A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1155 Luxury Fleet

In just over an hour, more than a hundred friends from all over the country came.

The ruins of the Zhang Family Courtyard and the independent streets were bustling with activity.

The chefs from Huali Village in the backyard are all in place, and three carts of the top ingredients that can be seen in Bianliang City have been purchased.

The temporary resting area outside the memorial shed and pergola is all ready.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Lu Fei was preparing to go to the airport to greet Feng Yuanyang's chartered flight and Zhang Huaizhi's body.

Hearing that Lu Fei was going to the airport to greet Zhang Huaizhi's body, everyone except those who were busy asked to follow him.

When he came outside the street, Lu Fei was shocked.

At that time, Tan Xingchen said that there were more than 300 people waiting at the street entrance, and Lu Fei was still a little skeptical.

Now seeing it with his own eyes, Lu Fei was shocked.

It seemed that Tan Xingchen was still talking about a conservative figure. The real number was at least five hundred, a huge area of ​​darkness.

Seeing Lu Fei come out, a large group of reporters rushed over crazily with long guns and short cannons.

In the restricted area of ​​​​the special police, shouting at the top of your lungs.

"Mr. Lu, can you accept my interview?"

"Mr. Lu, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Mr. Lu, can I delay you for a few minutes?"

"Mr. Lu, what is your relationship with Mr. Zhang Huaizhi?"

"Mr. Lu."

No matter how the reporters shouted, Lu Fei never answered.

SWAT cleared the road and everyone got in the car.

A fleet of more than forty luxury cars drove toward the airport with double flashlights.

With such a huge team going out, Jubi has something important to do.

The professional reporters quickly got into the car and followed behind.

As a result, the number of fleets nearly doubled in an instant.

Those who shoot videos and play live broadcasts cannot follow, but everyone is not idle.

Went to the street corner to live broadcast in front of the huge funeral shed.

"Family, I am now in Bianliang City, the ancient capital of the Eight Dynasties.

Hongxia Road. "

"Have you noticed that this huge memorial shed was prepared by Mr. Lu Fei for his elder Zhang Huaizhi?"

"There are as many as a hundred people from all walks of life who came to support Mr. Lu Fei today. The occasion is unprecedented!"

"Currently, Mr. Lu Fei's convoy has left, and the big liar will continue to stay and observe."

"I believe there will be a bigger event soon."

“Old fellows, remember to double-click to follow!”

"Our next video will be updated in real time"

For an ordinary wedding, renting ten or eight luxury cars is spectacular enough.

But Lu Fei and his team had more than sixty vehicles.

The dozens of cars at the front were even more impressive.

Not to mention the fourth-tier cities like Bianliang, even in any first-tier big city, such a huge fleet can be said to be majestic.

After leaving Zhangjia, wherever the convoy went, the rate of turning back was 100%.

Countless passers-by stopped to take photos and reposted the videos.

Soon, the video of the team went viral.

Combined with the video taken in front of Lu Fei's house, everyone knew that this was Lu Fei's motorcade.

After all this turmoil, Lu Fei’s name once again dominates the Internet.

The convoy came to the suburbs, and a flatbed semi-trailer truck prepared by Wan Jiakai and a 100-ton crane joined it.

After passing another intersection, the air-conditioned hearse of Bianliang Funeral Home also squeezed in.

Seeing these three cars, the reporters following behind were even more confused.

The motorcade arrived at the airport, and Xiao Nai Gou and Wang Xinlei went down to negotiate.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the special passage opened and Lu Fei's motorcade drove directly in, but the reporters' cars were ruthlessly blocked outside.

A few notes

The victim was not reconciled and immediately got out of the car to negotiate with the staff.

"Hello, Mr. Lu Fei and I are together. Please let us go."

"Sorry, Mr. Lu Fei has provided the internal vehicle information. Your car is not among them. Please wait outside."

"Brother, you are mistaken. Mr. Lu Fei and I are really together."

"Please, please?"

"Okay, you call Mr. Lu Fei. As long as Mr. Lu Fei admits that you are with him, we will let you go immediately," the staff said.


"Brother, can you please be accommodating? Can I give you money?"

"Absolutely not, please wait outside."

"Big Brother"

Li Yunhe greeted him in advance and came inside. The person in charge of freight had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Hello Mr. Lu, I am An Changming, the freight team leader. Nice to meet you."

"Hello Mr. An, I'm causing trouble for you."

"Mr. Lu, you're welcome. Mr. Feng's charter flight has arrived. I'll take you there right away."

"Good work."

Arriving in front of the plane, Lu Fei and Feng Yuanyang hugged and saluted.

"Uncle Feng, thank you so much."

"If one family doesn't speak the same language as the other, please don't be polite to me."

“Let’s load the car first!”

"Let's talk again after we get back."

Next to the plane, a solid wood packaging box three meters high, five meters wide, and five meters long has been unloaded.

The crane arranged by An Changming was ready, so only the crane prepared by Lu Fei himself was left.

The semi-trailer truck drove over, and within five minutes, the packaging box was successfully hoisted.

Fifteen minutes later, the packaging box was fixed.

After thanking An Changming again, Lu Fei asked the truck to wait outside.

After waiting for another ten minutes, the Jincheng luxury charter plane landed smoothly.

More than a dozen brothers, including the chief steward Xu Maochen and Wan Xiaofeng, escorted Zhang Huaizhi's body back to Bianliang.

The warehouse door opened, and Lu Fei was the first to rush forward.

Touching the ice coffin, Lu Fei was filled with guilt, and two lines of tears fell uncontrollably.

An Changming ran up to take a look and said.

"Mr. Lu, please wait a moment, I will arrange the hydraulic tractor."

"Don't worry, Mr. Laoan, we can carry it ourselves."


"Mr. Lu, the ice coffin plus the body weighs at least eight hundred kilograms!"


"Thank you Mr. An, we can do it."

He asked Wang Xinlei to give An Changming a big red envelope.

Lu Fei immediately kissed the coffin bearers.

The first one is naturally Xu Maochen.

Followed by Xie Chuncheng, Feng Zhe, Wang Hailong, Xia family uncles and nephews, plus the strongest Zhu Tianbao and himself, there are exactly eight people.

Lu Fei and Xu Maochen held the head of the ice coffin and looked at Zhang Huaizhi's body covered with a sheet inside the ice coffin. Lu Fei forced a smile.

"Old Zhangtou, Lu Fei planned to take you to Jincheng to enjoy the blessings, but he didn't expect that it would endanger your life."

"Lu Fei is sorry for you, but Lu Fei will definitely do what he promised you."

"Now, Taoshaifei will take you home."


Lu Fei gave an order, and eight people smoothly lifted the ice coffin and slowly stepped off the plane. Relatives and friends lined up on both sides to observe silence.

After carrying the ice coffin onto the hearse, Lu Fei waved goodbye to An Changming.

The hearse took the lead, and the motorcade followed behind with double flashes and left the airport in a mighty manner.

After driving out of the airport, Lu Fei and the little puppy sat on both sides of the hearse throwing away money.

Snow-white paper money is flying all over the sky, heading towards the Zhang family with endless desolation and sorrow and Zhang Huaizhi's soul.

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