A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1041 Don’t take the usual path

Tang Xin analyzed the terrain and everyone worked on the action plan together.

Yang Yi proposed climbing the cliff to take him by surprise, but was directly rejected by Li Shengnan.

Reason, it would be too risky.

Xuanlong has a huge lead and is not forced into that situation.

"Climbing the cliff is not possible, so why don't we break up into six groups?"

"How about sending four groups to pretend to attack in the east and attacking in the west, and the other two groups to find weak points and charge to capture the flag?" Yang Yi said.

"Your method doesn't work either."

"The Dragon King said that the area within a two-kilometer radius is heavily guarded."

"The enemy's strength distribution is unknown. In that case, it is very likely that the enemy will defeat them one by one." Li Shengnan said.


"Why don't you raise pigs after hearing the cries of crickets?"

"The Dragon King is just talking nonsense. Where can he get the heavy troops?"

"In my opinion, there are at most two teams of forty or fifty people."

"It's such a big place, so there's no telling where this person is hiding. How could we meet him by such a coincidence?" Yang Yi said.


"I would rather believe that it exists than believe that it does not exist."

"If the enemy has a large number of troops, our entire army will definitely be annihilated."

"This method of yours will never work." Li Shengnan said.

"This won't work, and that won't work either. Why don't you tell me what to do?" Yang Yi said with a grimace.

"Lao Yang, don't worry, Boss Li is right."

"We are so far ahead. There is no need to rush forward. If we fall into the enemy's trap, we will lose more than we gain."

"I just calculated the points and the only one that poses a threat to us is Panlong."

"I suggest that we just follow Panlong."

"We will go wherever they go!"

"If Panlong reaches his destination smoothly, then we will take the opportunity to capture the flag."

"If Panlong is wiped out, we won't suffer any loss even if we are next to them."

"Even if the whole army is wiped out, at most it will only drop one place compared to Panlong."


The ranking is not enough for them to chase points. The first place is our Xuanlong. "Zhang Zhibiao said.

Li Shengnan's eyes lit up and he said with a smile.

"Yes, Lao Zhang's method is good."

"This is the safest plan, absolutely foolproof."

"I suggest, how about we just follow this plan?"

"Not so good?" Lu Fei rolled his eyes and said.

"Fei brother, do you have a different opinion?"

"Of course, Lao Zhang's calculation is wrong!"

"We are 12,000 points ahead of Panlong."

"According to what you said, we can guarantee that the overall score will not fall behind Panlong."

"But have you ever thought about it, our lead over the third-place Qiu Long is only 13,000 points."

"The method mentioned by Lao Zhang must have a premise, that is, Panlong must be first or second, then we can surely win the championship."

"What if the bean dragon is third, we are fourth, and the horned dragon is first? It will be because the snipe and the clam are competing and the horned dragon takes advantage of it."

"If Panlong is ranked fourth, we will follow them to the last place, and the ending will be even worse."

"If that were the case, our Xuanlong would be laughed out of his wits."

"After all, no one can guarantee that Panlong will win the top two, right?" Lu Fei said.


"It seems like such an account?"

"What do you mean, it seems like it is!"

“It’s never reliable to rely on others to decide your own destiny.”

"It's safest to take the initiative in your own hands," Lu Fei said.

"Then do you think there is any better way?" Li Shengnan asked.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Of course there is a way, so you don't have to worry anymore. Do everything as I say, and I promise to get the team flag."

Lu Fei's words were conclusive, and everyone became excited.

"Instructor, please tell me, what is the best way?"


"We can't say that yet."

"You can't say it, it won't work if you say it, right?"

"Are you tired of doing this again?"

"We are all our own people, can't you just be happy?" Tang Xin rolled her eyes and said resentfully.

"I go!"

"Little Tangtang, you even know what I want to say. You are simply a roundworm in my stomach!"

"Get out!"

"Be happy, do you want to say it or not?"

"I really can't say it!"

"You just keep your heart in your stomach, can I still harm you?" Lu Fei said.

"No, you have to say it."

"This game is of great importance. It is not the safest plan. We cannot listen to you rashly." Yang Yi said.

"Get out of here, you have no place to speak here!"

"I can't speak until I pay off my debt!"

"And you!"

"Don't forget the bet you made before. You agreed personally. You must obey me when performing tasks in the future."

"Now follow my orders and abandon all unnecessary equipment."

"Everyone, go to the kitchen, fill your bags with delicious food, and meet here in ten minutes," Lu Fei said.

"Pretending to eat?"

"What on earth do you want to do?" Li Shengnan asked suspiciously.

"Don't ask questions, execute the order!"

At nine o'clock in the morning, the Wulong Brigade gathered again.

The Dragon King gave the order, and the other four teams ran out of the base and headed for Xiguan City.

The twenty-four members of Xuanlong entered the forest.


"What else is this kid trying to do?" Su Baozhen said unexpectedly.

Chen Honggang chuckled.

"This kid never takes the usual path."

"Other people take a detour to Luotuo Village in Xiguan City, which requires a 90-kilometer hike."

"This kid went into the woods to climb the cliff of Camel's Bridge."

"You can avoid drone surveillance by entering the woods, and you can save 80 kilometers of unnecessary travel by climbing the cliff."

"This is to give us a surprise!"


"When they entered the forest, they obviously wanted to climb the cliff. Since we saw through it, how could they catch them by surprise?" Su Baozhen asked.

"Luotuo Liang is surrounded by cliffs on three sides, more than ten kilometers deep."

"They are betting that we don't have enough troops and want to take advantage of the loopholes."

"It's a pity that this boy is so close to one another."

"The bottom of the cliff also belongs to the two-kilometer warning zone."

"Maybe, Xuanlong may be the first team to be eliminated this time." Chen Honggang said.

"That kid Lu Fei is extremely smart. He wouldn't have thought of this, right?" Su Baozhen asked.

"I don't know!"

"But now that he's in the woods, it seems he has no choice but to climb the cliff."

"Signal soldiers obey orders!"

"Contact the front and send three teams to guard against Yabi."

"Another two drones were dispatched to focus on reconnaissance within a five-mile radius to the left and right of the rock wall."


It's one o'clock in the afternoon.

Inside the headquarters, Commander-in-Chief Su Baozhen and Dragon King Chen Honggang looked solemn.

The four captains of the Five Dragons looked confused.

On the big screen, the other Four Dragons members were chasing each other, sweating profusely as they ran towards Xiguan City, but there was no sign of Xuanlong.

According to Chen Honggang's guess, if Xuanlong climbed the cliff, he should appear in the monitoring area near Yabi within two hours at most.

But four hours have passed, and there is still no trace of Xuanlong.

This is a bit too unscientific.

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