A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1062 Disaster

After confirming that what was in front of him was the second treasure stolen from the National Museum, Jia Yuan and Zhang Yanhe were stunned.

But Gao Feng was crazy with excitement and laughed.

"Lao Wu, is this really the second sacrifice to the other?"

"Zhang Yanhe, didn't you swear that that bastard's character is fine?"

"Now that everyone has stolen the goods, what do you say?"

Zhang Huairen came over and kicked the two of them down, scaring everyone in Jia Yuan so much that their hair stood up.

Gao Feng rushed over to support Bronze Hao, glared at Zhang Huairen and shouted sternly.

"Old guy, what are you going to do?"

"You dare to destroy the national treasure, don't you want to live?"


"What bullshit national treasure?"

"This is my big pot. I can kick it if I want. It's none of your business if it melts."

"It's you."

"Who let you in?"

"You are breaking into a private house without the owner's permission. I think you really don't want to live anymore!"

"Put the big pot down for me, hurry up, you bastard, what the hell are you talking about?"

"You're not welcome here."

"Get out!" Zhang Huairen yelled.

Gao Feng's face turned red with anger, he pointed at Zhang Huairen and shouted.

"Old man, you are causing trouble."

"You're in big trouble."

"I tell you, if the national treasure is destroyed, you will be dead."

"national treasure?"

"You said this piece of shit is a national treasure?" Zhang Huairen asked confused.

Before Gao Feng could speak, Zhang Yanhe grabbed Zhang Huairen and said.

"Old man, did you just say that this thing belongs to you?"

"How come you have this thing?"


"This is not mine, it was left behind by someone else."

"other people?"

"Who was left behind?"

"A rag collector?"


"A rag collector?"


"Old man, this matter is of great importance. Can you think carefully about what is going on and then explain it clearly to everyone?" Zhang Yanhe said.

Seeing Zhang Yanhe's serious expression, Zhang Huaizhi didn't dare to hide anything and told what happened yesterday.

When everyone in Jia Yuan heard this, they were collectively stunned.

"Old man, is everything you said true?" Jia Yuan asked.

"Lao Wu, don't listen to this old man's nonsense."

"Collecting the abandoned national treasures from rags is simply ridiculous."

"They must have gotten wind of it and left the second sacrifice here in advance to hide it from others."

"This is 100% stolen goods collected by Taoshao Fei."

"Bao Bao Fei has committed a heinous crime of reselling privately-hidden national treasures. We must immediately order Bao Bao Fei to be arrested." Gao Feng shouted.

"Fuck you!"

After hearing Gao Feng's remarks, Zhang Huairen immediately fell out.

"From the very beginning, you, a turtle grandson, have been targeting Xiao Fei everywhere with your bluster. Did Xiao Fei dig up your ancestral grave or something?"

"Get the fuck out of here."



Zhang Huairen was panting and coughing.

Zhang Yanhe held him up and patted his back gently. It took a while for Lao Zhangtou to regain his composure.

"Old man, you said this thing was left behind by collecting rags. Do you have any way to prove it?" Zhang Yanhe asked.


"Xiao Zhang, do you think my old man is talking nonsense?" Zhang Huaizhi said.

"How is that possible? I absolutely believe you."

"But just believing it won't work. You'd better have evidence to prove it." Zhang Yanhe said.

Zhang Huaizhi thought for a while and said.

"At that time, Brother Dafa was selling rags with me. He can prove it."

"Old man, Zhang Dafa is from your side, this cannot be used as evidence."

"Are there any others?

? "Jia Yuan asked.

Zhang Huaizhi was so annoyed with Gao Feng that Jia Yuan called Gao Feng his senior brother. In addition, Lao Zhangtou had never met Jia Yuan, so he regarded Jia Yuan and Gao Feng as the same.

Even though he talked pleasantly to Zhang Yanhe, Zhang Huairen didn't look at him well towards Jia Yuan.

"snort!" .??.

"What evidence do you need for selling junk?"

"Don't talk nonsense to me. You are not a good person. Get out of here."

"Lao Wu, this old guy is just trying to make a fool of himself. Don't pay attention to him and order his arrest immediately."

"Basha Fei is very shrewd. If he is alerted, it will be difficult to catch him." Gao Feng shouted.

Gao Feng spoke ill of Lu Fei again, and Zhang Huairen could no longer control his violent temper.

Normally Zhang Huairen's legs and feet are not flexible, but when he was furious, the old universe exploded completely. He crossed Jia Yuan in two steps and came to the peak. He raised his cane and got off.

"You bastard, you are talking nonsense. I have to teach you a lesson."

Zhang Huairen came down so suddenly that Zhang Yanhe and others were completely stunned.

When everyone came to their senses, Zhang Huairen raised his cane high, rounded it with all his strength, and hit Gao Feng on the shoulder.

Seeing the crutch fall, Gao Feng will not sit still and wait for death.

This was so sudden that it was impossible to dodge, so Gao Feng had to bite the bullet and use his arms to support him.


The walking stick hit Gao Feng's arm firmly. Gao Feng felt that his old bones were about to break and the pain was excruciating.

Zhang Huairen's blow was deflected by the peak, and all the strength in his body was released instantly. The crutch let go, and the old man staggered back and fell onto his back.


This is going to be fatal.

Zhang Huairen fell down, and the back of his head hit the lid of the Second Sacrifice Qiu.

The three-centimetre-long bronze twist on the lid directly pierced Zhang Huairen's skull, causing blood to flow profusely in an instant.

Lao Zhangtou didn't even hum before he stopped making any movement.

The sudden change shocked everyone around them.


Feng was dumbfounded, Jia Yuan, Zhang Yanhe Gao New Year greetings and so on were collectively confused.

Even the experienced Qu Yang was a little at a loss.

For a moment, the scene was deathly silent.

Chen Jiajia's mother, Liu Juan, happened to be returning from shopping for groceries. When she saw this scene, Liu Juan dropped the ingredients in her hands and rushed towards her with a scream.

"Mr. Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't scare me, please wake up!"



It was only when Liu Juan shouted that everyone reacted.

Qu Yang took off his police uniform and rushed over to cover the bleeding wound. He picked up Zhang Huairen and ran outside shouting.

"Call 120 for immediate support."

"Control the peak for me!"


"It's none of my business. He hit me. I was acting in self-defense!"

"Don't arrest me, it's none of my business."

Twenty minutes later, Chen Xiang, Wang Xinyi and Zheng Wenjuan arrived at the hospital almost at the same time as Yaomeier Xia Kai.

Several people entered the emergency room and met Liu Juan with tears streaming down her face. Chen Xiang hurriedly greeted her.

"Aunt Liu, don't worry, I'll bring the first-aid Qi-boosting pills prepared by Lu Fei, Mr. Zhang will definitely"

Before Chen Xiang finished speaking, Liu Juan burst into tears with a "wow" sound.

"That's too late."

"Mr. Zhang is gone!"

Zhang Huairen was old and suffered severe head injuries, so he had already passed away on the way here.

Upon hearing the bad news, the medicine bottle in Chen Xiang's hand fell to the ground and shattered.

Qi-boosting pills costing hundreds of thousands each were scattered on the floor and rolled around.

Chen Xiang was dumbfounded!

Everyone who came together was dumbfounded!

Lu Fei and Zhang Huairen loved each other as father and son, and traveled thousands of miles to bring Zhang Huairen from Bianliang to Jincheng to enjoy their happiness.

As a result, he suffered this misfortune and died in his own courtyard.

Lu Fei received the news and the consequences...

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