathered together and clicked on the coordinates of the team flag to check.

When I clicked on the phone, in addition to the coordinates, there was also a picture of the team flag.

The photo was taken on a mountain ridge.

Two raised gray-white boulders on the ridge are particularly eye-catching.

The intertwined team flags of the five dragons were inserted into the gap between the two boulders.

After seeing this picture clearly, Lu Fei's eyes widened instantly.

After everyone else read it, they collectively frowned.

"I have seen aerial videos of Weihu Mountain before, and this location is still fresh in my memory."

"These two huge rocks lie across the ridge, like the two humps of a camel, hence the name Camel Bridge."

"The terrain here is quite bad, with cliffs on three sides."

"If you want to capture the flag, you must take the front route. Then you must go around ninety kilometers and go up the mountain from Tuofeng Village in Xiguan City next door."

"Calculating this, it will take a day and a night to get around the front of the camel beam."

"Let's look at the terrain where the team flag is located."

"There are cliffs on the back, and there is open space fifty meters in front. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack."

"If this place is heavily guarded, it will be impossible to capture the flag!" Tang Xin said.

"How about we climb up from the cliff on the back?" Yang Yi asked.

"Don't even think about it."

"The vertical height of that cliff is at least 150 meters. It is extremely difficult to climb up."

"If you are not careful, your life may be in danger."

"What's more, it's heavily guarded up there. It can be said that if one man can guard the gate and ten thousand men can't open it, he will die if he goes up there." Tang Xin said.

"Not always!"

"According to the situation you mentioned, there is almost no possibility of climbing."

"The guard's strength must be taken lightly."

"We will seize this loophole, send a few team members who are good at climbing up, and capture the flag in one fell swoop. What do you think?"

"Captain, let me go!"

"I have been herding sheep since I was a child, and climbing a cliff of more than 100 meters is no problem."

"And I have no problem with that either."

"And I"

After Yang Yi finished speaking, five or six team members immediately signed up enthusiastically.

The energy of looking at death as if at home is really admirable.

Li Shengnan waved his hand and said.


"We are currently 12,000 points ahead of the second place, so there is no need to take such a big risk."

"If you make a mistake, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Let's see, is there any better way?"

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