A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1107 Naming

After hearing Lu Fei say that everything was resolved, Wang Hailong felt relieved.

I followed Lu Fei to the front yard and had a solid meal for the first time in several days.

After the meal, Li Pingan called Lu Fei into the room alone.

Lu Fei made tea and the two sat across from each other.

"Xiao Fei, are you done with Mr. Kong?"

"Well, he has been laid to rest."

"A hundred years old!"

"Mr. Kong's life is so wonderful!" Li Ping'an exclaimed.


"You, the former Five Dragon King, lived an equally wonderful life." Lu Fei said.


"You know everything?" Li Ping'an asked in surprise.

"Didn't Sister Li tell you that I am now the chief instructor of Wulong?"


"It's time for you, young man!"

"I really don't know. That damn girl hasn't come back for several months. I even forgot that I have such a granddaughter."

"Boy, Wulong has a special mission. As the chief instructor, you must not let your guard down."

"Otherwise I won't be able to spare you." Li Ping'an said.

"Don't worry, old man, I have a sense of discretion."

"That's good."

Li Ping'an said, taking out a piece of red paper, putting it on the table and pushing it over.

"Now, this is the name I gave Xiaohe's child. How about you help me check it out?"

"Li Long, Li Feng?"


"It's vulgar!" Lu Fei said disdainfully.

Li Ping'an didn't like hearing this.

"I hope my son will become a dragon and I hope my daughter will become a phoenix. How can this be vulgar?"

"Old man, what era are you in?"

"You can't always live in the past!"

"The social atmosphere has changed, and the cultural heritage has also changed. You have to keep pace with the times."

"Return to Li Long and Li Feng, why don't you call me Li Hu and Li Xiaohua?"

"In my opinion, the ink in your stomach is limited, so you should let Brother Li and the others come up with their own names." Lu Fei said.


! "

"As long as I live, I must give this name."

"This is the rule!"

"Then please read more books and come up with a meaningful name."

"Calling him by such a vulgar name is really not worthy of your Li family's dignity." Lu Fei said.

"has connotation?"

"What do you mean?" Li Ping'an asked in confusion.

“To have connotation is to have meaning.”

"For example, what do you expect Brother Li's children to do in the future."

"Whether it's to open a restaurant, drive a taxi, or work for others."


"Shut up, kid, what you are talking about is not from our Lao Li family." Li Ping'an said with his eyes widened.

"I'm just making an analogy, why are you so anxious?"

"Then you don't like these things. What do you expect your children to do?"

"Business, politics, military or scientific research?" Lu Fei asked.

"If you are not good at business, you will be as useless as his father."

"Politics is not good either. There are intrigues in the officialdom. If you are not careful, you will be doomed."

"Doing scientific research requires talent. Judging from the genes of our old Li family, it's okay!"

"I hope that my children will join the army and serve China in the future." Li Ping'an said.

"Tsk, tsk, old man, you are trying to imitate the Tianbo Yang Mansion across from you!" Lu Fei exclaimed.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Those who have not experienced a military career are not perfect at all." Li Ping'an said.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

“In that case, name it around your expectations.”

"For example, Zhang Ming is a good name. It is a blockbuster and its homophony is famous throughout the world."

"Shut up!"

"What are you yelling about again?"

"What's wrong?"


Does your boy deserve a beating? "

"How can my great-grandson be named Zhang?"

"Who are you from?" Li Ping'an shouted.



"Misunderstanding, definitely a misunderstanding."

"I was just making an analogy, and that's what I want to say."

"Looking at what you mean, do you plan to give your child a two-letter name?" Lu Fei asked.

"That's right!"

"Okay, I'll give you a few words and you can make your own decision."

Lu Fei said as he took out his pen and wrote four big characters on the red paper.

Ming, proud, flying, peng.

"Old man, look at these four words."

"Ming, we said before that it sounds like a blockbuster and is famous all over the world."

"Proud, proud of the world."

"Fly, soar into the sky."

"But I don't recommend using the word "fly"."

"That's my godson. My name is Lu Fei, and his name is Li Fei. It's a bit weird."

"The last word "Peng" means "Peng travels thousands of miles" and "Peng stretches for nine days".

"The Peng Tuan Nine Heavens" comes from "Zhuangzi·Xiaoyaoyou" written by Zhuangzi during the Warring States Period: "The Peng migrates to Nanming, and the water hits it for three thousand miles, and the one that floats upward is ninety thousand miles away, and the one that goes to rest in six months." "

"Look, how impressive it is!"

"What do you think of these words?" Lu Fei said.

Hearing Lu Fei's explanation, Li Ping'an's eyes lit up.

"Not bad."

"I chose the word proud."

"To be proud of the world, the pride of our Li family."

"If he is a great-grandson, he will be called Li Ao."


"How nice is that last one?"

"Why didn't you choose the word Peng and spend a long time explaining to me in vain?" Lu Fei said.

Li Pingan said with a smile.

"I named my great-grandson based on my own feelings and feelings.

Why do I have to listen to you? "

"Besides, there was a leader above who called this Peng before. It's not good for us to call it this again."

"Oh I see."

"As long as you are happy, Li Ao is Li Ao, equally loud and meaningful." Lu Fei said.

"Hey, I've just mentioned a boy's name. If it's a girl, what's her name?" Li Ping'an asked.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"This one is enough, no more is necessary."

"Why is it not necessary? Just help me once, you kid can't do it half-heartedly"


"Boy, what do you mean?"

"Congratulations, old man."


"Rejoice together and rejoice together."

"Come on, I'll offer you a cup of tea instead of wine."

"Haha, I am so happy today!"

After chatting with Li Pingan for a while, Lu Fei left.

In the living room in the front yard, the boys were playing cards in three groups, and they were noisy and lively.

Lu Fei watched for a while and then returned to the room alone.

He lay on the bed with his head in his hands, thinking about his next plan.

But just as he lay down, Gene's call came in.

"My dear friend, I miss you so much. Do you miss me?"


"There's no need to be so foolish."

"Tell Wade that I have something to do here. I'll go there when it's done."

"I, Lu Fei, will do what I say."

"That's great my friend."

"Fei, I'm not calling you to rush you, but I have other things to do," Gene said.

"What's going on?" Lu Fei asked.

"It's like this. A friend of ours here has a strange disease, and famous doctors all over the world are helpless."

"I recommended you to that friend."

"If you can cure his disease, you will definitely get a lot of reward."

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