A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1170 It’s chaos

As the saying goes, whatever you fear will come to you.

Recently, the two big guys have been afraid that special people will come to their door, but today they met Dong Jianye.

Moreover, Dong Jianye was walking towards them, and the two bosses suddenly felt something was wrong.

When they arrived, Dong Jianye greeted him politely with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Deng, hello Mr. Jiang!"

"Don't be polite, Mr. Dong. Are you here to help Mr. Lu too?" Deng Xinhua was panicking in his heart but calm on the outside.


"There are so many people here, and there is not too much of me, but there is not too much of me."

"I'm here specifically to meet the two bosses."


After Dong Jianye finished speaking, the two big guys were stunned like a thunderbolt.

The people around him subconsciously took a few steps back.

The special department is dispatched and the cliffhanger is a big event.

It would be even more evil if the boss Dong Jianye appeared in person.

Before the specific situation is unknown, it is better to stay away from him to avoid being exposed to bad luck.

After being stunned for two seconds, Deng Xinhua chuckled.

"Mr. Dong, is there any case that requires our cooperation?"

"In that case, I'll make a call and you can contact the vice president directly, no problem."


"Mr. Deng is right. There is indeed a case that requires your cooperation."

"I'm afraid that's not possible, Vice President. I'd better ask you two to come with me in person!" Dong Jianye said.


The words "take a trip" are often seen in Chinese film and television works.

When Dong Jianye said it, everyone in the room understood what it meant.

In an instant, countless incredible eyes looked at Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang.

The two bosses had dry lips and pale faces, their heads were buzzing, and their legs were trembling.

"Dong, Mr. Dong, what do you mean by this? I don't understand!" Deng Xinhua asked anxiously.


"It's okay if you don't understand. Let's communicate slowly after we go back."

"It's getting dark soon, two bosses, please come with me!"

"The special plane has been waiting for a long time."

When Dong Jianye said this, his face was filled with a harmless smile.

But such a smile frightened the two bosses to death.

The two looked at each other and Jiang Hongyang asked.

"Mr. Dong, Mr. Deng and I came to Bianliang, firstly to help Mr. Lu, and also to seek medical treatment from Mr. Lu."

"I believe you also know that our condition is urgent."

"If there's nothing special, can we talk about it later?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, it's really something special."

"I think you two should go back with me first. It's not too late to seek medical treatment from Lu Fei after everything is done!" Dong Jianye said.

"Mr. Dong, what is going on? Can you explain it clearly?" Deng Xinhua asked.

Dong Jianye chuckled.

"Both big guys are smart people, I think there's no need for that!"

Jiang Hongyang said with a slightly unhappy expression.

"Dong Jianye, you'd better speak clearly."

"If we just leave with you, outsiders will make random suspicions."

"It's best not to have such a misunderstanding happen, don't you think?"


"Don't you know what the two big guys did?"

"If I insist on saying it, do you two find it interesting?"

"Stop doing this."

"We are not afraid of slanting shadows when we are upright. There is nothing shameful about us." Jiang Hongyang said seriously.

"All right!"

"Then I'll give the two bosses some tips."

"Zou Hui, the former deputy director of the National Museum of China, is at my place."

"And Yang Zhenhuai, the leader of the task force personally appointed by President Deng, is drinking tea at my place."

"That's enough

? "Dong Jianye said.


It’s over!

Completely finished!

Hearing these words, the two big men's three souls and six souls were wandering in the sky, and their energy and energy were instantly drained, like two eggplants beaten by frost, quickly wilting.

Zou Hui and Yang Zhen fell into the hands of Dong Jianye, which was absolutely a complete failure.

Go back with Dong Jianye?

Absolutely not! ??

If I go back obediently, I'm afraid I'll never come back again.

After thinking about the serious consequences, the two bosses looked determined.

"Dong Jianye, I don't understand what you are talking about!"

"I, Deng Xinhua, am honest and have done nothing untoward."

"Even if I violate discipline, it's not your turn to point fingers."

"If you want me to come with you, get the instructions from above."

"There is no instruction. With all due respect, you, Dong Jianye, do not have that qualification." Deng Xinhua said.

"Mr. Deng is right!"

"If you want to arrest us, you must have the instructions of a big leader. You, Dong Jianye, are not worthy!" Jiang Hongyang shouted.

Dong Jianye took out his cigarette and lit it with a smile. Then, with a wave of his hand, his men opened the briefcase and handed a red-headed document to Dong Jianye.

Holding the document and shaking it, Dong Jianye said with a smile.

"Boss, I'm sorry!"

"I've brought the instructions!"

"Since the two big guys don't understand, let me read it for you!"

"By the way, this is an instruction signed by Mr. Pan himself!"

"Deng Xinhua, Jiang Hongyang, etc. abused their power for personal gain and had huge assets of unknown origin."

"Order the Special Branch to arrest the above-mentioned persons and inventory all unidentified assets."



Even the step of taking it back for review is omitted, which shows that the evidence is conclusive.

This time it's completely over. \u003c


Before Dong Jianye could finish reading, the two big guys fell to the ground like two puddles of mud.

Each one of them looked as pale as a mourning concubine, and seemed to have aged more than ten years in an instant.

The people around were even more shocked.


Did Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang abuse their power for personal gain?

Or was it an order signed by Mr. Pan himself?

Oh my god!

This is a big event!

Guan Haishan connected what Dong Jianye said before and after, and instantly got goosebumps all over his body.

Coming to Dong Jianye, Guan Haishan asked.

"Dong Jianye, you just mentioned Zou Hui and Yang Zhenhuai."

"Could it be that Mr. Jiang and Mr. Deng are the masterminds behind the frame-up of Bao Lanfei?"


When Guan Haishan said this, everyone gasped.

In an instant, the crowd of several hundred people fell silent.

Everyone stretched their necks and raised their ears, waiting for Dong Jianye's reply.

Dong Jianye looked at the two big guys, nodded slightly and said to Guan Haishan.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Guan. The case is serious and I'm sorry for the inconvenience of disclosing it."



Dong Jianye's nod said everything.

After getting the result, Guan Haishan's eyes became bloodshot at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his lips were bitten.

Guan Haishan suddenly rushed over, grabbed Jiang Hongyang's hair, swung his arm and opened his mouth.

"Son of a bitch!"

"You two wicked bastards!"

"You two are going to die badly!"

"You used my senior brother to frame Bao Lanfei and made my master angry to death. I'll beat you to death!"


Guan Haishan shouted with tears streaming down his face, opened his mouth and bit Jiang Hongyang's neck. Dong Jianye quickly hugged him.

As soon as he hugged Guan Haishan, Jia Yuan, Gong Xiuliang, and Zhao Bo rushed forward with teeth and claws, and now everything was in fucking chaos.

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