A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1061 It’s serious

Gao Feng forced Jia Yuan to issue an order to go in and search, but Zhang Yanhe firmly opposed it.

"Mr. Jia, I don't think we can go in."

"At first, when we went in, it was just a visit. Now that Mr. Gao has made things clear, it will be a search when we go in."

"It's okay to say if we can find it, but if we don't find it, how can we explain it to Lu Fei?"

"I believe in Lu Fei's character. What's more, Lu Fei has countless valuable treasures in his hands. The second sacrifice will not make Lu Fei take risks."

"I suggest you call Lu Fei first. If Lu Fei doesn't know that the second sacrificial bone was stolen from the National Museum and was recovered accidentally, Lu Fei will definitely admit it."

"If Lu Fei denies it, the second sacrifice's blood must not be in Lu Fei's hands." Zhang Yanhe said.

"Zhang Yanhe, don't talk about Bao Bao Fei being so noble."

"I told you a long time ago that that bastard is not a good bird."

"Why did he encounter so many good things?"

"If we really investigate in depth, I believe that at least half of his things have unknown origins."

"Now the evidence is conclusive, the second sacrifice is in the hands of Lu Fei."

"What do you mean by stopping us from going in and searching?"

"Is it possible that you, Zhang Yanhe, are Bao Lanfei's accomplice?" Feng Feng shouted with a red face.

Zhang Yanhe snorted coldly.

"Gaofeng, for the sake of Mr. Kong and Mr. Jia, I won't argue with you."

"Otherwise, I can sue you for defamation based on your words of falsely accusing me!"

"You said Lu Fei is not a good guy, I admit that."

"But I also know that even if Lu Fei is nothing, he is still better than you, a narrow-minded and despicable person who stabs you in the back."

"Stay away from me, I don't want to talk to you!"


Gao Feng's angry eyes were scarlet and he wanted to angrily yell at Zhang Yanhe, but was stopped by Jia Yuan.

"Okay, everyone, please stop saying a few words."

"I think there's something weird about this, too."

"The photo was taken outside Lu Fei's home, and Lu Fei does not appear in the photo."

"Based on this photo, we can conclude that Lu Fei is collecting thieves.

Stolen money is too far-fetched. "

"Lao Zhang is right, it's better to call Lu Fei first to ask about the situation." Jia Yuan said.

What Jia Yuan said made Gao Feng very angry. Just when he was about to ask Jia Yuan to change his mind, Zhang Huairen came over with a cane.

Others ignored him, Zhang Huairen pulled Zhang Yanhe and asked.

"Xiao Zhang, do you still recognize me?"

Zhang Yanhe and Gao Feng looked serious, but they were extremely polite to Zhang Huairen.

"Old man, look at what you said, how could I not recognize you!"

Zhang Huairen nodded and said.

"Just recognize it."

"Xiao Zhang, I just heard you talking about stealing stolen goods and so on. What happened?"

Zhang Yanhe said with a slight smile.

"Old man, there's nothing wrong. We're talking about other things. Don't worry!"

"Didn't Xiaofei cause any trouble?" Zhang Huairen asked.

"No, Xiaofei is very good. What trouble can he cause?"

"Don't worry, it'll be fine." Zhang Yanhe said.

Hearing Zhang Yanhe say this, Gao Feng's nose almost became crooked with anger.


"I finally figured it out, you and that bastard Bao Bao Fei are all in the same group."

"And you, Fifth Brother, what benefit did that bastard give you?"

"As a cultural security guard, you ignored the mass reports and the evidence was solid. Instead, you excused Tao Fei everywhere. What do you think?"

"Is this worthy of Master?"

"Elder brother, what are you talking about?"

"How could I do something like that!" Jia Yuan said angrily.


"You don't need to explain. You are all worried about Baolan Fei, right? I'm not afraid of him."

"I want it no matter what today

Turn things inside out. "

"If you don't want to go, get out of my way and I'll go by myself."

Gao Feng said, taking advantage of everyone's unpreparedness, he rushed directly into the courtyard.

The eldest brother was so impulsive that Jia Yuan's head was so big that he chased and shouted after him.

"Elder brother, come back."

"You can't do this!"

"Big brother, big"

After rushing into the courtyard and taking two steps, Jia Yuan was stunned for an instant.

Gao Feng stood in front of the pile of rags in the east corner, turned his head and looked at Jia Yuan, with the most ferocious expression on his face.

Look at the large pot covered with red spots and green rust at the foot of the peak. What else is it if it doesn’t offer sacrifices to two people?

Seeing this thing, Zhang Yanhe, Gao Henian and others who rushed in were stunned.

"Lao Wu!"

"Do you see it?"

"See what this is?"

"You all believe that it is impossible for Baolanfei to collect stolen goods, so please explain to me what is going on?" Gao Feng shouted sharply.

When he said this, Gao Feng's face was filled with brilliance, and even the wrinkles on his forehead were stretched a lot, as if he was having a flashback and was extremely excited.

The whole person seemed to be more than ten years younger at this moment.

Gao Feng was indeed excited, and he was so excited that he became a little abnormal.

What was exciting was not only the discovery of the lost treasure, but more importantly the discovery of Ersi Qixiu in Lu Fei's home.

Damn bastard, you are so arrogant and domineering that you don't take anyone seriously.

This time the evidence is conclusive, it depends on how you continue to complain.

Are you still alive?

Jia Yuan, Zhang Yanhe and others came to the peak in disbelief and squatted down to examine the bronze 卣 carefully.

There’s nothing wrong with the shape of the device!

The height and size are all correct.

There are no discrepancies in patina or rust spots.

Seeing this, Jia Yuan's mood reached its peak.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly, picked up the lid of the "big pot" and brought it close to his eyes. On the lid were the four words "Ya Tapir Father Ding"

The inscriptions on Geyang carved oracle bones are clearly visible.

After seeing these four inscriptions clearly, cold sweat broke out on Jia Yuan's forehead.

Put down the lid and look at the bronze foot ring. There are also inscriptions on it, and there are still thirty-six of them.

These inscriptions are: Bingchen, Wang Ling.

His elder brother, Li, Yin

Yu Zhen, Tian Yong.

Bin, Bei Wupeng.

In the first month, escape

Yu Bing, Xu Ri, Taiyi.

Only the second sacrifice of the king.

That is, to the emperor above and below.

These are all oracle bone inscriptions from the Shang Dynasty. According to the current decipherment of the oracle bone inscriptions, they can be translated as: King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty ordered him to go to the wronged place to issue political decrees.

He hunted in the fields of Yongdi and presented a pair of animal skins to the chieftain of Chuendi.

The chief gave him five strings of shells in return.

It was on Bingchen day of the first month of the second year of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty, and the Xi sacrifice was held to worship Taiyi's consort, Concubine Bing.

He made contributions to both God in heaven and King Shang on earth.

Jia Yuan has seen this bronze urn more than a hundred times.

Every tiny crack and every rust spot on it is clearly remembered.

Not to mention these inscriptions.

Seeing this, Jia Yuan was 100% sure that this was the Ersi Qiyou unearthed in Anyang, Zhongzhou in the 1940s.

The inscription on this bronze 卣 is of great significance for studying the relationship between the royal family of the late Shang Dynasty and the surrounding countries, as well as the sacrificial system of the Shang royal family, the Yin Kingdom system, and the calendar system.

In the past, some scholars suspected that the inscription on this piece of stone was a forgery.

To this end, the Academy of Sciences also conducted X-ray detection and analysis on the 卣.

It has been verified by the X-ray film that the inscription on the artifact is integrated with the bottom and ring foot, and there are no traces of welding, which can rule out the possibility of forged inscriptions.

Therefore, this bronze turtle is classified as a special national treasure and placed in the National Museum as one of the top ten treasures.

It was stolen by Zou Hui five years ago, but he didn't expect to see it at Lu Fei's house today.

Things are getting serious now.

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