A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1044 Chief Instructor

Just when Bai Xiao and the two were preparing for a desperate fight, a red signal flare suddenly rose at the target location.

Seeing the red signal flare rising, Li Yunhai knelt down on the ground dejectedly.

Because the red flare represents the end of the mission.

The stipulated time is still very early, and the task ends early, which means that someone has successfully captured the flag.

"Why it came out like this?"


"We tried our best, we really tried our best!"

"Why did we work so hard and still not defeat Xuanlong in the end?"

"Why on earth is this!"

"Damn Xuanlong, how on earth did they do it!" Li Yunhai covered his face in despair and cried bitterly.

Bai Xiao took out half a pack of crumpled cigarettes from his pocket, took one out and lit it tremblingly.

After taking a deep breath, he put the filter into Li Yunhai's mouth, patted his shoulder and said lightly.

"Don't be discouraged, we are already doing great."

"you are awesome!"

“Team White, I don’t accept it, I don’t accept it!”

"We work so hard, but why is Xuanlong the one who laughs last?"

"I'm really not convinced!" Li Yunhai shouted hysterically.

Bai Xiao smiled slightly, wiped away Li Yunhai's tears and said.

"What you said is not entirely correct. We did not lose to Xuanlong, but to Instructor Lu."

"After you go back, study Lu Fei carefully and you will understand."

"We won't be embarrassed if we lose to him!"

At noon two days later, a commendation meeting was held at the base training ground.

Mo Jianfei, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was also among them.

"First of all, let me announce the results of this competition."

"Congratulations to Xuanlong for winning the championship again."

"The second-place Qiulong brigade and the third-place Panlong brigade performed equally well."

"The fourth Yinglong Brigade."

"The last member of the Candle Dragon Brigade."

"Let me focus on the last subject."

"At the last moment, Panlong Qiulong and Yinglong brigade cooperated to break through the three lines of defense."

"The spirit of teamwork is fully reflected, and the fighting power unleashed is breathtaking."

"I'm proud of you!"

"Next, let me talk about the first place Xuanlong Brigade."

"The performance of the Xuanlong Brigade in this competition is obvious to all. Every subject completed the task perfectly."

"Especially in the last subject, treasures that have been deposited for many years in Weihu Mountain were found and handed over."

"With the approval of the superiors, the Xuanlong Brigade will be credited with first-class collective merit once."

"And give Comrade Lu Fei, who has the best performance in this competition, a first-class personal merit."

"Everyone applauds and welcomes!"

Accompanied by thunderous applause, Xuanlong captains Su Donghai and Lu Fei stepped forward to accept the commendation.

The moment the two held their medals high, the Xuanlong team members' blood boiled with excitement.

After the commendation, Chen Honggang continued.

"In addition to the above commendations, I also want to announce another important event."

"Xuanlong won the championship again. Maybe other teams are not convinced."

"Some people will think that the loser was not Xuanlong, but Comrade Lu Fei, Xuanlong's instructor."

"Because it was Comrade Lu Fei who single-handedly supported the entire Xuanlong."

"I also heard that some team members were talking privately, complaining that they did not have instructors like Comrade Lu Fei in their teams to help."

"However, you won't have such thoughts in the future."

"I declare that due to Comrade Lu Fei's several major meritorious services."

"With the approval of superiors, Comrade Lu Fei is promoted to the chief instructor of the Five Dragons Brigade."

"From now on, Lu Fei will

Zhi is no longer Xuanlong's own instructor, but the instructor of each of your soldiers. "

"Everyone welcomes you with applause!"

When this appointment was announced, the audience was stunned for two seconds, and then burst into an overwhelming and warm applause that lasted for a long time.

These applause are not artificial, but come from the heart.

In this competition, Lu Fei's performance was obvious to all.

In the first subject, the other four dragons were almost dead from exhaustion, but Xuanlong took a luxury chartered flight with the help of Lu Fei, and even bought two top-of-the-line Land Rovers, making him extremely comfortable.

I heard that the camel milk consumed on the plane costs several hundred yuan a cup. .??.

It makes others envious!

In the second subject, Lu Fei broke both individual and total score records.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this abnormal result is unprecedented and unprecedented.

After that performance, Lu Fei had already impressed more than half of the soldiers.

In the third subject, facing the Snow Wolf team and such rules, it is almost an impossible task.

But Lu Fei led Xuanlong to annihilate the Snow Wolf team with zero casualties and successfully rescued the hostages.

Although the process was a bit unethical, the results and achievements convinced everyone.

Especially the incident of Lu Fei meditating to worship the wind became a legend.

Lu Fei did not participate in the fourth subject.

But in the last subject, it was also Lu Fei who had the last laugh.

Not only did he complete the task brilliantly, but he also led Xuanlong to achieve a first-class collective merit.

This honor made other teams drool with envy.

I have long heard from Xuanlong people that it is not easy to make meritorious deeds with Instructor Lu.

Everyone was still unconvinced before, but now it seems that the rumors are indeed true!

Coupled with the medicated diet prepared by Lu Fei, every soldier benefited.

It can be said that with Lu Fei as the chief instructor, everyone was convinced except Mo Jianfei who was a little depressed.

After the commendation meeting was over, Mo Jianfei rolled his eyes at Lu Fei and left, while the other four captains surrounded Lu Fei.

"Instructor Lu, congratulations!"

"As a chief instructor, don't neglect our Xuanlong!"

"Our Xuanlong is your natal family!" Su Donghai said.

"Whatever Boss Su said, you know my situation best."

"I usually don't have time, but as long as Xuanlong needs me, I, Lu Fei, will be there for me."

"Hey, don't just talk about Xuanlong, there is also our Yinglong!"

"Chief Instructor Lu, you have also seen that our results this time are not satisfactory, and all training indicators are unsatisfactory. As the chief instructor, you can't just ignore it!" Duan Yanhong said.

"Don't worry, Boss Duan, I will remember all the areas where Ying Long's team members are lacking!"

"Tomorrow I'll talk to captain Wu Qiang and point out the areas that need improvement."

"Go back and strengthen contact, and the results will come up soon." Lu Fei said.

"Okay, okay, please."

"General Instructor Lu, you still want us Qiu Long"

"Instructor Lu, and we, Panlong."

The three bosses grabbed Lu Fei and couldn't let him go, eager to pull Lu Fei to teach their team.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Three big guys, don't be too anxious."

"Actually, your team performed very well."

"I suggest that for now, let the team members take medicated meals continuously and cooperate with scientific training to improve their physical fitness first."

"The body is the capital of revolution. Only by improving your physical fitness can your training performance be steadily improved."

"I will write a recipe later. The medicinal materials are a bit expensive, but the effect is more than ten times that of before."

"As for whether you are willing to let your brothers use it, that's up to you to decide."

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