A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1072 Soul Crossing Frost

Xue Meimei said that Deng Xinhua's blood may contain neurotoxins, which gave Lu Fei a enlightenment.

What Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang got was not the happy wind, but the poison of the mutated money snake.

Although this toxin is also a neurotoxin, it only targets the central nervous system of the brain and will never exist in the blood.

Otherwise, the test at the hospital would have detected it long ago.

Since it is not his own money snake toxin, then where did the toxin in Deng Xinhua's blood come from?

You know, Deng Xinhua is a big boss with great hands and eyes!

For a big boss like him, someone strictly controls what he eats and drinks every day, so it is impossible to get poisoned by accidental ingestion. ??

The only possibility is that someone poisoned him.

This is a bit weird, maybe it has something to do with my own affairs.

That's why Lu Fei was eager to know the answer.

With Lu Fei's material encouragement, Xue Meimei "obligated" to agree to help.

Then the test officially begins.

Xue Meimei drew Deng Xinhua's blood into a container, then added some reagents and started testing step by step.

Lu Fei looked completely confused during the whole process, and simply went aside to think about other things.

An hour and a half later, Xue Meimei's shout came from the laboratory!

"Rogue. There are indeed neurotoxins in this blood, and there are more than one."

"I just analyzed a type of venom, and after comparison, it should be the venom of a poisonous spider!"

"Just wait a moment, I'll continue."

Half an hour later.

"We found another kind of venom that belongs to poisonous snakes."

Three hours later, the test was completed.

Xue Meimei found six toxins in Deng Xinhua's blood.

They are spider toxin, venomous snake toxin, scorpion toxin, toad toxin, centipede toxin and aflatoxin.

Looking at the test results, Xue Meimei said in surprise.


"Whose blood is this, the leader of the Five Poisons?"


Which corpse did this blood come from? It's simply too poisonous. "

Seeing the test results, Lu Fei's heart beat wildly with excitement, and the sparkle in his eyes reappeared.

"Meimei, what is aflatoxin?"

"This is too common. Moldy and spoiled crops, grain and meat, etc. all contain aflatoxin."

"It's done!"

"I already know the answer, thank you so much Meimei."

"You take a rest first, and then help me test the blood in the other test tube later." Lu Fei said.

Xue Meimei said with a smile.

"Boss, if I have enough motivation, I don't need to rest at all."

"No problem, I'll reward you with ten top-quality jewelry when everything is done."


"thank you boss!"

After getting the boss's promise, Xue Meimei is full of fighting spirit.

The test results came out two hours later.

Jiang Mingzhe's blood also contains toxins, and the ingredients are exactly the same as Deng Xinhua's.

Seeing the test report, Lu Fei let out a long breath.

He turned his face and looked in the direction of Tiandu City, with murderous intent bursting out of his deep eyes.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening when the two left the laboratory.

After having a casual meal, Lu Fei called Xue Taihe to his room.

"Old Xue, have you ever heard of Shi Gongshun?"

Xue Taihe was slightly stunned.

"Shi Gongshun?"

"Are you talking about Shi Gongshun of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom?"

Lu Fei nodded.

"That's right, it's Shi Gongshun."

"Do you know if Shi Gongshun has any descendants?"

"There shouldn't be this!"

"Isn't Shi Gongshun's entire family executed?"

"Why do you ask that?" Xue Taihe asked with a confused look on his face.

Lu Fei gritted his teeth and said.

"Because I found a neurotoxin in the blood of Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang."

"This poison is the Soul Crossing Cream created by Shi Gongshun back then." .??.??


Xue Taihe was shocked when he heard this.

Ninety-nine percent of the time, I don’t know who Shi Gongshun is. He is not an old Chinese doctor who is well-read in medical books.

But when it comes to Shi Gongshun's cheap uncle, that's awesome.

That was Li Xiucheng, the famous loyal king of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

Shi Gongshun was from Jinling, a famous Chinese medicine doctor and a wealthy man.

Shi Gongshun comes from a family of traditional Chinese medicine, and his family has an ancestral medicine shop called Ji'antang.

Due to the Shi family's superb medical skills and their integrity, business was extremely good.

When it comes to Shi Gongshun, it's better to be better than the old.

Not only did he inherit his own medical skills, but he also had high attainments in poison techniques.

Shi Gongshun's original intention when he first started studying poison techniques was to treat some difficult and complicated diseases by using poison to fight poison.

After more than ten years of painstaking research, Shi Gongshun achieved great success and developed more than a dozen pretty awesome poisons.

The most awesome one is Duhunshuang.

The production process of Soul Crossing Frost is quite complicated.

First, you need to collect the venom of the six-eyed sand spider, poisonous scorpion, toad, bungar snake and red-headed centipede.

The venom is then mixed into moldy grains, and koji is added for fermentation.

The fermented juice is then boiled and baked, and finally yellow crystals are formed, which is Soul Crossing Cream.

The poison of Soul Crossing Frost is quite high. Ten crystals the size of millet grains are enough to kill an adult scalper.

Although it is highly toxic, combined with drugs, it has miraculous effects on strokes, headaches, and hemiplegia.

The poisons studied by Shi Gongshun have really benefited many people in Jinling, and they have a good reputation in the local area.

In the third year of Xianfeng's reign, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom established its capital in Jinling.

Shi Gongshun saved countless Taiping soldiers.

That same year, after being introduced by someone, Shi Gongshun betrothed his only daughter to the later loyal king Li Xiucheng.

In the third year of Tongzhi, Zeng Guofan captured Jinling, Li Xiucheng was killed, and his wife committed suicide by hanging from a beam.

This gave Shi Gongshun a huge blow.

In order to avenge his daughter and son-in-law, Shi Gongshun threw Duhunshuang into thirteen wells in the east city.

In one day, more than 300 Qing soldiers were poisoned to death, and nearly 100 people in Jinling were also killed.

That night, when Shi Gongshun went to Xicheng to poison, he was captured by the Qing soldiers.

Zeng Guofan was furious and beheaded Shi Gongshun, his wife and two shop assistants.

After Shi Gongshun's death, Zeng Guofan tested the poison used by Shi Gongshun in his attempted crime.

Zeng Guofan was horrified by its toxicity and immediately ordered the destruction of this batch of poison to save the souls of the poisoned soldiers.

This is how the word "Du Hun Shuang" comes from.

When Zeng Guofan destroyed the Duhunshuang, a Taoist priest happened to pass by.

The Taoist Master was also shocked when he learned about the power of Soul Crossing Frost.

That night, the Taoist priest sneaked into Shi Gongshun's home.

Find the only remaining pack of Soul Crossing Cream from the alchemy room.

And from the traces of Shi Gongshun's refining medicine, he deduced the refining method of Soul Crossing Cream.

After returning home, he tested several times and it turned out to be successful. This Taoist priest was Lu Fei's master in the previous life.

It stands to reason that if Shi Gongshun is a master of martial arts, Lu Fei should be the only one in the world who knows the refining method of Soul Crossing Frost.

But this strange poison appeared again, which surprised Lu Fei.

But while he was surprised, Lu Fei was more excited.

It is true that Duhun Cream has a miraculous effect on head wind, but it is simply wishful thinking to control the mutant gold snake toxin.

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