A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1169 Guilty Conscience

The luxury funeral convoy that shocked the entire Internet slowly drove to the foot of Lingquan Mountain.

The hearse drove directly up the mountain road that had been repaired, and the guests' vehicles could only park below.

A small piece of open space at the foot of the mountain can only park twenty cars, and the rest stretches along the road, with a queue of several hundred meters.

Lu Fei's little buddy and best friend followed him up the mountain, while the others were waiting at the bottom of the mountain under the guidance of Jia Yuan.

When they came to the mountain, Ma Qingfeng had finished warming the cave, and Lu Fei and others carried the coffin down.

According to the rules, there should be eight people carrying the coffin, and these eight people are also called the "Eight Immortals."

However, because the coffin was too big and heavy, the rules had to be abandoned.

Ma Qingfeng asked four workers to use wooden poles to lift up a rainproof cloth to block the sun, while the Taoists opened the coffin and corrected the position of the body.

Zhao Yuting then personally presided over the consecration ceremony.

After the ceremony, Zhao Yuting asked Lu Fei to watch. Lu Fei waved his hand and asked Zhao Yuting to seal the coffin directly.

I've done everything I need to do, and I can only feel heartbroken after watching it. It's better not to watch it than to do that.

After the coffin is sealed, according to the rules, the filial son is required to go down to the pit to hoard the grains, bronze mirrors, bread and lanterns and place them in the tomb.

But since Zhang Huaizhi had no future, he had no choice but to let Taoist priests do the work for him.

At this point, Lu Fei has to give extra money to others.

This is the rule.

In fact, Lu Fei could force Deng Shaohui and Jiang Mingzhe to go into the trap.

But the placement of these things was of great importance, and Lu Fei still couldn't worry about it.

Do everything well and wait for the sun to turn west.

They were buried at the same time as the sun set.

The coffin was put down, the position was carefully adjusted, and the two young men were asked to kneel in front of the grave after confirming it was correct. Lu Fei and the others began to fill in the soil.

At the foot of the mountain, guests chatted with each other.

Apart from the three elders, Jiang Hongyang and Deng Xinhua were surrounded by the most people.

These two are super bosses. If you establish a relationship with them, your future will be bright.

In normal times, the people present could make these two big guys take a high look, except for the three

Among the foreigners, the only ones are Di Chaodong, Chen Hongyi and Wang Hongbin.

Others, they just don’t give a shit.

But it was different today. In order to save Lu Fei's face, Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang put down their big boss airs and communicated politely and casually with these businessmen.

This made the businessmen feel flattered and admired the two big men.

At this moment, four black off-road vehicles slowly drove over.

In the more than two hundred meters from the road to the small square at the foot of the mountain, there is only one dirt road that can accommodate one car.

In order to ensure the smooth flow of this dirt road, except for the two dozen or so cars at the foot of the mountain, all cars were parked on the road and walked over.

But these four cars came straight over and stopped in the middle of the road when they got close.

This made the people present quite unhappy, and they looked at these cars at the same time.

Guan Haishan frowned and said to his junior brother Jia Yuan.

"Lao Wu, go and see if this is our car?"

"If it's our car, let him drive out."

"If there are other vehicles, discuss with them to clear this road."

"Lest trucks come down later and cause congestion."

Jia Yuan nodded and was about to go over. The doors of four cars in the middle of the road opened at the same time, and twelve young men with tall stature and extraordinary abilities got out.

These men are all over 1.8 meters tall, all wearing black suits and short haircuts.

The waist is straight, and the eyebrows are heroic and capable.

Twelve young people got out of the car and stood there. Then the rear door of the first car opened and a middle-aged man with gray sideburns stepped out.

No one recognized the twelve young men, but the appearance of this middle-aged man really surprised everyone present.

Dong Jianye.

This is something special

Boss Dong Jianye!

Why did he come here?

Could it be that he was also cheering and helping Lu Fei?

No way! ??

Can Lu Fei have such a great reputation?

Besides, the funeral is almost over, so it wouldn’t be unreasonable to come and cheer at this time, right?

While everyone was in doubt, Dong Jianye trotted over to the three elders with a smile on his face and bowed quickly.

"Hello Mr. Li!"

"Mr. Wang, you are blessed!"

"Mr. Fang!"

"We haven't seen each other for a while. How are you?"

Fang Shinan patted Dong Jianye on the shoulder and laughed.

"Thanks to you, everything is fine with the old man."

"You also helped Lu Fei?"

"Why did you come here now?"


Just as Dong Jianye was about to speak, Li Ping'an glared and drank.

"You bastard, you don't know how to show off anymore."

"People park their cars outside, why are you so special?"

"The cars above are about to come down. Ask your people to clear the road quickly."

Although Dong Jianye's official title is not the highest, he holds real power.

Except for Li Ping'an, no one dared to talk to him like this.

Dong Jianye nodded repeatedly after hearing this.


"Master, don't be angry, I'll move right now!"

"that whoever!"

"Pull the car over quickly!"

The order was issued, and Dong Jianye nodded to Chen Hongyi again.

"Brother Chen is here too!"


"Jianye, are you here to help Lu Fei too?" Chen Hongyi asked.

Dong Jianye smiled slightly.

"I do want to help Baoshaifei.

But I have a lot of work to do and I really don’t have time! "


"Did you come here with a mission?" Li Ping'an asked.

"Return to the old man, it is true."

"You guys chat first, I'm going to do some errands, and I'll be back with you later!"

Dong Jianye finished speaking and was about to leave, but was stopped by Li Ping'an again.

"Wait a moment!"

"Master, do you have any other instructions?"

"Xiao Dong, old man, let me say a few words."

"Did Lu Fei get into trouble again?"

"I shouldn't ask this, but we are all our own people, so I won't be polite to you."

"If Lu Fei is really in trouble, can you calm down and wait until Lu Fei comes down?"

"Lu Fei is burying Mr. Zhang up there. It's not appropriate for you to go up at this time."

Li Ping'an thought Dong Jianye was here to arrest Lu Fei and asked worriedly.

Dong Jianye said with a smile.

"Don't worry, old man. It's just a small matter that I'm here for. It has nothing to do with Lu Fei."

"You guys, please continue chatting. Don't let me ruin your mood. Xiao Dong can't bear that."

Since it was not Lu Fei's arrest, Li Ping'an felt relieved and nodded before letting Dong Jianye leave.

Farewell to the three elders for a moment, Dong Jianye walked towards the place where the crowd was the densest.

Along the way, everyone was smiling, nodding and saying hello to acquaintances.

Guan Haishan, Qian Shaobin and others were chatting and laughing with Dong Jianye, but Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang felt guilty when they saw Dong Jianye.

The previous case was intercepted by the Special Branch, and all files and records are in the hands of the Special Branch.

In the past few days, they have been on guard against special circumstances, fearing that the situation would fall into Dong Jianye's hands.

Whatever is scary comes from nowhere. After greeting everyone, Dong Jianye walked straight towards him.

A very bad feeling suddenly flashed through Deng Xinhua's mind, and this feeling became more and more intense, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

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