A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1106 The miracle doctor is not a fairy

Lu Fei was talking to himself in front of Kong Fanlong's grave and drinking in front of the portrait.

I was laughing and joking at first, but soon I burst into tears.

"Old man, for your sake, I will let the matter of Gaofeng be forgotten."

"But just this once."

"If he wants to harm me again, don't blame this junior for being ruthless."

"As for Jiaqi, don't worry about her. I will never let her suffer."

"I've said all that needs to be said, it's time for me to go."

"Don't worry, I will definitely visit you during the holidays."

"Don't think about it at home, I have everything, so you can go with peace of mind!"

Speaking of this, Lu Fei burst into tears.

"Lu Fei, don't do this."

"Mr. Kong is a centenarian. He is mourning. Don't be sad." Chen Xiang advised.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

"If it hadn't been for my bad things, he could have lived for at least two years."

"It's me who feels sorry for him!"

"Lu Fei, please be more open-minded."

“Heavier than Mount Tai and lighter than a feather, it’s all a lifetime.”

"Grandpa Kong is a hundred years old and his scenery will be immortalized in history. He is contented."

"As for his old man's passing, it was just an accident."

"Perhaps, this is Grandpa Kong's fate!" Chen Xiang said.

Lu Fei stopped crying, wiped his tears heavily and said.


"you're right!"

"This is the old man's fate!"

After looking at Kong Fanlong's portrait, Lu Fei rolled his eyes and said.

"Old man, it's all your fault for making me embarrassed in front of Xiang'er."

"To punish you, there will be no pickled pork elbow and roast duck next time. I will give you Liubiju pickled vegetables instead."

"If you want to eat well, you have to bless me with everything going well and my business prospering."

"If I don't get my way and I don't have any pickles, I'll give you Wang Zhihe's stinky tofu instead."


"Why are you so poor!" Chen Xiang said.

"Okay, let's not talk anymore.

. "

"I'm really leaving this time."

"Next time, whether it's wine pool, meat forest or green vegetables and radish, it all depends on my luck."


Say goodbye to Kong Fanlong and return to the parking lot.

Lu Fei was deprived of his right to drive because of his drinking. The two women each drove a car to Fengze Garden to gather with their good buddies.

In the afternoon, Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi returned to Jincheng and were busy preparing for the opening of the beauty ointment.

After returning home, under Lu Fei's persuasion, Kong Jiaqi was temporarily picked up by Kong Panqing.

In the evening, Lu Fei and Li Yunhe visited Chen Yunfei and stayed there for dinner.

The next morning, Lu Fei and Kong Jiaqi went through the property transfer procedures.

The formalities are completed and the key is handed over to Fatty Wang.

All the little buddies took the Di family's special plane, Lu Fei drove Li Yunhe in a Cherokee, and everyone went straight to Bianliang City.

At seven o'clock in the evening, everyone had gathered at Li's house.

The kitchen prepared food and wine, the boys visited Li Ping'an, and Lu Fei was invited to check Zhang Huan's pulse.

Lu Fei was shocked when he saw Zhang Huan again.

In addition to her big belly, Zhang Huan is now at least 40 pounds fatter than before.


"My godson and his biological mother, what did you eat to make you look like this?" Lu Fei asked in surprise.

After giving Lu Fei a blank look, Zhang Huan said angrily.

"Damn it, Lu Fei, don't laugh at me."

"It's all your fault, Brother Li, for forcing me to eat meat and soup every day, even if I don't want to gain weight!"


"Isn't this good for you?"

"People say that giving birth to a baby is very physically demanding. How could you bear it with your small body before?"

"Anyway, I don't think you are fat, so what do you have to worry about?" Li Yunhe said.

"This is all nonsense. According to you, thin women can't have children?" Zhang Huan said.

"Uh" Li Yunhe was speechless.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"Beautiful Zhang, your eloquence is evident!"

"Far worse than you."

"Lu Fei, do you think I can lose weight after giving birth?"

"This is too tiring and ugly." Zhang Huan said.

"Don't worry, you will usually lose weight after breastfeeding."

"You're not fat at all, and there's nothing wrong with you."

"Here, bring me your B-ultrasound report." Lu Fei said.


"Shouldn't I check my pulse?" Zhang Huan asked.


"You've watched too many TV series."

"Taking your pulse can only determine whether you are pregnant and your blood pressure and heart rate. Everything else is a lie."

"Besides, why are you paying for the ultrasound?"


"You are a miracle doctor!"

"You still need to see a B-ultrasound?"

"Miracle doctors are not omnipotent."

"What you are imagining is not a miracle doctor at all, but a god."

Picking up the B-ultrasound results and looking at them, Lu Fei nodded.

"Very good, everything is normal, I guarantee it will be a natural birth."

"Hey, after all your hard work, why don't you give your godson some miscarriage, tonic, or something like that?" Li Yunhe said.


"It's three parts of medicine and poison. What did you think?"

"Lu Fei, can you tell whether it's a boy or a girl by checking the pulse?" Zhang Huan asked.

"This is fine."

"Then help me find out whether it's a boy or a girl."

Li Yunhe rolled his eyes and said.

"No, I like both men and women, so don't worry about it."

Lu Fei gave Li Yunhe a thumbs up.

"Just saying this to you, you are still a man."

After leaving Zhang Huan's room, Lu Fei pulled Li Yunhe aside and asked.

"Where's Wang Hailong?"

"In the backyard."

"Don't worry, even if the special department knows that he is in our house, he will not dare to arrest him easily. It is absolutely safe." Li Yunhe said.

"I've taken care of the special department. Everything is safe now. Take me to see Hai Long."


"Well, I'll explain it to you later. Take me to see Hai Long first."


As soon as the brothers arrived at the backyard, a black shadow jumped out of the westmost room and ran straight to the west wall.

"Hai Long is me!"

Li Yunhe shouted, and Wang Hailong stood still.

Seeing the frightened Wang Hailong, Lu Fei felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

"Brother Li."

"Is this Brother Fei?"

"It's really Brother Fei."

"Brother Fei, I finally see you."

Lu Fei kept his hair straight, and Wang Hailong didn't recognize him in the darkness.

When he got closer, he realized it was Lu Fei. Wang Hailong ran over as if he had seen the backbone.

"Hai Long, I've made you feel wronged."


"What you said, how can Hailong suffer any injustice from me?"

"You mean I abused your brother?"

"Although you have known each other for a long time, we have been in contact with each other for as long as you have."

"Hai Long is your brother, and he is also my brother. You are a filthy young man." Li Yunhe said with wide eyes.

"have to!"

"Isn't it my fault for choosing the right words?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"That's what it is."

"I don't like hearing what you say." Li Yunhe muttered.

"Brother Fei, don't worry. I'm very fine. I'm just worried about Brother Yan and the others." Wang Hailong said.

"Brother Yan, don't worry, they are all fine."

"I have made arrangements. They can come back at any time after I finish my work."

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