A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1154 I won’t marry anyone but her

Invited Fang Shaohui to rest in the pavilion. Seeing so many big guys, Fang Shaohui was at a loss as to how nervous he was.

However, Jia Yuanguan, Haishan and others were extremely polite to him, and after a while, Fang Shaohui returned to his natural state.

Fang Mingliang was called over by his brothers to help.

With a body weighing more than 200 kilograms, Fang Mingliang was busy with everyone. Soon, Fang Mingliang was sweating profusely, but he still enjoyed it.

In his opinion, being able to help Brother Fei with these young men is the most glorious thing.

After a while, Lu Fei's friends arrived one after another.

Both Wan Jiakai and Song Jinfeng's families were present.

To Lu Fei's surprise, Mr. Song also arrived in person, and Lu Fei hurried forward to greet him.

"Old man, why are you here? This junior is so scared!"

"Xiao Fei, what are you talking about? We are a family. If you have something to do, I must be there."

"Besides, I am only seventy-one this year, and my body is very strong."

"Okay, then I won't be polite to you."

"You sit down first, I will accompany you later."

"Okay, okay, you're busy, you're busy!"

Helping the old man to sit down, Lu Fei told the little milk dog to make the best tea to entertain everyone.

Song Xiaojiao came to Lu Fei's side and took Lu Fei's arm generously.

"Brother Fei, what should we do next regarding the prosecution?"

"Just now Zheng Fu and his son came to me to discuss their personal affairs. I want them to compensate 5.3 million yuan."

"Unless anything unexpected happens, this is the final result."

"I'll let you know when the time comes. You and Ruyi will collect the money. Five million and three hundred thousand will be divided equally between the two of you."


"That's great!"

"By the way, Brother Fei, don't tell my dad!"

"Otherwise he will force me to return the money to you."

"More than two million, it can be of great use!" Song Xiaojiao said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm not that nosy!"

While talking, Xue Taihe and several big guys from the Academy of Sciences arrived.

Liang Guanxing's family of four were also among them.

After greetings, the two girls helped and rested, and the two girls were tired of being next to Lu Fei.

After a while, Jincheng's friends came.

Ji Dongmin and Wei Changlong arrived.

Later, Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi took Niu Niu with them.

Yao Meier and Xia Kai's family arrived together.

Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi walked over with Niu Niu in their hands, and the two girls ran up to meet her.

"Hello, sister Xinyi."

"Sister Chen Xiang, sister Chen Xiang."

"Brother Fei said that you adopted a giant panda, is it true?" Song Xiaojiao asked excitedly.

Chen Xiang smiled sweetly and nodded.

"It's true. I have a video of Qiuqiu. Do you want to see it?"

"Yes, you must see it!"


"it's so cute!"

"Sister Chen Xiang, we are going to Jincheng during the summer vacation. Can we play with Qiuqiu?"


"No problem, a warm welcome."


"Very good!"

Lu Fei pulled Niu Niu to his side and whispered.

"Do you know why Master called you here this time?"

Niuniu nodded and said.

"Niuniu knows."

"Master wants me to study in Bianliang."


"You have to study here for at least three years."

"Among these, Master will only take you back during the Chinese New Year. Can you bear it?" Lu Fei asked.

"Master, don't worry, Niuniu can do it."

"Good boy, after you finish your work, Master will take you to meet your new teacher."

After handing Niuniu over to Chen Xiang, someone else came outside.

Qian Shaobin and his wife from Tiandu City arrived at the scene and had just resumed work.

Tan Xingchen, who has regained his health, also came.

Kong Jiaqi, Kong Panqing and Su He followed.

To Lu Fei's surprise, there were more than a dozen people outside at the intersection holding cell phone cameras and looking around, wondering what was going on.

Lu Fei pulled Tan Xingchen over and asked.

"What do those dozen people outside do?"

"more than ten?"

"There are more than 300 people outside, okay?" Tan Xingchen said.

"Fuck!" .??.??

"What do those people do?" Lu Fei asked in surprise.

"There are countless luxury cars out there, and these people are attracted by these luxury cars."

"Not only are there people who shoot short videos, there are also professional reporters."

"If the police hadn't stopped them, these people would have rushed in long ago."

"And the police?"

"Yes, I have!"

"It's not the police, it's the special police. There are dozens of them!"

"Hey, I want to ask you something!"

"you say."

"What about that? Is Shengnan coming?" Tan Xingchen asked in a coquettish manner.


"Are you still thinking about Li Shengnan?"

"Have you not been beaten enough?" Lu Fei said, rolling his eyes.

"What happened to the beating?"

"Hitting is kissing and scolding is love."

"I just like being beaten by Katsuo, do you care?"

"Let me tell you, I have identified with Sheng Nan for the rest of my life, and I will not marry him unless I have him."

"Bah, bah, bah, I wouldn't marry her unless she was there." Tan Xingchen said.

Lu Fei nodded seriously.

"All right!"

"Sincerity leads to gold and stone, I wish you happiness." Lu Fei said with a smile.


"Thanks buddy."

"By the way, is Sheng Nan coming?" Tan Xingchen asked.

"If you ask me, who should I ask?"


br\u003e “Are you here to cheer me up or to pick up girls?”


"Of course I'm here to cheer you up!"

"Well, I'm going in to help."

"If Katsuo comes, you have to notify me!"

After Tan Xingchen left, Lu Fei introduced Qian Shaobin to Fang Shaohui.

Although both of them are engaged in shopping malls, Qian Shaobin is much stronger than Fang Shaohui.

Lu Fei's introduction to the two of them was actually introducing people to Fang Shaohui, and Fang Shaohui was extremely grateful.

Later, Lu Fei wanted to chat with Kong Panqing for a while, and Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang came to Lu Fei.

"Brother Lu Fei, I'm starting to sweat now and my eyes are a little blurry. This is a sign that I'm going to get sick again!"

"Please, please take some time to help us get treatment!"

"We are embarrassed here, and your face is also shameful, right?" Deng Xinhua said.

"Where are Deng Shaohui and Jiang Mingzhe?" Lu Fei asked.

"They are all in the hotel. As long as you ask, they will come over at any time." Jiang Hongyang said.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"I told Mr. Deng on the phone before that I can temporarily suppress you with acupuncture, but"

"Stop talking, we understand."

"We are ready." Jiang Hongyang said.

"Let me tell you, this is not for me, Lu Fei, to blackmail anyone. It is only natural to spend money on medical treatment. Besides,"

"Mr. Lu, don't worry, this is all of our own free will." Deng Xinhua said.

"Okay, come in with me!"

When he came to the room, Lu Fei made a cup of tea for the two bosses, and then gave them acupuncture one after another.

The injection is of no use, and the effect is still the same as the two cups of tea.

Half an hour later, the two big guys came out of the room, their faces immediately glowing.

Lu Fei, who followed behind, was even more energetic.

I made 10 million in half an hour, I can’t even think about it if I’m not happy!

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