A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1073 Money Obsession

When I told Xue Taihe about the soul-transfer cream, I just wanted to use Xue Taihe's influence in China's traditional Chinese medicine community to find out if any descendants of Shi Gongshun were lucky enough to pass it on.

Since Xue Taihe looked confused, there was no need for Lu Fei to say any more.

Then the master and apprentice chatted for another half an hour, and finally Lu Fei wrote a prescription and gave it to Xue Taihe, asking him to go back tomorrow and use this prescription to treat Kong Fanlong.

Gao Feng did deserve to die, but it had nothing to do with Mr. Kong, and Lu Fei had a clear grudge.

It's just that I can't show up at this time, so I can only let Xue Taihe do it for me.

Lu Fei also had no ability to cure Kong Fanlong's pulmonary hypertension.

But this prescription can control the occurrence of complications to the greatest extent.

Pulmonary hypertension alone is not terrible, but the series of complications are fatal.

With this prescription, combined with his own Qi-boosting pills, Kong Fanlong should not be in danger of his life within two years.

Master and apprentice parted ways and went back to their rooms to rest.

But when he lay on the bed, Lu Fei's heart was filled with the grief caused by Yan Yonghui's safety and Zhang Huaizhi, and he couldn't sleep at all.

Clicking on his phone to watch the video of Zhang Huaizhi's accident again made Lu Fei's heart twitch.

Zhang Huaizhi was the first person he met after his memories of two lifetimes overlapped.

The relationship with Zhang Huaizhi is irreplaceable by anyone.

He was worried about leaving Zhang Huaizhi alone in Bianliang, so he personally took him to Jincheng to enjoy the blessings.

Nacheng didn't expect to die in a foreign land within half a year.

It was said that Gao Feng was indirectly responsible for his death, but in fact, the root cause was that he was the talisman that reminded him of his death.

If he had known this would be the outcome, Lu Fei would never have taken Zhang Huaizhi over anyway.

But now it's too late to say anything.

Zooming in on the video, Lu Fei swore silently to Zhang Huaizhi's portrait.

If you don't take this revenge, I swear you won't be a human being!

Early the next morning, Xue Taihe left with the prescription.

Xue Meimei jumped up to Lu Fei and said with a smile.

"Boss, how can I help you today?"

"I can give you a 20% discount!"

"It really does!"

"I plan to ask Xue Cheng. Since you are willing to help, then you can make a trip for me." Lu Fei said.

"No problem, please give the boss the task!"

Xue Meimei couldn't hide her excitement when she said this.

Yesterday, Xue Meimei deeply felt Boss Lu’s generosity.

Xue Meimei was so excited that she stayed up all night guarding the jewelry she earned last night.

Helping Boss Lu now is Xue Meimei's most important task, and everything else is unimportant.

Lu Fei wrote a note and handed it over.

"Just buy me the things I need here."

After reading the above content, Xue Meimei was stunned.

"Why do you need so many toxins?"

"Don't ask any questions, just do as you're told."

Xue Meimei blinked and said.

"These toxins are easy to buy and are sold in large medicinal markets."

"But where can I get you this moldy grain?"

"It's spring now, and there's often moldy grain in the grain bins when the moisture returns."

"If you go around the village, it should be easy to buy." Lu Fei said.


"If you find it difficult, I'd better ask Brother Xue for help!"

"No, no, I promise to complete the task."

"So what, how are we going to calculate our reward this time?" Xue Meimei bit her lip and asked carefully.

"What do you want?" Lu Fei asked.

"I have jewelry and emeralds. Do you have any white jade?"

"The whiter, the better."

Lu Fei took out a mutton-fat jade Maitreya Buddha pendant from his bag and shook it.

"Muet-fat Jade Pendant, how about this?"

Xue Meimei's eyes widened when she saw this pendant. She nodded quickly and worked for Boss Lu happily.

The son has gone.

Lu Fei came to Xue Cheng's room, where Xue Cheng was drinking milk tea.

As soon as he took a sip of milk tea into his mouth, when he saw Lu Fei, he didn't waste the sip at all and squirted out all of it.

Throwing the bowl aside, Xue Cheng suddenly stood up and stopped in front of Lu Fei, saying with a sad face.

"Brother, eldest brother, little ancestor, please do your best!"

"I only have the last two jars of wine left."

"It's only spring, and it's still early before the Chinese New Year. Can you please leave some for your brother?"

"Brother Xue, I'm not here to ask for wine." Lu Fei said.

"Don't you want wine?"


"I really don't want wine."

"That's okay!"

"As long as it's not alcohol, it's okay to ask for anything."

"I just want my brother to suffer this fate!"

"Brother Xue, I'm asking you to order some koji." Lu Fei said.

"no problem!"

"Can the best herbal ash wine song be okay?"


"Okay, you wait outside and I'll get it for you right now. Is fifty pounds enough?"

“Just one pound is enough!”

"It doesn't matter. I'll give you ten pounds first. Ask me for it anytime you're done."

"As long as it's not wine, I'll give you whatever you want."

"Isn't it interesting?"


In the evening, Xue Meimei, who had been shopping all day, came back in a pickup truck.

Looking at Xue Meimei again, her temples are messy and listless, and she can't even straighten her waist.

Arriving in front of Lu Fei, Xue Meimei said aggrievedly.

"Boss, the mission is completed in the car."

"I traveled through twelve villages to find what you want."

"Looking at how hard I have worked, can you give me some extra wages?"


"I won't deduct your reward for wasting my time.

It's already the end of benevolence and righteousness. "

"Drive the car to the empty house on the east side and unload the things. Your mission is complete."

"Shall I unload the car?"

"Is there a problem?"

"No, there's no problem at all." Xue Meimei gritted her teeth and said.

After unloading the things, Xue Meimei finally got the coveted mutton-fat jade pendant.

Holding the warm and delicate mutton-fat white jade in her hand, Xue Meimei was instantly resurrected with full blood.

"Boss, is there anything else you need my help with?"

"Not yet. If there is any work, I will take the initiative to find you. Go back and rest!"


"Remember to call me!"

"I can do anything."

Xue Meimei left happily, and Lu Fei checked everything.

The five valuable toxins are no problem, as is the moldy corn, and the experiment will begin immediately.

The five toxins are all crystals. Lu Fei carefully mixed the toxins with warm water, then added the moldy corn in proportion and stirred evenly.

Then mash the distiller's yeast obtained from Xue Cheng into powder and mix it into the corn. Stir evenly and cover with plastic wrap.

Even though it is spring, the temperature on the dam is still cool.

In order to ferment faster, Lu Fei closed all the windows in the room and sealed even the gaps with tape.

Finally, I found two electric heaters to heat the room, and then I left with satisfaction.

Lu Fei came to check the results early the next morning.

The door to the room opened, and a faint aroma of wine came out.

When he smelled this smell, Lu Fei knew he had succeeded.

Open the plastic wrap and check carefully to confirm that the fermentation is successful. Find a stainless steel basin and pour out the fermented light yellow liquid.

Then put a firewood pot on it and cook it over a slow fire until it is dry.

After an hour, the light yellow liquid turned into yellow crystals the size of rice grains.

The Soul Crossing Cream produced by Lu Fei was declared a success.

Next comes the key experiment.

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