A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1114 Misreading

I am sure that Ban Cuntou is not Lu Fei, Jiang Song and Li Xinghua are in high position.

When he came to the little milk dog and everyone, he curled his lips and said.

"The entire Lingquan Mountain has been classified as an ancient culture protection zone."

"You are destroying vegetation here by enclosing land. This is a serious violation."

"According to what you did, I should call the cultural protection department and severely punish you."

"However, I think you have something to do with your family, and in the spirit of humanitarianism, I will let you go temporarily this time." ??

"Now, reset this place immediately and leave."

"If you come to Lingquan Mountain Reserve to cause damage in the future, if you are discovered, you will be punished for both crimes."

"Do you understand?" Jiang Song shouted.

After Jiang Song finished speaking, Wang Zhi became interested again and came up to talk.

"You are so lucky to have such a good leader like Comrade Jiang Song."

"If it were anyone else, how could it be so cheap?"

"He will be detained for at least 15 days and fined 20,000 yuan."

"What are you still doing?"

"Why don't you quickly thank Leader Chiang for his magnanimity?"

“Don’t you understand the basic form of gratitude?”


"Thank you for your hammer!" the little puppy yelled.

"You, you guys"


"A bunch of unruly people, you are going to rebel!"

"Leader Chiang, what kind of humanitarian spirit can you talk about with such unruly people?"

"In my opinion, call the cultural protection department immediately and ask them to come and deal with it." Wang Zhi shouted.

Jiang Song was also very dissatisfied with the little milk dog's attitude, and said displeasedly with a cold face.

"Young man, what's your attitude?"

"If you don't listen to good words, do you want to live in a detention center?"


The little puppy was about to get mad when he heard this. Lu Fei waved his hand, and the puppy calmed down.

Taking a deep breath of cigarette, Lu Fei slowly stood up.

He raised his eyes and looked squarely at Jiang Song.

Two rays of cold light burst out, and Jiang Song was immediately taken aback.

Lu Fei said lightly after taking another puff of cigarette and throwing away the cigarette butt.

"You said this is an ancient cultural reserve?"

"Exactly." Jiang Song said.

"When did this happen?"

"Why am I unclear?" Lu Fei said.

Wang Zhi heard this and sneered.


"Why do I have to let you know about the designation of ancient cultural protection areas?"

"Who do you think you are?"

Facing Wang Zhi's clamor, Lu Fei ignored it at all, staring at Jiang Song and continued.

“Who applied for the ancient cultural protection area here?”

"Who approved it?"

"Is it Xin Hui, Fu Yuliang who just took over, or CEO Jia Yuankong?"

When the names of these people were announced, Jiang Song and Li Xinghua were scared to death.


Just now it looked like a piece of junk flying.

Now when the names of these big guys are announced, even Fu Yuliang, the newly appointed archaeologist of Zhongzhou, mentioned them.

It's self-evident who this is.


"You are Lu"

"Shut up!"


Jiang Song and Li Xinghua didn't even dare to speak loudly when they shouted the word "Go".

He turned back on the spot and ran directly down the mountain.

After running more than ten meters, the two of them were already sweating profusely.

This was not the sweat from exhaustion, but the cold sweat from Lu Fei's fright.

Even though Lu Fei didn't have a film job, that was something they, two directors of a small municipal museum, couldn't afford to offend.

Not to mention them, not even their immediate boss Xin Hui dared to stab Lu Fei.

Zhongzhou cannot afford to pay Yuliang in one fell swoop.

Compared with Fu Yuliang, who are they?

What's more, the ancient cultural reserve is a fictitious scam.

If Lu Fei really wanted to dig deeper, the two of them wouldn't even be able to keep their jobs.

Now Lu Fei just told them to get lost, which was too easy for them, so why not leave quickly?

If the tatters fly wildly, they won’t be able to leave even if they want to.

The two supporting guests fled in a hurry, leaving Wang Zhi, Zhang Shengli and others in total confusion.

Secretaries are extremely smooth and well-rounded people.

How could Wang Zhi not see that Jiang Song and Jiang Song were scared away by Lu Fei?

In terms of rank, Jiang Song and Li Xinghua were at the same level as his master Meng Guangwei.

In terms of treatment, Jiang Song and Meng Guangwei are even better than Meng Guangwei in the city museum.

But even such a person was scared away by Ban Cuntou's words. Needless to say, this Ban Cuntou was definitely not an ordinary person.

After filtering his thoughts, Wang Zhi's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and he suddenly became frightened.

Wang Zhi was even more frightened when he peeked at Lu Fei's sharp eyes.

"Sir, may I ask your name?" Wang Zhi cautiously asked.

Lu Fei smiled coldly.

"Who did you just say I was?"

Lu Fei's faint words made Wang Zhi almost sit on the ground in fright, and he hurriedly waved his hand and explained.

"No, no, it was just a misunderstanding."

"Sir, can you tell me your name? Wang Zhi will go to your house to apologize someday."


"Feng Zhe and Xiaolong, one of them counts, give me a fight!"

"It's your order!"

When they heard that there was another sale, Feng Zhe and Wang Hailong screamed excitedly and rushed forward like two tigers descending from the mountain.




"Don't slap me in the face"

For a while, ghosts cried, wolves howled and screamed.

The little puppy Wang Xinlei was not willing to be left alone. He carefully approached and picked out those who were unable to resist and then gave him some extra kicks.

Such shameless behavior made Bai Zirui and others roll their eyes.

Ma Qingfeng frowned.

"Blessings are immeasurable, Lord Lu, layman Lu, like this"


"I know what Master Dao is going to say."

"There is a saying in Taoism that punishing evil means promoting good."

"As you just saw, these people confuse right and wrong and create something out of thin air to oppress others."

"You met me today."

"If we were ordinary people, they would definitely be persecuted by them."

"I'm just giving them a small punishment. Master Dao doesn't have to worry too much," Lu Fei said.

"All right!"

"What the layman said makes sense."

"But don't make a big fuss, otherwise it won't end well!" Ma Qingfeng said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion."

The one-sided scene lasted for thirty seconds before Lu Fei decisively stopped.

Looking at those people again, they are really miserable.

Zhou Fei and the other five people suffered new injuries plus old injuries, and none of them were humanoid.

Zhang Shengli's eyes were blocked, his throat was bleeding, his nose and mouth were bleeding, and the left corner of his mouth was sunken, apparently without the support of his molars.

Wang Zhi is not much better. His black-rimmed glasses no longer exist.

His nose was bruised, his face was swollen, his hair was disheveled, and his head was swollen like a pig's head.

Lu Fei came over and squatted in front of Wang Zhi and said.

"Secretary Wang, I want to open a space here. Do you approve it?"

Although his glasses were no longer there, Wang Zhi still pushed them up on the bridge of his nose habitually.

The results speak for themselves, and of course nothing is pushed.

Wang Zhi rubbed his eyes, looked at Lu Fei, and said angrily.

"who are you?"

"You encourage your subordinates to beat people in broad daylight. Do you still have the law in your eyes?"

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