A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1084 Handover

Guan Haishan didn't have to give face, but when Kong Fanlong came, the three people who were about to fight stopped at the same time.

This is the authority of the head of the family.

"How can it be inappropriate for a person in his fifties or sixties to fight and make trouble all the time?"

"What are you still doing?"

"Go back and sit down."

Kong Fanlong's face darkened, and the whole place fell into deathly silence.

Zhang Yanhe and Fatty Wang glared at Sun Jiuling and retreated to their seats.

Kong Fanlong came to his seat and everyone sat down collectively.

Looking around the audience, the old man nodded and said.


“It’s been a long time since we got together like this.”

"Don't be in a hurry to leave after the meeting is over. I'll invite everyone to the cafeteria for dinner."

"The theme of today's meeting is four things."

"First of all, let's summarize the work situation in various places in the past year."

"Since the beginning of spring, it rains frequently in the south and the air is moist."

“The protection and cleanup of ancient buildings and inventory of cultural relics is a top priority.”

"Every year, countless cultural relics are destroyed due to mold and humidity in the air. Everyone must pay attention to and carry out prevention and control work."

"If any company makes a big mistake, submit your resignation letter yourself."

"Except for the south, outdoor archaeological work in other places must be done carefully."

"If cultural relics are destroyed due to work errors, the value will be deducted from everyone's bonus."

“Also to reiterate, safety comes first whether indoors or outdoors.”

“If a work-related injury occurs, report it as soon as possible.”

"The second thing is to talk about something lighter."

"Everyone knows Lu Fei's foundation, right?"

“That foundation was supposed to allocate funds based on this year’s archaeological results.”

"However, the foundation has launched a temporary plan and allocated 500 million as a pilot experiment this year."

“Twenty million of them were allocated to the fifteen colleges and universities with the best results last year, and the remaining

The 300 million yuan allocated was given to the archaeological teams from the three provinces that performed well last year. "

"These three are Bashu, Liaoning and Shaanxi."

"A month ago, all the funds were in place."

"These three companies have added a series of new equipment and equipment, and all of them are very happy."

“I say this not to make everyone jealous, but to ask everyone to work harder.”

"Next year, one billion in funds will be released. If any of you want this money, you should do your job first."

"As long as you can be among the top ten in the year-end evaluation, you will have a chance to share the spoils of one billion."

"If you want to change equipment to improve the working environment and increase benefits, you have to work hard."

"Do you have confidence?"


The temptation of 100 million yuan is infinite. Kong Fanlong's words instantly brought the atmosphere of the venue to a climax.

After making a silence gesture, the venue fell silent, and Kong Fanlong continued.

"Let's talk about the third thing."

"I am a hundred years old this year. My thinking is outdated and my energy is limited. I really can't do anything anymore."

"Now I announce that starting from today, I, Kong Fanlong, will officially retire."

"I have been the general counsel for sixty-one years, which is as long as Emperor Kangxi's reign."

"But I am not imitating Emperor Kangxi."

"I have been looking for a successor for decades, but there is really no one who satisfies me."

"This is not because I am crazy, but I am responsible for the archaeological cause in China that has just started to improve."

"I'm worried if you hand it over blindly!"

"The day before yesterday, I reported to my superiors and they have approved my retirement."

"It has been temporarily decided that Guan Haishan will take my place."

"Guan Haishan is me

As a disciple, I, as a master, know him very well. "

"The third child's ability is just okay, but he lacks experience and his cohesion is even worse."

"I believe that many of you will be dissatisfied or even unconvinced if the third child takes over my position."

"That doesn't matter." .??.

"I said that the third child taking over this position is only temporary."

"With approval from above, I will give the third child a one-year buffer period."

"During this year, if the third child does not do well enough, he will be dismissed from get out of class at any time."

"If you have better candidates, you can also recommend them to the above."

"The superior leaders will decide on the final appointment after the assessment and review."

"But until the best candidate emerges, I hope everyone will not get emotional and try their best to do their job well."

"No matter who takes this position, we all have the same starting point, which is to make our archaeological undertakings in China take off as soon as possible."

After a burst of deafening applause, Kong Fanlong continued.

"I have a bad temper. I lost my temper with everyone during my tenure."

"Many of you here have been scolded by me, but my anger was not directed at the person or the situation."

"If anything I said hurt everyone's heart, I, Kong Fanlong, apologize to everyone."

Kong Fanlong said, sitting in a wheelchair and bowing to everyone.

There was another burst of warm applause in the venue.

Facing more than a thousand familiar faces in the audience, Kong Fanlong's eyes were filled with tears.

After everyone's applause subsided, Kong Fanlong said.

"All the things in the past, right and wrong, are already in the past tense."

"I have shortcomings, unfairness, unkindness or injustice. Please bear with me and don't hold grudges."

"From now on, whether the position of general counsel is held by the third oldest person or by someone else."

“I hope that everyone can unite to carry forward the past and open up the future.

Even if I die, I will still be able to smile. "

Kong Fanlong bowed again, and the audience stood up and applauded. Most people were already in tears.

The enthusiastic applause lasted for half a minute before it subsided.

Guan Haishan planned to send his master to rest, but Kong Fanlong refused to leave.

He took a sip of water and continued.

"The third child has temporarily taken over my position, and with Gao Feng's retirement some time ago, there will be changes in personnel."

"Originally, the personnel appointments should have been announced by Lao San."

"But I'm happy today, so I'll take over my job."

Looking at Guanhai Mountain, Kong Fanlong said with a smile.

"Mr. Guan, I, a white man, will announce the personnel appointments. Do you have any objections?"

Kong Fanlong's joke made Guan Haishan break into cold sweat and stood up quickly.

Due to panic, my thigh hit the corner of the table when I stood up.

The table shook violently, the teacup overturned, and the hot tea spilled all over the floor. It was a complete mess, and the audience burst into laughter.

Kong Fanlong curled his lips and said, hating that iron cannot become steel.

"How old are you? Can you be more stable?"

"We're all bosses now. Isn't it a shame?"


There was another burst of laughter from the audience, and old Guan Haishan's face turned red.

"Master, you talked too much today, you should go back and rest!" Guan Haishan said.

Kong Fanlong glared, making Guan Haishan tremble with fear.

"What's wrong?"

"You just took the position of general counsel and you think I'm an eyesore?"

"No, no, no, how is that possible!"

"My disciple is worried about your health, after all, you are"


"I know my health well. If I'm happy today, I'll just say a few words."

"Get out of the way!"


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