A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1060 Report Letter

The rag collector never came back, and the two kind-hearted old men were worried all night.

Early the next morning, the two elders went outside to watch again and again, but there was still no sign of each other, which made them not in the mood to have breakfast.

After breakfast, Xu Maochen and others went to the construction site.

Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi went to the beauty factory.

Zheng Wenjuan, Xue Jinjiao and Yao Meier all left one after another, and the two elders continued to come outside and wait eagerly.

At half past eight in the morning, the rag collector did not wait, but a motorcade drove up from a distance.

There were two police cars at the head, followed by four black cars speeding up.

Seeing the police car approaching, the two elders were stunned.

The motorcade stopped in front of the small square, and five policemen got out of the police car at the front.

The leaders were Qu Yang and Cui Hongwei.

A dozen or so old men got out of the four cars behind.

Among them, Gao Henian, Zhang Yanhe and Ma Guohui were recognized by Zhang Huaizhi, but the rest were all strangers.

Qu Yang came to Zhang Huaizhi and said with a smile.

"Old man, is Lu Fei at home?"

"you are?"

"I am Qu Yang from Jincheng Police Station, and I am an old acquaintance of Lu Fei."

"Lu Fei is not at home. He has been out for almost two months." Zhang Huaizhi said.

"Where did Lu Fei go?" Gao Henian asked.

"I don't know that."

"Xiao Gao, why are so many of you looking for Xiao Fei?" Zhang Huaizhi asked.


"Gao Hao Nian, what nonsense are you talking to them about?"

"We have solid evidence. Go in and search quickly. We will definitely find the stolen goods."

An old man in his sixties behind said with a serious face.


Hearing these two words, the two old men broke out in cold sweat.

Gao Henian frowned and looked at the little old man and said unhappily.

"Elder Gao, please pay attention to your

manner. "

"I, Gao Hainian, are not under your control. You have no right to yell at me."


"Gao Henian, you are brave. You dare to talk to me like this. You don't want to do it anymore, right?"


"Gaofeng, please stop yelling at me."

"Don't say you have retired. Even if you don't retire, you can't control me. Happy New Year."

"You narrow-minded despicable person, Xiao Fei tolerates everything, but you repay kindness with evil, I feel fucking sick when I see you!" Gao Henian shouted.

"You, you, okay."

"You wait for me, you wait for me, sooner or later there will be a day when you will regret it."

"Qu Yang, please quickly give the order to go in and search."

"If the case is delayed, you cannot bear the responsibility." Gao Feng shouted loudly.

Qu Yang chuckled.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gao. I'm here to assist Mr. Jia in handling the case. It has nothing to do with you. I'm sorry that I can't accept your order."

"You, you, have rebelled. Do you all want to rebel?"

"No wonder Baolan Fei is so arrogant, it turns out you are all his umbrella!"


Gao Feng yelled like crazy, and Jia Yuan quickly came over to stop him.

"Senior Brother, it seems that we haven't investigated clearly yet. Please don't get excited yet."

"Can I not be excited?"

"The second sacrifice was lost during my tenure. Because of this, I almost got a lawsuit."

"Now that we finally have a clue, do you think I can't be excited?"

"Lao Wu, hurry up and order them to go in and search. That bastard Bao Bao Fei is a very good thief. If he moves him, he will never be found again!" Gao Feng was excited.


"Elder brother, please calm down first. Are you sure that the second sacrifice is at Lu Fei's house?" Jia Yuan asked.

"I'm 100 percent sure."

"Didn't you also see the photo posted by an anonymous person yesterday? It's absolutely unmistakable."

Last night, Gao Feng received an anonymous email.

Inside is a text accompanied by a photo.

When he saw the objects in the photo, Gao Feng's eyes almost popped out.

In the photo is a bronze 卣, named Ersi Qiqi 卣, which is one of the top ten treasures of the National Museum.

Five years ago, Zou Hui, deputy director of the National Museum, committed suicide and stole five valuable treasures.

One of them is the second sacrificial stone of the national treasure that will never leave the country.

This incident caused quite a stir at the time. Not only did Gao Feng almost get a lawsuit, but he was also almost expelled from the school by Kong Fanlong.

Later, after half a year of tracing, four pieces were successfully recovered, but the whereabouts of the most precious Ersi Qiu were unknown, and Zou Hui was nowhere to be seen.

This has always been Gaofeng's nightmare, and it is also a lingering shame in his life.

Seeing the photos of the second sacrifice again after five years, Gao Feng was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

Looking at that paragraph of text again, it is a report letter.

An anonymous person reported that Lu Fei received two sacrificial blood on the black market and kept it for himself.

This man was wary of Lu Fei's power and worried that the local authorities would let him go, so he reported it to Gao Feng, the former boss of the National Expo.

When he saw that it was his enemy Lu Fei who was reporting him, Gao Feng became even more excited.

After careful identification, the photo was taken right in front of Lu Fei's house.

Although Lu Fei is not seen in the photo, Gao Feng has been to Lu Fei's house more than once.

Gao Feng clearly remembers the main entrance of the Lu family, the small square, the small blackboard, and the old door lamp that has been obsolete for decades.

Gao Feng immediately asked someone to analyze the photo and confirmed that it was not synthesized. Gao Feng was very excited.

My heart was beating wildly, and I immediately found my junior brother and reported it to Jia Yuan, the boss of the cultural protection headquarters.

Jia Yuan was equally shocked when he saw the report letter and photos.

Ask the technical department again for identification and confirm that the photo does not have any trace of pornography.

So, the two brothers came to Jincheng overnight.

However, this matter involves Lu Fei, so he must be careful.

Before there was conclusive evidence, Jia Yuan did not dare to tell his master Kong Fanlong.

When he came to Jincheng, Jia Yuan found Jincheng Cultural Security Bureau Gao He Nian, Zhang Yanhe and Ma Guohui.

He also called Qu Yang and Cui Hongwei over to study it carefully.

No one believed that Lu Fei would collect stolen goods, but the photo was indeed taken in front of Lu Fei's house.

The second sacrifice of Qiu is a special first-class national treasure, which is of great importance.

No one dares to be careless.

Finally, Jia Yuan decided to come to Lu Fei's house to see what happened.

I originally agreed to come over and take a look first, and if not, then study countermeasures.

But Gao Feng was eager to prove Lu Fei's crime so that he could avenge himself, so before he even entered the door, Gao Feng lost his temper.

Jia Yuan thought for a while and said.

"Okay, you guys wait outside first, while Lao Zhang and Gao Henian, I, go in and check out the situation."


"The second sacrifice was thrown away on my watch. I can never let it disappear from my eyes again, so I must go in." Gao Feng said.

Zhang Yanhe came to Jia Yuan and said.

"Mr. Jia, we all know who Lu Fei is."

"I don't believe Lu Fei can do such a thing."

"I said before that I would go in and have a look, so that doesn't matter."

"But now it has been pointed out by Elder Gao that if we go in under such circumstances, the nature will be completely different."

"It's okay to find Ersi Qiyou, but if not, how can we explain it to Baoshao Fei!"

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