A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1172 The final explanation

Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang were eventually taken away by members of the Special Branch.

After everyone's persuasion, the five brothers Guan Haishan calmed down after a while.

Dong Jianye went up the mountain with several team members, five brothers from Guan Haishan, and Qu Yang Cui Hongwei, who was in charge of custody.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi followed.

At this time, the uphill climb and filling have reached the final stage.

The two unlucky young men knelt devoutly in front of the grave, knowing nothing about the situation at the foot of the mountain.

After the last shovel of earth is completed and the tomb door is built, the burial work is over.

According to local rules in Zhongzhou, counting today, the round grave will be held in three days.

Only after the first seven days can the gravestone be pressed and the monument erected.

After driving the two young men to both sides, Lu Fei personally offered incense, knelt down and kowtowed four times to Zhang Huaizhi and his wife, while murmuring something.

"Old Zhangtou, we gentlemen met each other once, but I didn't expect that our fate would be so short-lived."

"Today Lu Fei fulfills your last wish, reunites you and your wife, and avenges you."

"You can rest in peace."

"Lu Fei, can it be over for today?" Deng Shaohui asked with eyes wide open.


"I am very satisfied with the performance of you two."

"Not only today, you won't be here tomorrow either."

"Our grudge ends here." Lu Fei said.

"Really?" The two young men's eyes lit up and they asked in unison.

Lu Fei nodded.

"I, Lu Fei, keep my word."

"It's over, but I want to give you two a piece of advice."

"When you get inside, make a good transformation and work hard to learn some real skills."

"Otherwise, when you come out in the future, you won't even be able to guarantee your basic survival."


Lu Fei's words made the two young men confused for a while.

Looking at each other, Deng Shaohui asked in confusion.

"Lu Fei, what do you mean?"

Lu Fei chuckled and pointed at Dong Jianye who was walking over.


"If you don't understand, you can ask Boss Dong."

"He came specifically to pick you up."

"Dong Jianye?"

The two young men were shocked when they saw Dong Jianye.

Jiang Mingzhe stood stunned on the spot. Deng Shaohui was much smarter than him. He got up and turned around to run away. However, Lu Fei tripped and fell to his death.

At this moment, four members of the Special Branch had rushed forward and held him down with two pairs of big hands.

"Lu Fei, you are not human!"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill your whole family."


The two bereaved dogs were taken away. Gao Feng came over, knelt in front of the grave and kowtowed four times respectfully.

Raising his head, Gao Feng burst into tears and tremblingly said only three words.


He stood up again and looked at Lu Fei, but Lu Fei turned aside and didn't give him a chance at all.

Gao Feng was taken away, and Brother Guan Haishan and his buddies went down the mountain to greet the guests.

Lu Fei took out two pieces of lightning wood that were 20 centimeters long and as thick as his wrist from his bag and handed them to Ma Qingfeng.

"Master Dao, Lu Fei is grateful for your help many times."

"This is a peach tree struck by lightning for one hundred and fifty years. It is disrespectful to be careless."

"After you go back, you can keep one piece for your use, and I ask you to hand over the other piece to Zhenren Zhao."

"After the round tomb, Lu Fei will definitely go to Yanqing to pay homage in person."

"Wha, what?"

"Blessings and blessings are immeasurable."

"Jushi Lu, you, do you think this is?"

"Oh my god!"

Taking the lightning strike wood, he put the two pieces together and knocked lightly. Ma Qingfeng suddenly felt bad.

"Thank you, thank you so much, Mr. Lu."

"Don't worry, if Qingfeng is useful in the future, Qingfeng will never refuse." Ma Qingfeng said excitedly.

"Then Lu Fei will thank Master Dao first."

"Please come first. We have prepared a vegetarian meal at home. Please be sure to enjoy it."


Ma Qingfeng took the people away, and only four people, Dong Jianye, Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi, were left on the mountain.

Dong Jianye came to the grave to offer incense and bowed.

After the ceremony, he took out a cigarette and handed it to Lu Fei, lit one, and the two squatted down and said.

"Deng Xinhua, Jiang Hongyang and nineteen of his party members were all arrested."

"Mr. Pan personally approved the document and will give you a personal note of special merit."

"Tomorrow at zero o'clock, I will clarify it for you on the public platform. You have come to the end of your hardships."

"Where are Yan Yonghui and the others?" Lu Fei asked.

"At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, we will charter a plane to bring it back to you."

“What about the damage to the nightclub?”

"All losses have been accounted for, and I'll give you 60 million."

"After checking the properties of Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang, I will call you as soon as possible." Dong Jianye said.

"Only 60 million?"

"That's enough, buddy."

"How much has been lost? Don't you have any idea how much you have lost?" Dong Jianye said with disgust.

"What to do with the old bear?"

"You don't have to worry about this."

"What will happen to Deng Shaohui and Jiang Mingzhe?"

"Jiang Mingzhe is just a dude, nothing serious."

"It's three years at most."

"Deng Shaohui may not be able to come out within ten years." Dong Jianye said.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Okay, let's do this!"

"Remember, you, Boss Dong, owe me two favors."


"Would you like some Bilian?"

"When did it become two again?"


"In order to cooperate with you to act in advance, the two grandsons will have to observe mourning for two days less. This must be blamed on you."

"It's okay if you don't admit it. Let the two grandsons come back and arrest them two days later."

"Or it's okay for you, Boss Dong, to do it yourself."

"Fuck you, uncle!"

"Okay, just two."

"If you have too many lice, don't bite them. If you have too many debts, don't worry." Dong Jianye said helplessly.

"There is one more thing you can help me with."

"What's going on?"

"Call Jincheng and let Gao Feng go!"

"I will not hold him responsible." Lu Fei said.


"Did you take the wrong medicine?" Dong Jianye asked in disbelief.

Gao Feng was the murderer who indirectly killed Zhang Huaizhi!

According to Baolan Fei's character, not secretly harming Gao Feng is considered a virtue of his ancestors.

But Lu Fei wants to let him go. Why does this sound so unreal?

Lu Fei took a puff of cigarette and said.

"There is something special between Gao Feng and Mr. Kong. This is my final explanation to Mr. Kong."

"Let him go!"

"Okay, I'll make this call for you."

Dong Jianye stood up, patted Lu Fei on the shoulder and said.

"You are really loyal, Mr. Kong was right about you."

"I'm leaving first. I'll pick you up at the airport tomorrow."

"Aren't you going to stay for a drink?"

"No, if I'm with you, I'll make a mistake if I'm not careful. It's better to stay away."

"Beat sex!"

Dong Jianye chuckled and turned around to leave, walked two steps and then turned back.

"Is there anything else?" Lu Fei asked.

"Hey, if Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang get sick, you have to help!" Dong Jianye said.

"No problem, one acupuncture, five million per person, no credit required for cash."


"Then let them suffer a little!"

"Buddha said, if they don't go to hell, who will?"

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