A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1119 Commission

Under the arch in front of the Yellow River Hotel, Lu Fei stopped to watch the advertisement, and a long-legged cheongsam beauty walked over with a smile.

"Hello, sir."


"Sir, are you interested in collecting antiques?" the beauty said.

Lu Fei nodded.

"Well enough."

"If you are interested in collecting but are not sure about your level, then you may wish to consider joining our collection appreciation training class."

"We are taught here by professional lecturers from the Department of Archeology of Bianliang University."

"The four lecturers are all recognized authorities in the industry, and Professor Li Xi is also Mr. Lu Fei's first mentor!"

"Mr. Lu Fei, have you heard of it?" ??

"It's the super collector who became famous all over the world at the Treasure Fighting Conference, and not long ago spent hundreds of billions to organize an archaeological foundation in Tianducheng."

"Mr. Lu Fei's achievements today are entirely the result of Professor Li Xi's careful teaching."

"As long as you study in our training class, although there is no guarantee that you can surpass Mr. Lu Fei, there is still no problem in occupying a place in the Chinese collection industry." The beauty said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Beauty, what you said is too exaggerated!"

"There are tens of millions of collectors in China, and there are countless students, but there is only one person like Lu Fei."

"If your mentor is really that great, why don't you start a collection yourself?"

“Wouldn’t that make more money?”

"Sir, you misunderstood."

“Our tutors are all full-time professors, and their lifelong goal is to educate and cultivate people.”

"If they want to start their own collections, they must make achievements in the industry."

"Also, you just misinterpreted my meaning."

"I'm not saying that you will definitely reach the level of Mr. Lu Fei if you join our training class."

"But it will certainly be of great help to your ability to appreciate treasures." said the beauty.

"That's it!"

"Sorry, I misunderstood."

"Then let me ask, how long is a semester of your training class?" Lu Fei asked.

"It depends on you.

It depends on what kind of training class you attend. "


"Aren't your training classes different?" Lu Fei asked.

The beauty smiled, handed Lu Fei an advertising leaflet with both hands, and explained it in person.

"Our training classes are divided into three types: children's training classes, regular classes and accelerated classes."

"If you don't have a certain knowledge base, I suggest you join a regular class."

"Otherwise, if you take the crash course, you may not be able to keep up with the instructor's progress." The beauty said.

Lu Fei looked at the quotation on the flyer and frowned.

The children's class training cycle is half a year, and the cost per person for one week is as high as 800 yuan.

And there are only two classes on Saturday and Sunday this week, each class is two and a half hours.

After all, each class costs four hundred yuan.

However, this is not the most cruel thing.

The regular class for adults also lasts for half a year, with two classes per week and costs 1,000 yuan per week.

The average price per class is 500 yuan.

Crash Course is even more outrageous.

The semester of the crash course lasts for two months, with four classes per week, and the weekly fee is 3,000 yuan.

Damn it!

This is simply blood sucking!

"Beauty, are your charges too high?" Lu Fei asked.

"Sir, don't worry about the immediate gains and losses."

“Even though the cost of training is a little higher, the rewards are huge.”

"After you finish your studies, you will be able to spend more than this money just picking up items in the antique market!" the beauty said.


"How can it be that easy?"

"If it were what you said, wouldn't China be full of collectors?"

"Sir, you must have confidence in yourself, and more importantly, in our lecturers."

"Our lecturer is Mr. Lu Fei's first teacher!"

"Mr. Lu Fei now has too much money to count. Even if you can't reach Mr. Lu Fei's height, you can still make 1.8 million with your eyesight!"


Too much money to count?

Why don’t I know this myself?

"Beauty, is this training class organized by yourself?" Lu Fei asked.

"of course not!"

"How can an individual have such ability?"

“Our training course is an off-campus unit authorized by Bianliang University.”

"You can take a look inside later. Director Zheng Fu from the Department of Archeology of Bianliang University is inside."

"We have a letter of authorization from the Department of Archeology, so we are definitely a trustworthy unit."

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Thank you, beauty, for clarifying my doubts. Then I'll go in and have a look."

"Hey, sir, please wait a moment."

"What are your orders, beauty?"

"Sir, my name is Zhang Ying."

"If you are interested in signing up, be sure to say that I introduced you!" the beauty said with a smile.


"Is there a commission?"

"Oh, don't tell me if you see through it, please?" the beauty said coquettishly.

"no problem."

"To tell you the truth, I am from Tiandu City and I opened an antique chain store in Tiandu Liulichang."

"Our store has fifteen branches in China, and will soon open a sixteenth one in Bianliang."

"Unfortunately, the level of the counter staff is average. I'm just trying to find a decent expert to train them."

"If you guys are reliable, I can recruit at least thirty students!" Lu Fei said.


When the beauty heard this, her eyes widened, and her eyes were full of greedy light.

At this time, Li Yunhe happened to call, and Lu Fei made a silent gesture to answer the call.

The phone was placed against my ear for a moment, and my sleeves naturally sank, revealing a bright diamond dragon watch and a Zhengyang green glass bracelet, which directly caught the beauty's eyes.

The beautiful couple just now

Lu Fei was still skeptical about what he said, but seeing these two super luxuries, everything was no longer a problem.

Li Yunhe urged Lu Fei to go back for a drink, but Lu Fei dismissed him with a few words and said to the beauty.

"Beauty, if there are a lot of us, can we get some discounts?"

When the beauty looked into Lu Fei's obsidian eyes again, her whole body felt bad.

"Sorry, handsome man, I'm afraid there is no discount, but if you have a lot of people, I can personally agree to your request."

"Handsome guy, you can mention whatever you want!"


Hearing this, Lu Fei couldn't help but hesitate to spit out his words.

"All right!"

"Let's not talk about this for now. It's okay to state your name and let you get the commission."

"But you have to give me a solid foundation. If I get cheated, it won't be fun, right?"

"Let me ask you, is the authorization from the Archeology Department of yours true?" Lu Fei asked.

"It's true, of course it's true."

"There is an official seal on it and Director Zheng Fu's signature. It's absolutely unmistakable." The beauty said.

"So how many people have signed up so far?"

The beauty thought for a moment and said.

"I'm not sure about today. Yesterday was the first day of enrollment. As of last night, a total of 79 people had signed up!"

Hearing this number, Lu Fei couldn't help gritting his teeth.

"One last question, how much commission can you get?"

"What do you want to do?" the beauty asked warily.

"I'm just asking casually. If you don't want to answer, forget it."


"Hey, don't leave!"

"Isn't it okay if I tell you?"

"We recruit one person and get a commission of 500 yuan."

"Okay, thank you!"

"I'll go in first, see you later."

"Wait a minute, handsome."

"Is something wrong?"

“Can you add a WeChat account so that we can contact you in the future?”

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