A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1168 Everything is possible

Zhu Tianbao found the puppy and said that he fell in love with Mo Xueqing at first sight.

The little puppy's nose became angry when he heard it.

The little dog said in his heart, this crazy person’s vision is not ordinary!

It seems that I was too hasty when I promised to find him a wife.

The little milk dog tactfully told Zhu Tianbao that he would introduce a better one to him another day. Zhu Tianbao felt unhappy and his face instantly darkened.

"Brother Long, your words don't mean what you say."

"Hey, it's not that Brother Long is untrustworthy, this woman is not your type at all."

"Can you please be practical?"

"When you go out with Brother Fei in the future, you will find that there are many women who are better than her." .??.

"I guarantee that you will be spoiled for choice when the time comes!" said the little milk dog.

"But I just like this girl."


The little naughty dog ​​was speechless. Bai Zirui and others came over to understand the situation and laughed out loud.

"Tianbao, this woman is extraordinary, don't worry about it, kid." Bai Zirui said with a smile.


Zhu Tianbao had a dark face and wanted to say something else, but Mo Xueqing came over after expressing condolences.

"Hello, Mr. Di!"

"Mr. Bai, long time no see!"

"Hello, Mr. Mo."

"Mr. Mo is getting more and more beautiful!"

"Mr. Bai is joking, Xueqing"

Just as he was talking, Zhu Tianbao suddenly squeezed in front of Mo Xueqing, shook his head and smiled in a vulgar way, and said loudly at the top of his lungs.

"My name is Zhu Tianbao, brother Fei, with an annual salary of two million. Can you be my wife?"


Zhu Tianbao's sudden voice frightened Mo Xueqing so much that she turned pale and ran away with a loud scream.

The people around him were stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

Mo Xueqing's face turned red with shame, she nodded with Lu Fei, covered her face and ran away.

Zhu Tianbao was about to catch up when he was grabbed by Lu Fei


"Why are you so crazy?"

"Brother Fei, I like that girl, I want to marry her!"


At this time, the people around him laughed so much that they shed tears, and even Chen Xiang laughed out loud.

The only one who didn't laugh was Lu Fei.

Lu Fei said after patting Zhu Tianbao on the shoulder.

"are you serious?"

Zhu Tianbao nodded heavily.



"Work hard with me and marry Mo Xueqing within two years." Lu Fei said.


Zhu Tianbao had a convulsion and everyone burst into laughter.

But when these words came out of Lu Fei's mouth, the whole audience was shocked.

"Brother, are you crazy too?"

"This is Mo Xueqing!"

"Those businessmen in the south invite her to dinner, and the reservation fee starts at five million."

"Isn't this a fantasy?" said the little milk dog.


"Be my brother and anything is possible."

“Don’t look at Tianbao’s unknown reputation now.”

"As long as Tianbao works hard, he will be beyond their reach in two years," Lu Fei said.

Zhu Tianbao nodded seriously.

"Brother Fei, I will be obedient and do my job well!"

The appearance of Mo Xueqing gave the insane Zhu Tianbao a goal and made him extremely excited.

After the interlude, Lu Fei asked Xiao Nai Dog and others to buy tables, chairs and tableware.

There were more than 200 friends present today, and there was no room for seating in the backyard, so we had to set up ten more tables in the pergola.

As soon as the little puppy left the street, he called and said it was Zheng

Guangrong and his son were waiting outside.

Seeing the scene yesterday, the Zheng family and his son were frightened to death.

I went back and started raising money everywhere, mortgaged three properties, and finally raised 5.3 million this morning.

The figure that Lu Fei said at that time was not nonsense. He asked Xuanlong's people to investigate secretly. There was no secret at all in front of Lu Fei about the dirty money collected by the Zheng family and his son over the years.

Five million is the dirty money they should spit out, and three hundred thousand is their punishment.

After collecting enough money, the Zheng family and his son prepared to meet Lu Fei.

But when they arrived at Zhangjia Street, the two men were completely stunned.

There were no less than a hundred luxury cars gathered outside the street, and there were also special police officers to maintain order among the crowds.

Seeing such a scene, the two men did not have the courage to go in.

After waiting outside for several hours, the two men were even more frightened as they watched one big boss after another enter.

Zheng Guangrong knew that the little milk dog was someone close to Lu Fei. When he saw him coming out, he stopped the little milk dog.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei called the two girls and walked out together.

When the two parties met, the Zheng family's father and son were much more polite than the eunuch.

"Lu Fei, no no, Mr. Lu, we all agree with what you said yesterday."

"We sold our properties and raised enough money. It's all in this card. You can keep it." Zheng Guangrong said.

Lu Fei took the bank card and handed it directly to Liang Ruyi.

"Go and check to see if the amount is correct. After checking, you two will split it equally. Spend whatever you want!"


The two girls jumped away.

Seeing that all his belongings were turned into pocket money for the two girls, Zheng Fu felt extremely wronged, but had no choice but to commit suicide.

"Principal Zheng, how are the other preparations going?" Lu Fei asked.

"I listen to you."

“Resign if you are rich today.”

"There will be a school-wide meeting tomorrow morning and I will take office immediately.

Appoint Professor Li as department chair. "

"In order not to cause unnecessary discussion, I plan to resign next Monday. Do you think it's okay?"

Lu Fei nodded.


"You won't hate me if I force you to retire, right?"

"No, absolutely not!"

"It's okay if you don't!"

"I'm very busy here so I won't accompany you."

"I hope Principal Zheng will keep his promise and do things well as you said."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I will execute it to the letter."

At noon, a banquet was held in front of Zhang's house.

The well-fed bosses were sitting on simple round stools and using disposable tableware, but no one complained. On the contrary, they were enjoying themselves.

After lunch, Lu Fei handed over the scene to Xu Maochen and Guan Haishan.

He and Ma Qingfeng took a dozen workers to the Chenglong Treasure Cave in Lingquan Mountain to dig holes.

Two hours later, the grave was dug, Ma Qingfeng stayed at Lingquan Mountain, and Lu Fei returned to the Zhang family.

A flatbed truck arrived at the scene at 4:30 p.m.

Without any ceremony, the unlucky young man Deng Shaohui was asked to carry the soul-guiding flag, Jiang Mingzhe was asked to hold the spirit tablet, and Lu Fei selected twenty-two people to carry the coffin and carry the spirit.

The giant coffin was smoothly carried to the car and fixed, and Lu Fei selected eight more friends to get on the car to protect the spirit and throw away money.

The hearse started slowly, and the Taoist priests from Yanqing Temple followed behind on foot.

Behind the Taoist priests are the monks of Xiangguo Temple, and their magical instruments are ringing Sanskrit sounds loudly.

A dozen workers were left at home to dismantle the memorial shed, and all the friends who came to support them followed and walked out of the street.

When we got outside, everyone got in the car.

The hearse started, followed by hundreds of luxury cars with double flashes, slowly driving towards Lingquan Mountain.

With such a huge scale and momentum, it was filmed and broadcast live by countless reporters and netizens, which immediately caused a sensation on the entire Internet.

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