A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1124 A set of plates

Led by Song Xiaojiao, fierce questioning broke out in the venue, and even those who were registering temporarily stopped.

Zheng Fu was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He peeked at Song Xiaojiao's proud smile and suddenly realized what he was doing.

"Who are you, beauty?"

"Did you come here deliberately to cause trouble?"

Song Xiaojiao curled her lips and said.

"Director Zheng, where do you start with these words?"

"If you haven't done a good job yourself, why don't you let everyone speak?"

"Isn't this training class of yours too overbearing?"

These words directly choked Zheng Fu back.

"Beauty, I just said that."

"We only teach knowledge about collection and appreciation, which does not include ancient writings."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask. Our archeology department's courses don't include these."

"If you want to learn the scripts of various ethnic groups, you can only go to a professional language school."

"Besides, there are only a few antiques with inscriptions on them."

"If there is an inscription on it, it will be classified as a national treasure. Even if you encounter it, it will be useless."

"Except for these objects with inscriptions, as long as they are Chinese antiques, our instructor has no problem at all." Zheng Fu said.

"Since you don't understand, why did you price my sword at 250,000 yuan just now?"

"Is this a sign of irresponsibility?" Song Xiaojiao said.


"The price we just gave is just the price of the knife itself."

"As for the special meaning attached to words, we are indeed blind."

"I apologize to you."

"Take this knife back. If you question the level of our instructors, you can test them with any object without an inscription."

"Our instructor will definitely give you a satisfactory answer." Zheng Fu said.

"Director Zheng is so sure?


At this time, a clear voice came from the direction of the door.

Hearing this voice, Li Xi on the stage frowned.

Everyone else, including Zheng Fu, looked towards the door.

At the same time, Lu Fei slowly walked towards the stage carrying a sky blue cloth bag.

Wherever they go, people consciously make a passage.

Coming closer, Lu Fei asked again.

"Director Zheng, are you so sure that you can read all Chinese antiques without inscriptions?"

"This, of course, is no problem." Zheng Fu said.

"Well, I have a few gadgets here, please show them to the instructors."

"If what you said is accurate, I will sign up immediately."

"It's not just me, I've brought all my friends here to study and we will make a fortune together in the future," Lu Fei said.

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Zheng Fu was extremely excited.

Just now, because of Song Xiaojiao, the place was full of discordant sounds.

Now there is an urgent need for someone to step forward and break this embarrassing moment.

The childcare arranged before had been used, and when I was at a loss what to do, this stern man wearing a mask stood up.

This is simply timely rain!

As for what Ban Cun Tou is planning to show, it doesn't matter at all.

As long as it's not an object with an inscription, it's just a scam.

Thinking of this, Zheng Fu quickly asked Lu Fei to show him the things.


Lu Fei put the blue cloth bag in his hand on the table and made a gesture of invitation.

Zhang Zhihai took it upon himself to unpack the baggage, while Lu Fei looked at Li Xi, who was silent.

Just at this moment, Li

Xi also looked at Lu Fei.

Their eyes met, Li Xi's eyes were full of appreciation and guilt.


"Blue and white lotus plate."

"It's still a set of eight pieces, what a great thing!"

At this time, Zhang Zhihai had already opened the cloth bag. .??.

Inside are eight blue and white lotus plates with a diameter of just over 20 centimeters.

The eight plates were well preserved and were exactly a complete set. The eyes of the three old professors suddenly lit up.

"Excuse me, instructor, what are these plates of mine?" Lu Fei asked.

"Young man, this is a blue and white lotus plate."

"A set of eight plates, well preserved."

"Looking at the patina, it is undoubtedly an object from the mid-Qing Dynasty."

"It's a pity that these plates of yours have no ring or frame, and don't have any background. They are items produced in private kilns."

"The overall workmanship is quite good, especially the complete set, which is really valuable."

"But in terms of value, there is still a certain gap between it and the official kiln artifacts." Zhang Zhihai said.


"I heard what the professor said, are these all genuine?" Lu Fei asked.

"Yes, there is no doubt that the blue and white plate from the folk kiln of the mid-Qing Dynasty is authentic." Zhang Zhihai said.

"Can you please give Professor Zhang an estimate?"

"no problem."

"According to today's market conditions, plates from private kilns in the mid-Qing Dynasty cost about 8,000 to 10,000 yuan each."

"You have a complete set, and the price is a lot higher."

"Plus it's well-made and well-preserved, I'll give you an estimate of 200,000 yuan for a set."

"The price of two hundred thousand is just a conservative estimate."

"If you meet a collector or come up for auction, your set of objects will be worth much more than that."


Have you watched the Bao Conference? "

"In the Three Generations Porcelain Competition, classmate Lu Fei's complete set of Yongle red glaze plates was worth several times the premium."

"Although this is porcelain from a folk kiln, it is also a set of items."

"Since it is a complete set, there is still room for a premium."

When the price of 200,000 yuan was quoted, Zheng Fu took the lead in applauding. The audience did not hesitate, and the applause was deafening in an instant.

"Oh my God!"

"The antiques business is so profitable!"

"A few plates, from private kilns, are worth so much?"

"You want me to see that these are no different from the plates with dried fruits in the hotel lobby?"

"Why is it so valuable!"


Hearing the discussion in the audience, Zheng Fu took over the words.

"Have you seen it? If you don't have knowledge and eyesight, you will probably look down upon these plates."

"As everyone knows, you have already missed two hundred thousand."

"As long as you participate in our training class, our professors will teach you the identification skills without reservation."

"If you meet your treasure again in the future, it will not be a passing encounter, but a great opportunity for you to make a fortune!"

After Zheng Fu finished speaking, the money fans present were excited and their applause was even more enthusiastic than before.

And someone was immediately ready to sign up with Cao Lina.

"Young man, since our tutor has given the answer, would you consider introducing your friends here?" Zheng Fu asked.

"Don't worry about this yet."

"With all due respect, you can't say it's true, it's just true!"

"In this case, I'll find an antique shop to sell these plates."

"As long as I can sell 200,000 yuan, I promise to join your training class."

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