A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1123 Illiterate

Song Xiaojiao said that her dead boyfriend said that this knife was worth more than a dozen Flying Goddess cars.

Hearing this price, the whole audience sighed, and Zheng Fu's eyes nearly popped out.

"Beauty, you must be mistaken."

"Let me explain it to you!"

"There are two types of Damascus knives."

"The first type is called the ancient sword."

"The definition of this ancient knife can be traced back to the Damascus knives imported from abroad before the 13th century."

"During the Yuan Dynasty, a large number of Damascus and Arab craftsmen were captured to build weapons in Baoding."

“From that time on, the Damascus knives produced in Baoding were renamed Uzi knives.”

“The price difference between the two is huge.” .??.

"The coating on your knife is from the late Qing Dynasty at best, and the mid-Qing Dynasty at best. It is 100% a Uzi knife produced in Baoding."

"I took a look just now and the auction record for a Uzi knife is only 1.06 million."

"That's still something reserved for Emperor Kangxi."

"The market value of your sword is at most 200,000 yuan. Including the gems on the scabbard and the gold-wrapped craftsmanship, the price will be a premium of 50,000 yuan."

"It's not as valuable as you think!"

Zheng Fuwu secretly checked the information just now.

According to the current market price, a Damascus knife costs at least two million.

Coupled with the luxurious decoration of the scabbard of this knife, there is no problem in selling it for three million.

So he saw millions of profits from Song Xiaojiao.

So much so that now he has put aside the training class and all he can think about is how to get this knife at a low price.

Hearing what Zheng Fu said, Song Xiaojiao rolled her eyes and said unhappily.

"Although my dead guy is a scumbag, he never tells lies."

"Since this knife is real, it must be worth a lot of money."

"The watches worn by my damn family are high-end goods worth tens of millions."

"With his talent, if he says it's quite valuable, it can't be worth just over 200,000 yuan."

"I don't understand what you mean by patina, but the price must be different."\u003c


"Please mentors, please help me take another look. You must have seen it wrong."

"Professor Li, you are Mr. Lu Fei's tutor. Your eyesight must be fine."

"Can you please help me take a look?"

"My dead ghost will never talk nonsense."

Li Xi waved his hand and said calmly.

"I'm sorry little sister, I can only teach, I'm not good at reading."

"I can not help you."


"how so?"

"Director Zheng just said that you are the most powerful."

When Song Xiaojiao said this, Zheng Fu broke into a cold sweat.

He poked Li Xi hard in the back and said to Song Xiaojiao.

"Beauty, don't get me wrong."

"Professor Li, this is modest."

"Actually, Professor Li has a rule. Professor Li never gets his hands on such low-value items."

"Otherwise, with Professor Li's reputation and prestige, there must be so many things that I beg him to see every day. No matter how energetic I am, it would be too much for me, right?"

"If you're like this, let Professor Zhang look at it for you."

"How about I let Professor Zhang take a closer look this time before making any comments?"

Song Xiaojiao said reluctantly.

"Oh well!"

"Then there's Professor Lao Zhang."

"Oh, by the way, I remembered."

"My dead ghost said that this knife has a special meaning. He said that the secret and value are all in the font on the handle."

"It's a pity that the fonts are so strange that I can't understand them at all."

"You are all professional professors, you can definitely understand."

"Can you please take a look at what's written above and tell me?"



This, this, this, this is going to cost my life.

Song Xiaojiao said that they can understand Shang, but they understand hammer.

Zhang Zhihai and others had noticed those fonts before, but unfortunately they didn't recognize them at all, so they had to ignore them.

Now that people are asking about it, it is impossible to ignore it.

And in full view of the public, he didn’t even dare to check the information.

This is so embarrassing.

The three old professors and Zheng Fu looked at each other, completely out of ideas, and looked at Li Xi in unison.

Li Xi, who had always been expressionless, now showed a contemptuous smile and turned his head to the side.

As a result, Zheng Fu and the other two were so anxious that they were sweating profusely.


"What's happening here?"

"Several experts, professors and the director, don't you know these words?"

"Uh, ah."

"The beauty looks like this. The words on it are not Chinese characters. This is really not within the scope of our archeology department."

"Well, how about we look through the information to help you find it?" Zheng Fu said awkwardly.


"Isn't it within your scope?"

"Did you make a mistake?"

"My damn guy said the value of this knife lies in these few words."

"Since you don't know me, how can you say that my knife is worth more than 200,000 yuan?"

"It's so irresponsible of you to give the price so blindly!"

"Didn't you just say that your mentor is quite powerful?"

"If you can't even recognize these words, how can you expect us to join the training class with confidence?" Song Xiaojiao said.

"Beauty, you can't say that."

"What we teach is only the knowledge of Chinese collections. You are using foreign swords and foreign words."

"This is really not within our business scope." Zheng Fu said.

"A foreign knife?"

"You just said clearly that this was a Uzi knife produced in Baoding during the late Qing Dynasty. How come it has become a foreign knife all of a sudden?"


Zheng Fu was speechless, and Song Xiaojiao pressed forward step by step.

"Our Chinese civilization has been civilized for five thousand years, and ethnic minorities have been in charge of several dynasties in the world."

"For example, there are Mongolian characters written on objects from the Yuan Dynasty."

"The objects written in the Jin Dynasty are written in Jurchen script."

"The Qing Dynasty was written in Manchu, not to mention Turkic, Uighur, Tibetan, and Oracle."

"After we graduate from your training class, what should we do if we encounter objects with these words on them?"

"Can I just give up regretfully?"

"If this is the case, what's the point of us participating in your training class?"


When Song Xiaojiao said this, the hall suddenly became chaotic.

"What the beauty said is right. How can you teach if you don't even know the words?"

"Isn't this a joke?"

"That's right."

"All the damn girls in the beauty family recognize it, but you professors and lecturers don't. What do you do for food?"

"Also, if you don't see it, you'll admit it early, and you'll even pretend to give someone a valuation."

"I simply don't want Bilian."

"I can see clearly that these so-called professors are probably just a bunch of liars."

"That's right, you paid tens of thousands of dollars in tuition but you can't learn shit. What is this if you're not a liar?"

Facing all the discordant voices in the venue, Zheng Fu was so anxious that he was sweating profusely and his face was red.

Seeing Song Xiaojiao's proud smirk, Zheng Fu suddenly understood.

"Who are you, beauty?"

"Did you come here deliberately to cause trouble?"

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