A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1167 Love at first sight

Standing in front of Zhang Huaizhi's soul, feeling the countless gazes around them, the hearts of Deng Shaohui and Jiang Mingzhe kept twitching.

Lu Fei, who was standing beside them, looked up at Zhang Huaizhi's coffin and took a long breath.

"Old Zhangtou, the two young men from Tiandu City are here to repay your kindness!"


Lu Fei gave an order, and the two young men pushed the golden mountain and fell the jade pillar and knelt straight on the cement floor.

With this kneeling, the dignity of the arrogant and domineering young man from Tiandu was completely shattered.


The two young men gritted their teeth and touched their heads to the ground.

"Two kowtows!"

"Kowtow three times!"

"Kowtow again!"

After the salute, Lu Fei knelt down and whispered.

"You two should slowly repent here!"

"One person must stay when you go to the toilet, and you must not go to the toilet for more than five minutes."

"Don't play tricks on me or you will suffer the consequences."

"Lu Fei, you'd better cure my father's disease, otherwise I'll kill your whole family!" Deng Shaohui said with splitting eyes and gritted teeth.

"What did you say?"

“I didn’t hear you clearly Hi!”

"Can you please say it again, Mr. Deng?"


"What, you don't dare to say anything anymore?"


"You don't need to worry about what's going on between me and your father, and you can't control it."

"Repent well here and let the pain wash away your sinful hearts."

"After this, your state of mind will definitely be sublimated."

Lu Fei stood up, lit a cigarette, and went over to chat with the three elders.

Seeing the two young men kneeling in front of the soul like bereaved dogs, the younger brothers howled happily.

Especially Ji Yong, who had been bullied by Jiang Mingzhe, was so excited that his blood boiled and his heart surged.

The little puppy barked with excitement.

"Ji Yong!"

"Tell the chef to add a snack at noon. I am happy today and must have two drinks at noon!"

"It's so happy, so happy!"

The ladies sitting on the other side of the pergola frowned.

Kong Jiaqi sighed and said.

"Sister Chen Xiang, what grudge does Lu Fei have with them?"

"It seems like these two families are very afraid of Lu Fei!"

"I don't know about this either," Chen Xiang said.

"No matter what the grudge is, Lu Fei's behavior is a bit excessive."

"These two families are not easy to mess with. Aren't Lu Fei afraid of their revenge?"

"Sister Chen Xiang, please advise Lu Fei, it's not good to be so arrogant."

"Sooner or later, you will suffer a big loss." Kong Jiaqi said.

"I believe Lu Fei, he must have his reasons for doing this." Chen Xiang said.

When the time came to nine o'clock in the morning, a large number of friends came from all over the country to support us.

Yang Haiwen from the Northeast came, and Wang Xian from Yunnan arrived.

Almost all agents of Tengfei Pharmaceutical are in place.

The wreaths sent by everyone were arranged in two large rows, and they were about to extend to the street.

Li Yunhe rushed over after a while.

Unfortunately, as soon as he reached the intersection, Lu Fei called and scolded him.

Zhang Huan is about to give birth, and this kind of casual occasion is not something that this guy can easily participate in.

Lu Fei couldn't bear the responsibility if his happiness was violated.

Li Yunhe left, and a large group of people came.

Seeing these people, Lu Fei's head suddenly grew bigger.

The ones who came were not enemies, but my own family members.

Zheng Wenjuan and her second sister-in-law led the team, and everyone in the family arrived.

"Sister Zheng, didn't you say you wouldn't be allowed to come?" Lu Fei asked.

"I don't want to bring them here either, but Zhang Dafa, Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Ma don't agree!"

"I haven't eaten a bite of food since yesterday morning because I insisted on seeing Mr. Zhang for the last time." Zheng Wenjuan said.

Mrs. Ma was supported by Xue Jinjiao and came to Lu Fei.

Looking at Mrs. Ma again, her face was sallow and she looked like she was naked. Lu Fei felt extremely distressed.

"Old lady, why are you doing this?"

"Xiao Fei, Brother Zhang is a good person!"

"Just let me kowtow to Brother Zhang!"

After getting along for more than half a year, these elderly people have developed a deep friendship.

Seeing Zhang Huaizhi suffer this misfortune, Mrs. Ma and Zhang Dafa were heartbroken and shed tears all day long.

Now the two old men have each lost two laps of weight.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Okay, I promise you."

"But you must also promise me not to be overly sad."

"If something happens to you two, I really won't be able to survive." Lu Fei said.

"Okay, I won't cry, I won't cry."

They said they would not cry, but when they arrived at the funeral, the two old men couldn't control themselves at all, and they cried so hard that ghosts and gods came to their deaths.

It took a lot of effort to help the second elder to rest.

Lu Fei came out again, and there were people outside again.

In the direction of the street, a beautiful figure was walking in front.

Followed by four men in black carrying two pairs of wreaths.

This woman wore a shawl, no makeup, and a well-tailored black suit.

With a graceful figure and beautiful facial features, she is none other than the chairman of Anxi Group, Mo Xueqing.

Mo Xueqing appeared, and the eyes of the men present were filled with excitement.

It's not that these people are ungrateful, it's because Mo Xueqing is so beautiful that even Master Zhao Yuting and Master Huixian, who had just finished the ritual, were a little uneasy.

The ladies who accompanied their husbands were discussing various ideas.

Seeing Mo Xueqing who was causing trouble to the country and the people, and the way their men looked at Mo Xueqing, the ladies were furious.

Go back to your man immediately.

Duan Qingyi kept an eye on the little puppy, and Chen Xiang came to Lu Fei's side. In full view of everyone, she took Lu Fei's arm without hesitation. \u003c


Lu Fei chuckled after patting Rou Yi who was afraid of Chen Xiang.

"Please, can you have some faith in me?"

Chen Xiang didn't answer, but rolled his eyes and offered it.

Approaching everyone, Mo Xueqing smiled humbly, nodded slightly to the bosses, and then went straight to Lu Fei.

"Xue Qing just received the news, so she came a little late."

"Mr. Lu, please forgive me."

The two shook hands instantly.

"Despite his busy schedule, Mo always came to support me. Lu Fei is very grateful."

"Mr. Lu, you're welcome."

Mo Xueqing said and took the initiative to extend her arm to Chen Xiang.

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

Chen Xiang greeted politely.

"Hello, Mr. Mo!"

"I'm going to express my condolences to the old man first, and we'll talk later!"

Mo Xueqing came to the funeral and burned a stick of incense.

Step back and place your hands on your abdomen, bowing respectfully.

When bowing, Zhu Tianbao's eyes widened when he saw Mo Xueqing's graceful figure.

Pulling the little milk dog and saying excitedly.

"Brother Long, Brother Long, I like this."

"This woman is beautiful and has a lot of flesh and a big ass. She must be easy to give birth to."


Duan Qingyi glared at Zhu Tianbao so hard that he almost laughed out loud.

The little nanny pulled Zhu Tianbao aside and whispered.

"You kid, please speak softly, it will be very bad if others hear you."

"Brother Long, you promised to help me find a mother-in-law, and I fell in love with this woman."

"It's up to you!"


"Brother, your vision is good!"


"Hey, shit, let me tell you, this bitch is not a good bird, you can't stop yelling."

"Brother Tianlong will introduce you to a better one."

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