A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1122 Dead Ghost

The child care provider led by example and led seven or eight people to sign up. Zheng Fu smiled with satisfaction.

He turned to look at Song Xiaojiao and Liang Ruyi and asked.

"Two beauties, do you have any questions?"

"No more for now." Song Xiaojiao said.

"Since there are no more, do you want to consider signing up?"

"If you join the training class, I ask Professor Li Xi to teach you well." Zheng Fu said.

Song Xiaojiao smiled and said.

"We really want to sign up, but your tuition is so expensive, so we have to be careful!"


"The beauty is right, you should be cautious."

"If you still don't understand anything, just ask, and we will give you a satisfactory explanation." Zheng Fu said.

"The problem is gone."

"But seeing is believing, and hearing is believing."

"No matter how lively your propaganda is, we are still worried if we haven't seen your true level."

"How about this!"

"I have an object here. Please ask some instructors to help me take a look at it and estimate its value."

"If the instructor is right, it means that you do have real talent and learning."

"My stuff was sold out, so my best friend and I signed up right away."

"Not only do we sign up, but we also have to promote it to our friends later, so that they can participate in the training class together." Song Xiaojiao said.

"That's great."

"Excuse me, beauty, do you have any items that the instructors need to identify?" Zheng Fu said.

"I have a knife here, please mentors, please show it to me."

Song Xiaojiao said, taking out a rectangular solid wood box from behind and placing her hands in front of Li Xi.

After putting the box down, Song Xiaojiao kept shaking her hands, obviously exhausted by the weight of the box.

Li Xi just glanced at the box and had no intention of getting started, but the other three instructors became interested.

Their eyes lit up when they saw this solid wood box.

"The box is nice, it's made of old red sandalwood material!"

"But this box is not an old item. It was probably made in the past two years."


"I asked you to look at the knife, but not the box, okay?" Song Xiaojiao said.

"oh oh!"

"Just look, just look."

Next to Li Xi's mentor, Zhang Zhihai, personally brought the box to him.

As soon as he felt the weight, Zhang Zhihai frowned slightly.

When the lid was lifted to see clearly what was inside, the three instructors exclaimed, and even Li Xi, who had always been indifferent, couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Damascus knife?"

"Good stuff, good stuff!"


“It’s decorated with gold and gemstones all over, so luxurious!”

"Tsk tsk tsk, amazing, amazing!"

Not to mention the mentors, everyone present could see that it was a precious sword.

Zheng Fu's eyes widened when he saw the knife.

Taking advantage of the appreciation of several instructors, Zheng Fu immediately clicked on his mobile phone to check the information.

Seeing the value of the Damascus knife, Zheng Fu's heart rate soared, and he almost couldn't draw it.

The bitch looked at the knife again, her eyes full of greed.

The instructors admired the scabbard and handle of the Damascus sword, and then took out the sword.

In an instant, a cold light flashed, and the chill was overwhelming.



“This is Mohammed pattern, and only wootz steel can produce such quality.”

"This is definitely a genuine Damascus knife."

"Beauty, may I ask where you got this sword?" Zhang Zhihai asked.



"It was a birthday present from my boyfriend."


Song Xiaojiao's words made Liang Ruyi stomp her feet angrily, and even Lu Fei at the door rolled his eyes.

This little girl is so naughty.

Not to mention Lu Feiliang Ruyi, Zhang Zhihai firmly believed in Song Xiaojiao's words.

"I'll be a good boy!" ??

"Your boyfriend is a rich man!"

"I am willing to give you such an expensive knife, but most people can't do it!"

"Beauty, you have to take good care of it and cherish it!"


Song Xiaojiao sighed and said.

"What do you cherish?"

"If he was really that good, would I even come to your training class?"

"My damn boyfriend is just a shameless Chen Shimei."

"When he saw someone prettier than me, he turned around and abandoned me."

"Now that Chen Shimei has long been in love with a vixen in Tianducheng, and even blocked my phone number."

"He treated me like this, so I suspected that the knife he gave me was fake."

"Please take a good look at it for me. If it's true, I'll find a way to sell it, so that I won't miss you when I see it."

Speaking of this, Song Xiaojiao fanged her nose a few times, and water mist appeared in her beautiful eyes.

This exaggerated acting skills almost made Liang Ruyi doubt her life.

Lu Fei's nose at the door was so angry that he was crooked.

I thought that I must punish this little girl for a while.

Seeing Song Xiaojiao like this, Zhang Zhihai's expression was filled with indignation.

"He doesn't even know how to cherish a beautiful girl like you. That ex-boyfriend of yours is such a scumbag!"

"Yes, yes, you are scum, you are so scumbag!"

"Please help me see if this knife is real?"

"Whether it's true or not, I have to get rid of it immediately, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable when I see this knife." Song Xiaojiao said.

"Don't be sad, beauty. I have some good news for you."

"Although your boyfriend is a scumbag, the knife he gave you is a really good thing and is worth a lot of money." Zhang Zhihai said.

Song Xiaojiao's eyes lit up when she heard it, and the mist in her beautiful eyes disappeared instantly. It was simply magical.

"Are you telling the truth?" Song Xiaojiao asked excitedly.

"That's right!"

"This knife is a large-open Damascus knife. Judging from the coating and style, it can be dated to at least the late Qing Dynasty."

"I won't give you an estimate. You'd better go to an antique shop and have a look!" Zhang Zhihai said.

"That's it!"

"Old man, how much do you think this knife is worth?" Song Xiaojiao asked.


Zhang Zhihai was still thinking about the price in his mind, and Zheng Fu took over.

"Beauty, I just checked on the Internet."

"The general price of a Damascus knife handmade by Baoding craftsmen in the Qing Dynasty was around 200,000 yuan."

"This is a nice decoration. I think it's worth 250,000 yuan."

"If you plan to sell, how about I help you contact the buyer?"

Song Xiaojiao frowned when she heard this price.

"It's so cheap at only 250,000 yuan?"

"My damn guy said that this knife is worth a lot of money."

"He said that this knife can be exchanged for a dozen Flying Goddess without any problem."

"Did you see it wrong?"


"A dozen flying goddesses?"

"Beauty, did you make a mistake?"

"Don't tell me that this is a late Damascus sword. Even the Damascus swords from the Yuan and Ming dynasties are only worth tens of millions."

"More than a dozen flying goddesses, how is this possible?"

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