A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1042 The right time and place

Chen Honggang concluded that Xuanlong was going to climb the cliff and ordered drones to cooperate with heavy troops to defend the area near the cliff.

The headquarters crocheted a dragnet and waited for Xuanlong to get into the encirclement and catch them all.

But now it was two hours beyond the schedule, and no shadow of Xuanlong was found near the cliff.

This is a little strange.

"Xiao Chen, Lu Fei and the others won't have any accidents, right?" Su Baozhen asked nervously.

"Commander-in-Chief, don't worry, it won't happen."

"The participants in the competition are all elites from each team. Everyone has a strong ability to survive in the wild, not to mention the small Weihu Mountain." Chen Honggang said.

"Will we encounter groups of large beasts?"

"Each of them has a live ammunition magazine, so they will not suffer any loss even if they encounter fierce beasts."

"The Commander-in-Chief can rest assured about this."

"That kid Lu Fei has been hunting in the woods these days and is very familiar with the terrain in this area."

"I guess they must be hiding somewhere, waiting for us to relax our guard and look for opportunities to attack."

"That's good, as long as these elites are not in danger." Su Baozhen said.


"I only have one left."

"Did you, did-did-did!"


"I win again!"

"Damn it, give me another meter to push."

"Come on, Lao Yang, I'm optimistic about you!"

"Quack, quack, quack."

In Zhang Zuolin's treasure space, Li Shengnan's unbridled laughter sounded again.

Chen Honggang's guess was correct!

The Xuanlong team members were indeed hiding.

Moreover, the hiding place is warm in winter and cool in summer, which is very comfortable.

That is the Zhang Zuolin Treasure Cave space that Lu Fei entered twice.

Lu Fei was stunned when he saw the coordinates and photo of the team flag.

Although I didn’t know that place was called Luotuo Liang.

But Lu Fei is very familiar with this place.


br\u003e The two boulders under the team flag are the coordinates Lu Fei sent to Gao Yuan. At that time, Lu Fei still left secret marks on the two rocks.

Lu Fei was really surprised and happy when he saw clearly this location.

Surprisingly, it was too difficult for Gao Yuan and others to obtain the treasure.

If he collides with the person who assigns subjects from the Wulong Brigade, he will be in big trouble.

Fortunately, this position and subject content are just the right time and place for Lu Fei!

Following the Hongtong Passage to enter the treasure space, it only takes less than two kilometers to pass through the mountain.

Not only can it save more than 80 kilometers of distance, but it can also penetrate directly into the heart of the enemy and capture the flag by surprise.

There is another biggest benefit.

Lu Fei came here again with twenty-four members of Xuanlong, who could wreak havoc on the scene.

Then donate these useless garbage.

On the one hand, it can erase all the traces left behind by myself, Gao Yuan and others after entering three times.

On the other hand, it can also make meritorious deeds.

It’s so perfect!

When they entered the space and saw these antique guns and ammunition, the Xuanlong team members were collectively shocked.

Everyone was screaming with excitement, touching this and that, and jumping up and down in excitement.

After such a torment, the original scene was completely destroyed.

Even the best reconnaissance expert can't find any evidence of previous entry.

Anyway, it was still early, so just to be on the safe side, Lu Fei organized everyone to play games.

Lu Fei divided the team members into four groups and played dice with them.

The losing team was punished by moving a box of guns to the entrance of the cave.

Doing so is called convenient for future transportation.

In fact, it was just to make the scene even more chaotic.

On the other side, Li Shengnan, Yang Yi and Tang Xin were playing fast.

The two losers worked together to destroy one of the cannons.

Push one meter toward the hole.

Li Shengnan was very lucky, winning three games in a row, and a lot of people were screaming with excitement.

While Tang Xin and Yang Yi were working, Li Shengnan pulled Lu Fei aside and asked in a low voice.

"Fei brother, tell the truth to sister, how did you find this place?"

"He came in after a stupid roe deer that day."

"Didn't you notice that when you came in, there were signs of collision and collapse and blood stains at the entrance?" Lu Fei said.

"That's it!"

"You're so lucky!"

"By the way, why didn't you report it?" Li Shengnan asked.

"This rubbish is of no use to me and reporting it is a must."

"However, it was not an opportunity before."

"Now is the Five Dragons Competition. This is the Five Dragons Base and everyone has a share. After reporting, who gets the credit?"

"I originally planned to report it after the competition, but I didn't expect that this subject would be here. In order to complete the task, there is no need to hide it." Lu Fei said.


"Brother Fei, you are still thoughtful."

"Then when will we take action?" Li Shengnan asked.

"There's no rush in this."

"I once looked out from the entrance of the cave. It was only more than thirty meters away from where the team flag was."

"Let's sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and wait for the defensive forces to brutally attack the four dragons."

"When the four dragons are completely wiped out, we will find another opportunity to attack." Lu Fei said.

"How are you sure that all four dragons will be wiped out?"

"The terrain here is special, and the Four Dragons have almost no chance of success."

"It would be even better if any team can catch it."

"When we come here, the two sides will definitely exchange fire. We will be more confident in seizing the opportunity to attack."

"Even if we don't succeed, we are within a stone's throw of the team flag and will definitely win the championship."

"Pfft hahaha."

\u003e As he spoke, Li Shengnan burst out laughing without any warning, startling Lu Fei.

"Why are you giggling? You must be sick!"

"Ha ha"

"I'm thinking, if those four little loaches who are sweating so hard and tired of running around know that we can win the championship guaranteed by playing cards here, they will be furious."


"They won't be mad even to death."

"Why don't they have the help of talented people like Instructor Lu?" said Tang Xin, who came back.

"That's right, it's all Feidi's credit."

"Okay, okay, if you continue to praise me, Instructor Lu will float." Yang Yi said.


"Instructor Lu is better than you."

"Yeah, he's pretty awesome!"

"Hey, don't make any noise, let's have dinner."

"Eat and drink enough to continue playing cards."

"I'm so lucky today, God will kill God and Buddha!" ​​Li Shengnan shouted loudly.

"By the way, do you need to send two people out to conduct reconnaissance?"

"Otherwise, we will be completely blind to what is going on outside!" Tang Xin said.

"Need not!"

"Then the Four Dragons won't be able to arrive at Tuofeng Village until at least tomorrow morning. Today will be absolutely safe."

"You can continue playing cards after dinner later."

"Play slowly, push the cannon slowly."

"Before dawn tomorrow, just push the cannon to the entrance of the cave." Lu Fei said.

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Li Shengnan suddenly understood and said excitedly as he slapped his thigh.

"I understand, Fei brother, do you want to quietly extend the muzzle of the gun and use the barrel as a sound receiver?"

"Smart, that's probably what it means."

"In addition to making a microphone, we also installed a wireless camera at the muzzle."

"Hide the muzzle well so it can be clearly seen within a fifty-meter radius."

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