A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1085 I have an opinion

Kong Fanlong announced his retirement, and his third apprentice Guan Haishan temporarily took over the position of general counsel.

After the handover was completed, Kong Fanlong insisted on standing at the last post and announced several personnel appointments.

"Next, I will announce three important personnel appointments on behalf of Mr. Guan."

"Mr. Guan, please forgive me and stand aside for a while!"


There was another burst of laughter from the audience.

"First declare the first resignation."

"Comrade Sun Jiuling, former acting director of the Zhongzhou Museum, was transferred to deputy director of the Zhongzhou Cultural Preservation Office."

"Comrade Fu Yuliang, Director of Shandong Provincial Museum, has been transferred to the post of Director of Zhongzhou Museum."

The first appointment was announced, and the audience burst into applause. Everyone looked at Fu Yuliang, their eyes full of envy.

Although they are both museum curators, there is no comparison between Shandong and Zhongzhou.

Shandong is also a large province with a long history.

Confucius, Mencius, Zhuge Liang, Xin Qiji, Li Qingzhao, Wang Shi of Langya, etc., there are many outstanding people.

But the archaeological heritage is vastly different from that of Zhongzhou.

During the five thousand years of Chinese civilization, twenty dynasties established their capitals in Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou occupies half of the eight ancient capitals of China.

It is known that there is one record of Zhongzhou and half of the history of China.

The bones of countless emperors, relatives, princes, generals, ministers, and dignitaries from past dynasties are buried in Zhongzhou.

In the early decades, ordinary people in Zhongzhou were able to dig out ancient tombs by reclaiming wasteland.

Drilling wells can reveal cultural relics.

It's no exaggeration to say that.

In recent decades, among the top ten archaeological discoveries every year, Zhongzhou and Shaanxi must be included.

It is impossible to be a curator in these two places without achievements.

When the appointment was given, Fu Yuliang was so excited that he stood up, circled and bowed, smiling from ear to ear.

Looking at Sun Jiuling again, she looked like a frost-beaten eggplant, with wrinkles all over it.

Seeing Sun Jiuling's aggressive attitude, Fatty Wang spat hard, feeling so happy in his heart.

"Fu Yuliang!"


exist! "

Hearing Kong Fanlong's call, Fu Yuliang started playing again.

"Boy, go to Zhongzhou and give me a good fuck."

"If you don't do it well, I won't be able to let you go even if I'm a ghost." Kong Fanlong said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Kong, I promise I won't disappoint you. Just take a good look!"

"Well, let me say one more thing!"

"Don't keep talking nonsense like you're dead or a ghost. It's too unlucky."

"You have a very strong body. You won't have any problem living for another two hundred years." Fu Yuliang said with a smile.


"You little bastard, you dared to distract me just after I was laid off. Are you looking for a fight?" Kong Fanlong said.


Fu Yuliang was startled and quickly explained.

"Mr. Kong, please don't misunderstand me. My admiration for you is like a torrential river."

"Yes, yes, yes."

"Stop it now and stop the flattery. I won't accept that."

"If you do a good job from now on, you will be worthy of me."

"Sit down!"


Fu Yuliang wiped his sweat while patting his chest and taking a deep breath, which made everyone burst into laughter.

"The second appointment is announced below."

"Gao Feng retired, and the director of the National Museum has been idle until now."

"After many investigations by myself and the leaders above, we have made the decision that Comrade Zhang Yanhe, director of the Bashu Museum, will take over as director of the National Museum."

"Comrade Li Qingfeng, deputy director of the Bashu Museum, takes over as the director of the Bashu Museum. Everyone welcomes him with applause."

This appointment makes everyone even more envious.

If the job of the director of the Zhongzhou Museum is a big pie, then the job of the director of the National Museum is luxury pizza.

This is like comparing a leader in a local city with a leader in a municipality

, the level is not at the same level at all, and the treatment is even more different.

Everyone looked at Zhang Yanhe with envy, but Zhang Yanhe had no expression.

The reason is that even Zhang Yanhe himself did not expect such an opportunity to soar into the sky.

For a moment, Zhang Yanhe was completely confused.

It wasn't until the deafening applause sounded that Zhang Yanhe realized what he was doing.

"Zhang Yanhe!"


Upon hearing Kong Fanlong's call, Zhang Yanhe was about to stand up and reply, but found herself being held tightly by Fatty Wang.

Looking sideways, Fatty Wang was gritting his teeth and staring at him with bull eyes.

Giving him a reassuring look, Fatty Wang let go of his hand, and Zhang Yanhe stood up.

"Xiao Zhang, letting you take this position is a high recognition of your experience and knowledge from your superiors."

"When you come to Tianducheng, you must not only do your job well, but also give as much guidance and help Lao San as possible."

"Only when everyone unites as one, can the cause develop rapidly."

"You kid, don't let me down!" Guan Haishan said earnestly.

Zhang Yanhe was not as excited as Fu Yuliang.

After listening to what Kong Fanlong said, he nodded solemnly and said.

"Zhang Yanhe knows."

"Very well, sit down!"

As soon as Zhang Yanhe sat down, she was immediately pulled by Fatty Wang.

Fatty Wang stared and spoke in a low voice.

"Lao Zhang, are you tempted by this position?"

"Fart, am I that kind of person?" Zhang Yanhe whispered.

"Then why did you agree just now?"

"It's not appropriate to talk about that in this situation. Let's talk to Mr. Kong alone later."


"Kong Fanlong has retired, why don't you tell me today that you still have a chance?"

"There are a lot of people here today, so it's the right time to say it."

"Only such occasions

, Boss Kong will pay attention to it. "

"What's wrong?"

"Are you scared?" Fatty Wang said.

Zhang Yanhe shook his head and said.

"I'm not a coward!"

"Do you see how happy Mr. Kong is today?"

"I really can't bear to make him angry!"


"He's happy. What's going to happen over there?"

"Did your boy have water in his head?"

"If there is no junk flying, what do you think?"

"Wang Shun, what are you two muttering about?"

"Pay attention to the discipline of the venue. If you have any shameful activities, go back and talk about it in private."

"Listen carefully, I am about to announce the last appointment."

Kong Fanlong's voice interrupted Fatty Wang's words, and he had no choice but to sit down again.

"Now I announce one final appointment."

"The third child took over as general counsel, leaving the former museum director's position vacant."

"Everyone knows that Gubo is a top priority and must be led by people with outstanding abilities and rich experience."

"After discussion with the leaders, I decided to appoint Comrade Wang Shun, director of Shaanxi Chang'an Museum, to take over the position of the museum."

"Everyone knows Wang Shun."

"Apart from this guy's bad temper and ugly appearance, his professionalism and personality are absolutely nothing to say."

"Furthermore, Comrade Wang Shun has a positive work attitude and has been an advanced individual for ten consecutive years."

"No one of the more than a thousand of you here can do this."

"I believe that none of you will have any objections to Wang Shun taking this position!"

Even though Fatty Wang is a tough guy, he is quite a righteous man and is very popular in the industry.

There really was no objection to him taking this position.

But just when everyone was about to applaud and welcome, Fatty Wang stood up with a sullen face.

"Mr. Kong, I have an opinion."

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