A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1121: Child care

After Zheng Fu's brainwashing was completed, Accountant Cao stepped onto the podium.

Lu Fei was stunned when he saw Secretary Cao.

This woman is none other than Cao Lina, who was madly pursuing her back then.

Last year, at Hongyan Tower on Lingbao Street, this woman made things difficult for her with Bian Dawei and was slapped in the face by him in public.

Haven't seen it since.

After half a year, I didn't expect that this woman who graduated from the music department would actually start an accounting job and help Zheng Fu.

This is kind of interesting.

Cao Lina came to the registration office nearby, and there were actually seven or eight people who came to support her.

But the vast majority of people are still waiting and watching. .??.

Next came question time, and the first person to ask a question was the naughty girl Song Xiaojiao.

"Sir, I have a question. Please help me solve it." Song Xiaojiao said.

Seeing the young and beautiful Song Xiaojiao, Zheng Fu's eyes suddenly lit up.

He straightened his few hair and said with a smile.

"This beauty, just call me Director Zheng."

"Director Zheng, I have a question."

"Excuse me." Zheng Fu said.

"I was so excited when I heard what you said just now."

"But I don't understand."

"If the knowledge you impart is so useful, why don't you start collecting it yourself?"

"As you said, making millions or even hundreds of millions, isn't that much better than working as a lecturer or director?"

Song Xiaojiao asked this question, and everyone in the audience suddenly realized.


If it really works, instead of making big money themselves, they will give the opportunity to everyone else.

How could such a good thing happen in the world?

Could it be a lie?

Having this thought, even the few people who were about to sign up temporarily stopped.

Facing Song Xiaojiao's questions, Zheng Fu was calm and composed, obviously well prepared.

"That's a good question, beautiful lady."


As you said, it is indeed not difficult for our lecturers to start collecting. "

"But people's pursuits are different."

"Our lecturers are both moral and artistic. They are not materialistic. Their purpose is only to educate and cultivate people."

"This is the same for teachers all over the world."

“If everyone uses their knowledge for personal gain, wouldn’t the education system be paralyzed?”

"You can rest assured that our lecturers teach you real skills." Zheng Fu said.

Song Xiaojiao nodded and continued.

"I understand when you say that."

"However, I have one more question."

"Beauty, please speak."

"Can I ask Professor Li Xi this question?" Song Xiaojiao said.

"Of course, no problem, you can ask whatever you want." Zheng Fu said.

"Professor Li, I want to know, after learning from you, can I really have a collector's level of vision?"

After Song Xiaojiao finished speaking, Li Xi did not answer immediately. He turned back and looked at Zheng Fu expressionlessly before speaking.

"As the saying goes, the master leads you in, and cultivation depends on the individual."

"Success depends on hard work, talent, luck, and of course the accumulation of knowledge and valuable experience."

"I can only say that I will teach you everything I have learned. As for other things, I can't guarantee it."

Hearing this, Zheng Fu's face instantly darkened.

He poked Li Xi gently in the back and said to Song Xiaojiao with a smile.


"Professor Li is relatively low-key, but his knowledge is definitely good."

"When Lu Fei became famous all over the world, he had only graduated for one year."

"Just think about it, what extra can Lu Fei learn in this year in society?"

"Of course I learned it in school

Knowledge plays a vital role. "

"Beauty, please don't doubt it. As long as you are willing to learn, there will be no problem." Zheng Fu said.

After Song Xiaojiao asked the question, Liang Ruyi raised her little hand again.

"Director Zheng, I also have a question."


The people who asked questions today were all top-notch beauties, and Zheng Fu was extremely happy.

He likes communicating with beautiful women the most.

"Beauty, do you have anything to ask?"

Liang Ruyi nodded and said.

"There's something I don't understand."

"As far as I know, Mr. Lu Fei's life was not satisfactory after graduation. He spent nearly a year collecting scraps to make a living."

"Even now, when people in the collecting community mention Mr. Lu Fei, they still call him Tao Shao Fei."

"This is true for geniuses like Mr. Lu Fei. After we learn, we won't end up collecting rags for a living, right?"

Zheng Fu laughed loudly upon hearing this.

"Haha, beauty, you are too naive."

"Let me tell you the inside story!"

"Classmate Lu Fei is not what you think!"

"What's going on?" Liang Ruyi asked.

"In fact, classmate Lu Fei's family background is quite extraordinary."

"When I was in school, classmate Lu Fei was a well-known rich second generation in our school. It is said that their family's assets range from less than 100 million to tens of millions."

"The reason why we collect rags is not to survive, but to make it easier to pick up leaks."

"There are fewer and fewer genuine antiques in the antique market now. Even if there are, there is not much profit margin."

"As for those treasures that have not been circulated to the market, except in the hands of collectors, more than 80% are circulated among the people."

"Especially in rural areas, there are many real treasures among the things used at home or passed down from ancestors."

“Rural people generally do not have a high level of education and are generally

He has eyes but cannot recognize gold and jade, so he often treats treasures as waste. "

"Student Lu Fei saw this business opportunity, so he gave up his job in the museum and put away the rags."

"It turns out that Lu Fei's method is completely correct."

"As far as I know, nearly half of Lu Fei's collection was collected by him from scraps."

"Receiving a treasure worth tens of thousands of gold at the price of scraps is the shrewdness of Lu Fei."

"Of course, if you want to pick up leaks in rural areas, the most important thing is your eyesight."

"Otherwise you won't recognize it yourself, and there's no point in saying anything else."

"So, you still have to study first, accumulate knowledge and then practice."

After Zheng Fu finished speaking, a middle-aged man in his forties in the crowd said excitedly.

"Director Zheng is absolutely right. I've also heard of collecting rags and receiving treasures."

"There used to be a rag collector named Li Laosan in our village. When he was collecting rags, he picked up a broken wooden comb for nothing."

"Li Laosan is a bit discerning. He took the old wooden comb to the antique market and bought it for 50,000 yuan."

"Guess what?"

"That's not an ordinary wooden comb, it's made of ivory."

"It is said that it was used by high-ranking officials in the Qing Dynasty."

"real or fake?"

"of course it's true?"

"Later, Li Laosan received several good things. Now, people have already moved into the city to live in buildings."

"It is said that he has opened several businesses, with assets worth tens of millions."

"Well, I won't tell you anymore. I'll sign up to study right away."

"After I finish my studies, I will also go back to the village to collect rags."

After the man finished speaking, he hurriedly went to Cao Lina to sign up. Under his influence, seven or eight more people followed.

Lu Fei snorted contemptuously.

Damn it, it's so shameless to have to hire a sitter for admissions.

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