A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1069: Squatting

In the living room, there was no tea, no nuts, and even less good looks.

Guan Haishan and Chen Xiang sat opposite each other, and Chen Xiang asked lightly.

"What's wrong with Grandpa Kong?"

"My master has pulmonary venous hypertension. Mr. Xue is helpless. Now he can only place his hope on Lu Fei."

"Xiang'er, we are also heartbroken when this happened."

"But this is my senior brother's fault. You can't blame it on my master!"

"I know you must have Lu Fei's contact information."

"I won't make it difficult for you. Can you tell me Lu Fei's number and I'll call him?" Guan Haishan said.

"Mr. Guan, have you seen those comments on the Internet?" Chen Xiang asked.


"Are you talking about the rumors about arresting Lu Fei?" Guan Haishan asked.

"No, that's not a rumor."

"The superiors have indeed approved the arrest."


Guan Haishan was shocked when he heard this.

Guan Haishan had seen those remarks last night.

But Guan Haishan only regarded it as a rumor created by a boring person who had nothing to do.

Now that Chen Xiang gave a positive answer, how could Guan Haishan not be surprised!



"I know Lu Fei. That guy is indeed a thief, but his character is absolutely fine."

"I don't believe Lu Fei is like what he said on the Internet." Guan Haishan said.

"You are right, Lu Fei is not that kind of person."

"In fact, someone deliberately harmed Lu Fei."

"Since we collected the rags the day before yesterday, we have been setting up a trap against Lu Fei."

"An interlocking game."

"And the people who laid it out have quite a lot of energy."

"But no matter what, we are indeed arresting Lu Fei now."

"Grandpa Kong treats me like his own granddaughter. When something happens to him, I am equally nervous."

"But calling Lu Fei back now would be tantamount to harming Lu Fei!"

"Don't say you can't give it

Grandpa Kong is treating illnesses, but he might be arrested as soon as he gets off the plane. "

"We have kept it secret from Lu Fei until Mr. Zhang's accident, because we are worried that Lu Fei will come back."

"What do you think I should do?"

"I really don't dare to call Lu Fei!" Chen Xiang said.


"so serious?"

"Damn it, who is this bastard who wants to harm Lu Fei?" Guan Haishan said.

"I don't know, it hasn't been found out yet," Chen Xiang said.

"Xiang'er, I'm not trying to excuse my senior brother!"

"According to what you say, the person behind you is definitely not my senior brother."

"He doesn't have that ability yet."

"I guess my senior brother has also been taken advantage of."

"You're right, we can't let Lu Fei come back for the time being."

"You check it out, and I'll help you figure it out."

"First, let's find out the hand behind the scenes, and let's all come up with countermeasures together."

"I'm going back to Tiandu City now, and I'll let you know as soon as I have good news." Guan Haishan said.

"Uncle Guan, thank you for your understanding."

"I haven't said it yet, Lu Fei is my friend, and I will never harm him."

"That's it for now, I'll leave first."

"Uncle Guan, please wait a moment."

"What's wrong?" Guan Haishan asked.

"Uncle Guan, please wait a moment."

Chen Xiang said and returned to his room.

After a while, he returned with a paper bag.

"Uncle Guan, these are the Qi-boosting pills that Lu Fei left for me, as well as Ganoderma lucidum, deer antler and ginseng, pangolin gallbladder, etc."

"I don't know if these are helpful to Grandpa Kong. You can take them back and give them to Mr. Xue so that Mr. Xue can use them."

"If anything happens to Grandpa Kong, please be sure to inform me." Chen Xiang said.

took the bag

Son, Guan Haishan was moved to tears.

"Thank you Xiang'er, I'll leave first."

"I'll see you off."

After Guan Haishan was sent out, two more police cars appeared in the small square.

Tian Liang trotted to Chen Xiang and said with a smile.

"Good morning, Miss. Is Lu Fei back?"


"Then please, Miss."

"I said, Lu Fei is not here. If you don't believe it, go in and search for yourself." After Chen Xiang said that, he turned around and entered the courtyard.

Chen Xiang left, and Tian Liang extended his hand to Guan Haishan to show his goodwill.

"You are Mr. Guan, right?"

"I have admired you for a long time, here you are"



After glaring at Tian Liang, Guan Haishan and others got in the car and left.

Tian Liang returned to the car with his face flushed.

"How is it?" Peng Jianliang asked.

"The eldest lady said Lu Fei is not here."

"Deputy Team Leader Peng, do you want to go in and search?"

"Did the people you left behind to watch find Lu Fei yesterday?" Peng Jianliang asked.


"There is no news about Lu Fei entering the country at the entry and exit side," Tian Liang said.

"There's no need to go in and search, Lu Fei shouldn't be at home."

"You guys keep squatting and arrest Lu Fei immediately when you see him."

"If Lu Fei resists, you"

Blue sky, white clouds.

Green trees, colorful flowers and plants, coupled with gurgling clear springs.

This is almost a paradise.

However, such a perfect scenery was overshadowed by an unkempt young drunkard.

"Scoundrel, do you think my lady's hair looks good?"

"Hey, can you just say something?"

"Use your rogue perspective to help me analyze. In the end,

How about it? "


"You are mute!"

"You used to be a wicked and talkative person. Why have you become mute this time?"

"Did someone drug you?"

"Aren't you being aloof by not talking?"

"Beat sex!"

"If you don't say anything, I can leave, right?"

"I really leave. If I leave, you have to walk back by yourself. You have to think clearly!"

The elegant beauty pretended to leave, but the drunkard showed no reaction.

The beauty stomped back, circled around the drunk man twice, squatted down and said with a smile.

"Rogue, they say you are the boss of an underground force with more than a thousand subordinates. Is that true?"

"We have such a good relationship. If this girl gets into a fight someday, you have to lend me some help!"


"Can you give me some reaction to let me know that you are still alive?"


"I just realized that you have grown your hair."

"Don't tell me, he's much more handsome than the bald guy before."

"Hey, I heard that you had a bald head because your hair was white. Why has it turned black now? It can't be a wig!"


"If you don't say anything, I will pluck your hair to check the product!"

"Speak quickly, this girl is not kidding you."

"If you don't speak again, I'll be really pissed off!"

"You're still pretending to be dead, right?"

"This girl gives you the last chance. I'll count to three. I won't tolerate it if you don't say anything anymore!"

"three two"

"Hey, my bad temper will force me to do something, right?"

"Three, two, two point five"


The word "one" was spoken, and the beauty's slender fingers moved closer to the drunkard's head.

"Damn girl, stop it."

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