A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1043 A fight to the death

At about 10 o'clock in the evening, the other four dragons arrived at Tuofeng Village in Xiguan City to adjust on the spot.

After arriving at the assembly area for a while, Silong suddenly realized that there was no trace of Xuanlong that day.

Not only the Four Dragons were puzzled, but the headquarters was also puzzled.

It has been thirteen hours since the mission started.

The ninety-kilometer hike was completed, but Xuanlong never showed up.

Chen Honggang sent people to conduct reconnaissance within a radius of two kilometers below the cliff, but found no trace of Xuanlong's appearance at all.

This is too evil.

They didn't know that Xuanlong was having a lot of fun at the moment.

People were playing cards and chatting, and it was very lively.

At eleven o'clock in the night, Lu Fei asked everyone to push the cannon to the entrance of the cave.

Taking advantage of the cover of night, he carefully opened the hole in Gaoyuan's camouflage a little bit, stretched out the 79 mm caliber gun muzzle, and then carefully disguised it.

After finishing all this, he returned and turned on the monitor. The situation outside in a radius of fifty or sixty meters was clear at a glance.

Lu Fei nodded with satisfaction and ordered Yang Yi to take two soldiers on guard while the others began to rest.


At 4:30 in the morning, a clear gunshot came along the barrel, and everyone woke up immediately.

Li Shengnan's eyes lit up and he whispered.

"Four loaches were touched and they were already on fire."

"The source of the sound should be in the nine o'clock direction, about two kilometers away."

"Setting up a defense line so far away, it seems that the Dragon King is not bragging, he is really heavily fortified!"

"Thank you for not listening to Lao Yang, otherwise it would have been really troublesome."

"Bang bang"

"I'll go, there's fire at two o'clock. The defense area is so large, it seems there are really a lot of enemies!"

"Where did all these people come from!"

"It can't be borrowed by the Dragon King!" Tang Xin said.

Lu Fei chuckled.


It doesn't matter if it's borrowed or not. "

"Leave two brothers on guard and let everyone continue to rest."

"We won't tell you until the gunfire reaches fifty meters."

Tang Xin was right, the enemies were indeed numerous.

At four o'clock in the morning, Zhulong, who ranked last, left the camp.

Worried that Zhulong would take the lead, the other three teams set off immediately.

In order to avoid mutual influence, the four dragon fronts are spread out quite openly.

But when we reached the position two kilometers away from the coordinates of the team flag, every team and even every squad encountered an obstruction from the defenders.

And every enemy they encountered had at least three times their strength.

Such a tight defense shocked the four dragons, so they had to retreat and re-examine their strategy.

An attempt was made to launch a new combat plan, but was defeated again.

This was repeated for a whole day, and the gunshots on the mountain continued without interruption, and each team suffered varying degrees of wear and tear.

The four dragons did not make any progress, and Xuanlong, who was waiting for work, continued to eat, drink and play cards.

At night, the Four Dragons continued to make various attempts, but still failed to break through the enemy's defense line.

After midnight, each team suffered heavy losses, but still failed to break through, causing the remaining team members to collapse.

It doesn't work at night, and there is no chance at dawn.

The last Zhulong Brigade was the first to be unable to sit still.

Captain Cui Zhenshan divided the remaining sixteen players into two groups.

Based on the experience of several firefights, we choose a location where the opponent's defense is relatively weak and launch a desperate charge.

Although this desperate attack forced them to break through the enemy's defense line, the entire army was wiped out not long after they advanced.

In the end, the Zhulong Team’s result was 1,400 meters away from the team flag.

Candle Dragon

After a disastrous defeat, the other three teams did not dare to charge rashly.

Hu Zhuang, the leader of Panlong's team, sent someone to invite the person in charge of Qiulong's team, Yinglong, for a meeting.

"Everyone, the enemy has a large number of troops, far exceeding our expectations."

"Judging from the daytime confrontation, the enemy is quite familiar with the terrain distribution here."

"In this case, trying to win more with less is simply a fantasy."

"It is even more undesirable to fight to the death like Zhulong."

"I suggest that our three teams form a rope, gather our forces together, and choose a point to launch a charge."

"In this way, we have equal strength and a better chance of winning."

"How about we separate after we successfully break through the blockade?"

The captains of the other two teams fully agreed with Hu Zhuang's plan and quickly reached an agreement.

After research, the three teams decided to launch a charge from the position where Zhulong broke through.

At 3:30 in the morning, more than 50 people from the three combined teams began to take action.

In the past, Wulong had cooperated more than once in actual combat.

Although it is a temporary cooperation, there is a tacit understanding between them.

When the battle started, the unity and combat effectiveness of the three teams really surprised the defenders, and even caused some confusion.

The three coalition forces seized this opportunity to launch a fierce attack. In less than half an hour, they broke through three defense lines of the defenders and were less than one kilometer away from the team flag.

After counting the number of people, the losses of each team were less than 30%.

This is the power of the team.

When they arrived here, the three teams dispersed, and before the enemy's reinforcements arrived, they scrambled towards the final target.

During this period, gunshots rang out like exploding beans. Each team encountered varying degrees of resistance, and the battle was extremely fierce.

There are still 800 meters away from the target, and there are only five people left in Yinglong.

There are seven of the horned dragons left, and the worst bean dragon has only the last three left.

There are still 600 left to reach the goal.

Mi, Hu Zhuang was killed in battle.

Qiu Long still had three people left, and Ying Long's entire army was wiped out to complete the game.

In the last 500 meters, Panlong's entire army was wiped out, leaving only the captain Bai Xiao and the soldier Li Yunhai.

Hiding behind a big tree, soldier Li Yunhai gasped and said excitedly.

"Captain, do those two flares just mean that Panlong and Yinglong are finished?"

Bai Xiao nodded, and Li Yunhai continued.

"Does that mean our horned dragon has won?"


"First, we still don't know the final results of Panlong and Yinglong."

"The most important thing is that so far, I haven't seen the shadow of Xuanlong."

"Instructor Xuanlong Lu Ji is so outstanding that he must not be ignored," Bai Xiao said.

"Captain, your worries are a bit excessive."

"Xuanlong didn't appear here, and he was 100% climbing the cliff from behind!"

"There has been no movement for so long. The plan must have failed. Maybe the whole army has been wiped out!" Li Yunhai said.


"If Xuanlong's signal bomb is not fired, it means that Xuanlong has not been eliminated. We must not take it lightly."

"Remember, no matter what you do, you can never take chances."

"We must firmly hold the initiative in our own hands."

"I just observed that there are dense trees in the direction of 11 o'clock."

"We'll head out from there in a moment. Don't be reckless during the battle."

"The more we can advance by one meter, the more confident we will be in winning."


"Captain, don't worry, I've remembered everything."

"Okay, let's go out"

Before Bai Xiao could finish saying "Let's go," a red signal flare suddenly rose into the sky in the direction of Luotuo Liang.

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