A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1120 Brainwashing

Lu Fei pretended to be cool and got some inside information from the cheongsam beauty.

As for the beauty's WeChat request, Lu Fei naturally couldn't agree and just found an excuse to excuse it.

Farewell to Zhang Ying and Lu Fei entered the hotel. When he turned around, he could not hide his anger.

Lu Fei didn't intend to pursue the case in the car before, because of Li Xi's existence.

Li Xi has a good character and is unique among all the lecturers in the Archeology Department of Bianliang University.

Li Xi had a daughter, who unfortunately died when she was young.

His wife was in poor health and never had a second child.

When Lu Fei was about to graduate the previous fall, Li Xi's wife was diagnosed with uremia again.

At that time, the school organization donated money to him, but Li Xi rejected all donations. He sold Bianliang City and two properties in his hometown to perform a kidney transplant for his wife.

Now that he is running a training class in his own name, he must have encountered difficulties, so Lu Fei doesn't want to pursue it.

But when he saw the sky-high fees for the training class, Lu Fei was inexplicably angry.

After asking Zhang Ying to find out the inside story, Lu Fei already had a definite answer in his mind.

This training course is authorized by the Department of Archeology and has the official seal of the Department of Archeology and the signature of Zheng Fu, the director of the department.

That makes sense.

The head of the department, Zheng Fu, is not a good person.

This grandson's knowledge is average, and his moral character cannot convince the public.

But he has a good father. His father, Zheng Guangrong, is the president of Bianliang University.

Zheng Fu relied on his father's influence to dominate the Department of Archeology.

Not only did he collect money in various names, he even flirted with girls more than once.

Zheng Fu was so arrogant, but all the teachers and students in the department couldn't do anything against him.

Since this scum exists, this training class is 100% caused by this grandson.

As for Li Xi, he must have been forced to come because of Zheng Fu's power.

Since it was Zheng Fu who was behind this, there is no need to be polite to him.

Entering the hotel, Lu Fei looked at them from a distance

The girl gave a look, and the two girls nodded in understanding.

Follow the welcome guide to the side hall rented by the training class.

Good guy!

When we got here, it was a lively crowd.

Seventy or eighty people were crammed into the hall, which was less than 150 square meters.

A temporary podium was set up inside.

There were two long tables on the podium, and three old men and a middle-aged man were sitting behind the long tables.

The three elders are professors and lecturers in the Department of Archeology of Bianliang University.

And the middle-aged man with saggy skin and thin skin is Li Xi.

The three old men were full of energy and confidence, but Li Xi frowned slightly and looked indifferent.

There are big red advertising banners hanging on the wall behind the podium.

[Registration Office for Collection Appreciation Training Class]

A 55-inch LCD monitor hangs under the banner, and what is playing on it is the wonderful clip of the mainland flying through five levels and killing six generals in the Dou Bao Conference.

Standing in front of the monitor was a middle-aged man with a big belly. This man was Zheng Fu, the head of the Department of Archeology.

At this time, Zheng Fu was pointing at the monitor and giving a passionate speech.

"Friends, I believe that most of the people present have seen the live video of the treasure fighting conference."

"To be honest, I have watched this video more than a hundred times. Even now, I still feel emotional."

"Student Lu Fei is the pride of our Archeology Department at Bianliang University."

"But for Lu Fei to achieve what he has today, apart from his own diligence and talent, the most critical factor is the tireless teachings of our tutors."

"According to statistics after the treasure fighting conference, the value of Lu Fei's personal collection alone exceeds 100 billion Shenzhou coins."

"One hundred billion!"

"Just thinking about it can scare someone to death!"

"Are you envious when you hear this number?"

"Don't talk about you, even I am drooling with envy."

"But it's useless to be envious. If you want to imitate Lu Fei and become a successful collector, the first prerequisite is to master professional knowledge."

"read more, walk more."

"Only by mastering knowledge can we be successful!"

"Otherwise, even if a valuable treasure is placed in front of you, you may not recognize it, and in the end you will only regretfully pass it by."

"Some people would say that I bought a few books on antique appreciation and taught myself."

"I want to say that your idea is simply fantasy."

"Those books on the market are all superficial and do not touch on the essence at all."

"If those books are useful, why do we need our archeology department?"

"If those books work, why do tens of thousands of students apply for the archeology major every year?"

"It turns out that those books are not reliable at all."

"But apart from those miscellaneous useless books, it is difficult for people to learn real professional knowledge."

"There was no chance before, but now the opportunity is in front of you."

"The four lecturers on the stage are all senior professors of the Archeology Department of Bianliang University."

"Among these four professors, I would like to mention one."

"This is Professor Li Xi, who has the highest professional level in our Department of Archeology."

"The greatest contribution that Lu Fei can make to what he is today is the guidance and guidance of Professor Li Xi."

"An antique from the golden age of troubled times."

"Now is a peaceful and prosperous age that only happens once in a thousand years. It is a good time for collecting to flourish."

"Friends, times make heroes!"

"If you fail to seize this opportunity, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"Every office worker

What can you do with a dead salary of several thousand yuan a month? "

“Making tens of thousands a month in business seems good, but when big things happen, you’re still struggling.”

"It's different from collecting antiques. If you just get a decent object, you'll earn more than you can in years or even decades."

"Classmate Lu Fei accumulated a net worth of hundreds of billions within one year of graduation."

"Although we can't match Lu Fei's talent, we may not be able to earn hundreds of billions."

"But we can always set our goals lower!"

"Classmate Lu Fei earns 100 billion, can we earn 10 million?

"Ten million is difficult, but making one million is no problem!"

"Isn't it great to spend ten or twenty thousand yuan to learn knowledge and earn millions later?"

"I blamed myself for not having the opportunity to learn before. Now the opportunity is in front of you. If you fail to seize it, you will be mediocre for the rest of your life."

“Today is the last day to register for the first phase, friends, what are you waiting for!”

"When the first batch of students graduate and make a fortune, you will only be envious."

“Opportunities are often fleeting, so don’t regret it for the rest of your life because of a momentary hesitation.”

"That's all I have to say. Now, if you don't understand anything, you can always ask questions."

"We will explain everything one by one."

"If anyone decides to sign up, please go to Accountant Cao to sign up."

"As a friendly reminder, the first 100 friends who sign up will receive a 100 yuan discount."

"Anyone below who has any questions can start asking questions."

Zheng Fu's impassioned speech won a burst of warm applause.

After the applause, a beautiful woman in uniform walked up to the stage and said with a smile.

"Anyone who plans to sign up, please come to me to register!"


Lu Fei was stunned when he saw this woman.

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