A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1171 Big Boss Nemesis

What a mess!

The general consultant of China Archeology and the leader of China Cultural Protection Bureau, together with Gong Xiuliang and Zhao Bo, beat Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang in public.

Who are the six people on both sides?

Screaming and scolding and fighting in front of hundreds of people, this is simply an anecdote for the ages!

Brother Guan Haishan went crazy. Not only did he use the front and back fists, but he even showed off the old lady's classic move of rubbing carrots.

More than ten meters apart, it took less than three seconds for the Special Branch team members to rush up.

But in these three seconds, Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang were already miserable.

His hair was disheveled and there were many scratches on his face.

Not to mention them, even Dong Jianye was bitten by the crazy Guan Haishan.

Being pulled away by the team members, Guan Haishan sat on the ground and cried loudly.

"You bastard, pay back my master!"

"Give it back to me"

After shouting twice, Guan Haishan fainted.

Dong Jianye cursed, asked the team members to control Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang, and called Xue Taihe to come over and rescue Guan Haishan.

There was chaos here, and two middle-aged people walked over accompanied by an old man on the highway.

It was none other than Cui Hongwei and Qu Yang escorted Gao Feng to kowtow to Zhang Huaizhi and apologize.

When I reached the peak, I was confused.

After understanding the situation, Gao Feng went crazy again, and four or five people took action to hold the old man down.

When everything calmed down, Dong Jianye was panting from exhaustion.

He glared at the two bosses and ordered the team members to take them away quickly.

"Wait a minute!" Deng Xinhua shouted.

"Hello my two bosses!"

"You can't stay in the place of right and wrong for long. If you have any questions, let's talk about it after we go back, okay?"

"Escort the two bosses away." Dong Jianye shouted.

"Wait, wait a moment."

"Dong Jianye, I beg you, my son Shaohui is still up here, can you let me see my son?" Deng Xinhua said.

"Mr. Deng, don't worry. You go first. I'll pick up the two young men."\u003c


"When you return to Tiandu City, you will definitely have a chance to meet."

"Dong Jianye, what do you mean by this?" Deng Xinhua asked.

"Don't you understand what it means?"

"I didn't read the entire list just now. The names of the eldest young men of your two families are also on it!" Dong Jianye said with a smile.


"No, impossible!"

"Dong Jianye, you must have made a mistake."

"Everything has nothing to do with Shaohui. You can't touch him."

"No way!" Deng Xinhua shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Mr. Deng, please stop shouting. You, the father, know best what's going on with your son."

"Come here, escort the two bosses to the car."

"Number 3 and 4, follow me up the mountain." Dong Jianye shouted.

"Dong Jianye, please wait a moment."

"I understand, I understand."

"Is it Lu Fei?"

"It must be Lu Fei's fault, right?"

"Boss Dong, please listen to me, Lu Fei is just a rag-collector, he is a local gangster."

"Our investigation has made it very clear that Lu Fei is not only involved in gangs, but also has a murder case."

"Such a person has absolutely no bottom line in what he does, and his words are absolutely untrustworthy!" Deng Xinhua shouted.


"You have been in office for many years and you know the rules better than anyone else."

"Is there any evidence for what you said?"

"If you can provide evidence, I will personally deal with Lu Fei."

"If you can't come up with it, you will have another crime of false accusation!" Dong Jianye said.

"Yes, I have evidence!"

"Give me five days, not three."

"I will hand over the evidence in three days.

Can I get it from you? "Deng Xinhua said.


"Do you think it's possible?"

"In order to deal with Lu Fei, you ordered Yang Zhenhuai to form a task force to cause trouble, which caused extremely serious consequences."

"If I give you three more days, why don't you poke a hole in the sky?"

"Stop talking about who Lu Fei is. We know better than you. Come with us!" Dong Jianye said.


"I have proof!"

"I can prove Lu Fei is blackmailing!"

"On the night when Mr. Kong's accident happened, Lu Fei blackmailed Mr. Jiang and I each for 500 million."

"I have a recording, and the evidence is absolutely conclusive!" Deng Xinhua said.

Dong Jianye chuckled.

"What a coincidence!"

"I also have this recording."

"I didn't expect that the two bosses are still rich!"

"It's really not easy for you to be as rich as you two!"

"you also have?"

"Did Lu Fei give it to you?" Jiang Hongyang asked.

"Congratulations, you answered correctly."

"I forgot to tell you two."

"The superiors have already informed Lu Fei to cooperate with our investigation and evidence collection."

"Without Lu Fei's help, the case would not have gone so smoothly."

"The commendation order from above has been issued. Lu Fei has received special honors!"


"We've all been tricked by Lu Fei?"

"You bastard!"

"You rag-collecting bastard, you're going to die a hell of a job!"

"Dong Jianye, no matter what, Lu Fei extorted a total of one billion from us. This is a fact."

"I'm just asking you, is this considered blackmail by Lu Fei?" Jiang Hongyang shouted.


"Absolutely not."

"You made it clear that this is compensation for Lu Fei."

"We have verified that Lu Fei's direct losses are much more than one billion."

"That's it, Lu Fei gave you a discount!"


"Okay, this doesn't count. Yesterday at Zhang Huaizhi's home, Lu Fei once again extorted five million from each of us in the name of practicing medicine. What do you say about this?" Jiang Hongyang shouted.

"Mr. Jiang, can you please speak some truth?"

“It’s only natural to spend money on medical treatment.”

"Besides, this is the price you voluntarily gave, and the entire recording is also in my hands. Do you two want to listen to it?"


When Deng Xinhua and Deng Xinhua heard this, they immediately became deflated.

Lu Fei was careful at every step, and there was absolutely no loophole to catch.


Why would a gangster have such scheming intentions?


He is just a rag collector!

With great reluctance, two once brilliant bosses were taken away by someone special.

Everyone in the audience has not fully woken up from the shock. Everything seems to be a dream, which is really unbelievable.

The Shenzhou Police Force took the lead, and the Shenzhou Inspector took the lead. The two super buildings collapsed at the same time.

It's incredible.

What's even more incredible is that the two big guys fell into Lu Fei's hands.

Oh no!

Counting Jiang Hongyang's brother-in-law Lei Zhongshan, three super bosses have been unlucky because of Lu Fei.

As for Lu Fei, we can only make friends with him in the future and never offend him.

This guy is simply the nemesis of the boss!

Now, Kong Jiaqi finally understood why Lu Fei had a bad attitude towards these two families.

At first, it was too much to blame Lu Fei. Thinking that her grandfather's accident was related to these two families, Kong Jiaqi even felt that Lu Fei did not do enough, even if he killed these two families, it would not be too much.

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