A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1113 Protected Area

When he came to Lingquan Mountain again, accompanied by Meng Guangwei's secretary Wang Zhi, Zhang Shengli was full of confidence.

"Secretary Wang, this group of people destroyed the protected area and wanted to dig holes and bury people here."

"I didn't let them mess around, and they retaliated."

"Look at all my friends with bruises and bruises. They were beaten by these gangsters. You have to make the decision for me!"

Zhang Shengli's nonsensical words made everyone in the little milk dog stunned.

Damn it!

Aren't you looking for someone to take revenge?

How did you create a protected area? What is this situation?

Wang Zhi nodded and took a step forward with a calm face, pointed at the circled field, and said with great style.

"This is what you circled?" ??

"That's right, what's wrong?" asked the little puppy.

"What are you planning to do by encircling this area?"

"This is the cemetery we circled. Do you have any objections?" asked the little puppy.


"It seems that what the whistleblower said is true!"

"Do you have any instructions for enclosing the cemetery here?"

"Do you have a land use certificate?" Wang Zhi asked.

"Do you have the certificate to control your business?" the little naughty dog ​​said disdainfully.

"You have such an arrogant attitude at such a young age. It seems that the whistleblower is right. You are indeed not a kind person!" Wang Zhi said displeased.


"Young master is arrogant, that's because he has the ability to be arrogant."

"Don't mess with those vain people. Since it was the grandson who called me, you should tell me clearly what you plan to do!" said the little milk dog.

Wang Zhi sneered.

"I originally planned to give you a chance, but your attitude is so tough, so don't blame me for acting in accordance with the law."

"I'm telling you."

"The entire Lingquan Mountain is an ancient cultural reserve."

"Not to mention occupying land here, even breaking a branch is illegal."

"You circle this place,

If you break more than a dozen saplings, you must accept punishment. "

"Ancient cultural reserve?"

"You said a protected area is a protected area?"

"Who do you think you are?"

"I don't care who you are, just get out of here."

"Otherwise, the consequences will be the same as those of those grandsons." the little milk dog shouted.

As the confidant secretary of Lingquan County, no one in this three-acre land has ever dared to make such a noise with him.

Now that he was threatened by the little puppy, Wang Zhi's face turned red and his neck became thick.

He gritted his teeth and shouted sharply.

"Bold and cunning people, do you want to openly resist the law?"

When Wang Zhiping stared, the officials below broke out in cold sweat, let alone the ordinary people.

But today, staring didn't work.

Not only were everyone not afraid of the little milk dog, but they started laughing evilly.

"Hey, don't call me out yet. Tell me who you are."

"You say we are resisting the law, do you have the right to enforce the law?"



"I am Wang Zhi, secretary of Lingquan County."

"I just received a report from enthusiastic people saying that you are abusing land in the reserve and"

"Stop, stop, call"

"Shut the hell up!"

"How dare a little secretary pretend to be a law enforcer?"

"Who has this right with you?"

"Let's not talk about whether we have abused the land. Even if we have, you can't control it."

"Get out of here quickly. If you want to play dirty with me, can you please find some reliable people to come over?"

"If you find such stinky fish and rotten shrimps again, I'm going to get very anxious. Let me tell you."

A dignified secretary from Lingquan County actually

Being compared to smelly fish and rotten shrimps made Wang Zhi's nose crooked with anger.

"Diao Min, please stop being arrogant."

"You're right, I don't have the right to enforce the law, but these two do."

"This is Comrade Jiang Song, director of the Bianliang Museum."

"This is Comrade Li Xinghua, the head of the Culture Department of Bianliang Museum." ??

"Do you think they have any rights?"

"Director Jiang, please say a few words!"

Jiang Song and Li Xinghua were the guests that Meng Guangwei asked Bianliang Secretary Ou Dongshan to invite.

This was Wang Zhi's idea, and he planned to use the name of the protected area to prevent the other party from occupying the Feng Shui treasure cave.

After successfully capturing the treasure cave, the police will come over to clean up the mess and punish the other party for committing murder and beating.

This way there will be no clues left.

Wang Zhi originally thought that when he came here and threatened him, the other party would obediently hand over the treasure hole.

But I never expected that I would encounter a group of stinking, tough and unscrupulous people.

I have no good solution for the time being, so I can only move Jiang Song and Li Xinghua out.

But when he turned around and looked at the expressions of the two leaders, Wang Zhi was stunned.

When they arrived, the two leaders were a very confident group.

But now the two leaders were frowning, which made Wang Zhi very puzzled.

"Two leaders, what are you doing?"


"Wait a moment, we have two things to say."

As Jiang Song said that, in full view of everyone, he actually took Li Xinghua aside and whispered.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Shengli and others were confused, while Little Milk Dog and other little brothers booed.

"Lao Li, does the blunt-headed man opposite you look familiar?"

"Director Jiang, you said he looks like Baolan Fei?" Li Xinghua said.


"Did you see it too?"


Wouldn't that be really a piece of shit? "

"If it's the God of Plague, let's leave as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!" Jiang Song said.

"It looks a bit similar to me, but I can't be sure."

"Logically speaking, Baoshaifei should be bald, and he doesn't seem to be as energetic as he is now."

"Furthermore, Baolan Fei should be helping Boss Kong clean up his affairs in Tianducheng. How could he dig a tomb in the Lingquan Mountain enclosure?" Li Xinghua asked.


"You mean, this person looks similar to Bao Bao Fei and is not Bao Bao Fei himself?" Jiang Song asked.

Li Xinghua nodded and said.

"I don't think so."

"Master Li is the shadow of Bao Bao Fei. If Bao Bao Fei comes to Bianliang, Master Li will definitely be by his side."

"But none of those people across the street are acquaintances, which is strange."

"I think it's 100% likely that it's not broken." Li Xinghua said.

Jiang Song nodded and said.


"You have a point."

"If Broken Fei comes to Bianliang, Mr. Xin and Xu Jianye will definitely receive the news."

"Now that Mr. Kong has not passed his first seven years, Baolan Fei must still be in Tiandu City. This is definitely not the God of Plague."

The two reached a consensus and confirmed that Ban Cun was not Lu Fei, and their confidence instantly increased.

Turning around, the superior person was full of aura.

When he came to Wang Zhi's side, he curled his lips and said to everyone in the little milk dog.

"What Secretary Wang said just now is right."

"Over the past few decades, dozens of high-standard ancient tombs from various dynasties have been unearthed in Lingquan Mountain, and they have been designated as an ancient culture protection zone."

"The entire Lingquan Mountain falls within the scope of the protected area."

“Indiscriminate logging and land occupation is absolutely not allowed here.”

"Once discovered, severe penalties will be necessary."

"If the damage is serious, criminal liability may even be pursued."

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