Just as the beauty was about to pluck the drunkard's hair, an old man's roar came from behind.

"Damn girl, stop it!"


"Lu Fei has been here for three days, just drinking and sunbathing, without saying a word. I am just here to relieve his boredom!"

That's right!

The disheveled drunk lying on the grass holding the wine jar with dull eyes was none other than Lu Fei.

Although no one at home called Lu Fei, Lu Fei couldn't hide what happened.

Lu Fei has a habit of clicking on the surveillance video at home every night to take a look.

It's not that I miss my family, but I'm looking forward to the presence of people who have installed cameras around their homes.

But Lu Fei never expected that when he turned on the video later, he would see Zhang Huaizhi's tragic injury. .??.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fei bit his lip.

Next, Gao Feng and the task force came to search the house, and Lu Fei was so angry that his eyes were filled with blood.

Finally, he saw Mr. Xu carrying Zhang Huaizhi's portrait to Zhang Huaizhi's room to arrange the mourning hall. Lu Fei vomited a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground unconscious.

After being rescued by Gao Yuan and others, Lu Fei was about to call Xu Maochen.

But his finger was hanging on the launch button, but Lu Fei didn't press it.

There must be a reason why Brother Xu didn't notify him of such a big thing happening at home.

Lu Fei did not ask his family, but called his old apprentice Xue Taihe.

After this phone call, Lu Fei knew everything about domestic matters.

Including the arrest, but also Kong Fanlong's condition.

That night Lu Fei made arrangements and left Gao Yuan and Ma Tengyun to continue looking for a boat.

Through Little Milk Dog's arrangement, Lu Fei came to Mongolia overnight and smuggled into Mongolia from the Xilin Gol League.

Accompanied by Xue Cheng, he came to Bashang Medicine Garden.

Arriving at the medicine garden, Lu Fei gave a task to Xue Taihe who came over, and Xue Taihe left overnight.

Lu Fei hasn't said a word since Xue Taihe left.

Every day I just guard three bushes of star grass, drink wine and bask in the sun.

These days, Lu Fei’s heart is racing


Not only was I sad to see Zhang Huaizhi leave, I was even more worried about the safety of Yan Yonghui and other brothers.

In the past three days, Lu Fei had not even washed his face. In addition, he had not taken care of his face for the previous four or five days on the ship. His beard was almost an inch long, and even his bald head was covered by thick and unkempt black hair.

In the past three days, Lu Fei drank most of the fine wine collected by Xue Cheng, and Xue Cheng felt distressed and wanted to cry without tears.

For three days, Lu Fei didn't say a word, which made Xue Meimei extremely worried.

He tried different tricks every day to make the little master happy, but it had no effect.

Today, when I was planning to verify Lu Fei's hair, my grandfather Xue Taihe suddenly appeared.

Hearing Xue Taihe's voice, Lu Fei sat up holding the wine jar and finally spoke his first words in three days.

"how's it going?"

"Go back to Master, I got it."

"Let's go back and talk."

Lu Fei stood up and swayed out of Evergreen Valley with Xue Taihe, while Xue Meimei followed behind.


"Rogue, what do you mean?"

"You must explain to me clearly, why have you ignored me in the past three days?"

"In order to make you happy, I have told you all the things I have said in the past three years, but you don't appreciate it."

"I'm very angry when you do this, let me tell you."

"If you don't comfort me, you will tomorrow"

Xue Meimei was chattering, and a golden brocade box was thrown into her hand.

The brocade box was quite heavy, and Xue Meimei couldn't hold it and threw it on the ground.

Holding her hands steady and looking carefully at this fifteen-centimeter-square red sandalwood and gold brocade box, Xue Meimei could no longer take her eyes away.

"Wow, wow!"

"What a beautiful brocade box!"

Open the brocade box

, seeing the jewels inside, Xue Meimei opened her mouth in horror, and her glasses fell off.


"What a huge ruby!"

"Oh my god!"

"This is, is this a diamond?"

"Oh my God!"

"Why is it so big? It's at least five carats. It can't be fake!"

"Is this a sapphire, and a pearl?"

"No, this seems to be Dong Zhuye!"

"Get rich, get rich!"

"Hey, bastard, I want all of these."

"Let me tell you, I'm not greedy. I've worked hard for you these past few days. This should be regarded as compensation. You have no objection!"

"Hey, talk!"


Xue Meimei talked to herself for a long time, then raised her head again, where was Lu Fei's shadow?


"Going so fast!"

"It's better to leave. If the rascal leaves, these are all mine."


"It's broken!"

Xue Meimei was secretly rejoicing when she suddenly thought of something and ran out of the valley holding the brocade box.

When they got outside, Xue Meimei was dumbfounded.

The bay-red horse she rode on had disappeared. Xue Meimei stomped her feet angrily, pointed in the direction of the dormitory and screamed loudly.

"You bastard, just wait for me."

Back in the dormitory, Xue Taihe handed four sealed test tubes containing blood to Lu Fei.

"Master, these are the blood samples of Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang."

"Do you suspect they are behind the scenes?" Xue Taihe asked.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Just doubt."

"I have many enemies, but I really can't think of anyone other than them who could make such a big noise.

to others. "

"By the way, were there any abnormalities when collecting blood samples?" Lu Fei asked.


"All I said was to take a blood sample to check for any other reactions to your medication. They didn't have any suspicion."

"Master, Jiang Hongyang and Deng Xinhua are pointing to your medicine to maintain their lives. Could they risk their lives to become your enemy?"

"They can't be so confused!" Xue Taihe said.

"What if someone can cure their happy wind, and the effect is remarkable, will they still be afraid of me?" Lu Fei said.

"Is there anyone else besides you who can cure Happy Wind?"

"is it possible?"

"There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world."

"Everything is possible."

"Whether it's them or not, we'll know after a blood test."

"If they have taken my medicine, they will definitely be able to detect it through blood tests."

"If there are no ingredients in my medicine, it is 100% that you have met an expert."

"I hope they did it, so at least they know who the enemy is."

"Otherwise, it will not be easy to find out the mastermind behind the scenes." Lu Fei said.

"Master, what should we do now?"

"Do you have alcohol lamps, asbestos nets or other equipment here?" Lu Fei asked.

"Meimei has a laboratory there with everything."

"Okay, you've been working hard these two days and have a good rest. I'll go find Meimei!"

"Master, it's better for me to go!" Xue Taihe said.

"No, I'll just go."

When he reached the door, Lu Fei stood still and looked back at Xue Taihe and said.

"Old Xue!"

"Thank you for your hard work these days!"


Seeing Lu Fei's current state and Lu Fei's heart-warming words, Xue Taihe's nose was sore and his eyes were filled with tears.

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